Colaborative Expression Groups

CoLabX = Colaborative Expression

Moderated by Charles Alexander Zorn

Purpose and Method

The CoLabX Group will strive to meet once a week at first, as the group is able and more often as purpose and intent blossoms. Opportunities will be forged to develop non-competitive, anti-stigmatized, ego-proof expressions in the genres of music, writing, praxis, and experimental media. Building of individual confidence and overcoming performance anxieties will be it's foundational purpose.
Furthermore, it's purpose is to create disinhibited, free-expression in the form of musical groups, written media (poetry, plays, etc.), develop a new understanding of practice and procedure related to creativity and expression, and the exploration of new "experimental" art forms. All warming up to confident public expression and dissemination of the groups creations, be they individual or shared ones.
Core groups will work together to create mutual inspiration and may stay together or spin off as this moderated creative process reveals new direction and purpose.
Maintenance of a positive, encouraging environment for like-minded people, free from destructive egos and narcissistic tendencies frequently rampant in the arts, will be the responsibility of Charles Zorn as he further develops non-competitive methods for collaborative expression in media and the arts towards a doctoral dissertation in psychology.

The following CoLabX Group's Information links will be activated soon:

ColabX-Music Group(Currently Forming!) ColabX-Writing Group ColabX-Praxis Group ColabX-Experimental Group

Send any inquiries of interest or availability by E-mail to: or

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