Welcome to Charles Alexander Zorn's Website
The original Chuckles' Virtual
Think Tank (C.V.T.T.)
is now
PhatPhly.com (used to be AffectEffect.com)
For My Students, educators, freethinkers, etc.
***FALL 2018 classes listed here***
(I am teaching TWO General Psychology classes at Lehman Campus only!)
Feel free to email me with questions.
Special announcements here!
New: FALL 2018 classes with Zorn here!
Look for upcoming events and TRIPS.
QUIZZES are here as well as our voluntary extra credit paper!
also at PhatPhly.com, MindInteract.com and Feelverse.com
Be sure you are downloading the CORRECT QUIZ for your class!
MindInteract.com is BACK!!!
Politics/Railings/Bush Countdown Clock- I got it back! Under revision!
Feelverse.com is BACK!!!
Interactivity/Multimedia/Vitality- I got it back! Under revision!
2013 Resume in PDF® and Word®
PDF® or
The first consultation is as free as always!
Send any inquiries by E-mail to:
Revised Note About My Websites circa 7/28/14:
All of my prior sites, owned since the late 90's,
were sold without my knowledge by Register.com to HugeDomains.com.
I got two back but AffectEffect.com is still thousands of dollars.
It's a racket.
have been in excess of 17,102 visitants already!!!
Thanks for giving my site a gander!
All herein, © and ® 1996-2018 reserved by Charles Alexander Zorn