A Selection of Current Papers, Research and Curricular Development
Charles Alexander Zorn, Adjunct Lecturer of Psychology, BMCC, CUNY

These are some projects I am currently engaged in researching.

1. ColabX Group Project: Non-Competitive Methods to Disinhibit and Inspire Expression:
Free-Form Creative Habituation
2. The Influences of Psychological Theory on The Bauhaus School.
Insights to Industry, Influence and Material Propaganda.
3. Modified Montessori Methods and Anticipated Curricular Convergence
4. Euphorics, Dreaming, Laterality and the Corpus Collosum
5. The Psychopathology of Politics: Jung and Mythological Beasts that Emerge in History.
Battles of Thought, Life, and The Avoidance of Cataclysm.
6. Abusive and Narcissistic Tendencies in Creative Relationships:
Ego Tapped Victimization
7. Marrian Structures, Media, Dimensionality and Cross-Spatial Influence.
8. Contagious Hysteria and Domestic Relationships
9. Research in Visual Inquiry and Visual Literacy: Perception, Technology and Deep Skills
10. Unstigmatized Learning in any Classroom and at any Level: Montessori and Beyond. Montessori Methodology and Contemporary Non-Competitive Methods.
11. Imminent: The Three Stooges Theory of Political Usurpation
12. Others pending

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