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ISDC'96 in NYC:
Education Track
Program Descriptions

Principles of Aeronautics

Steven A. Bachmeyer
The presenter has written and developed twelve units for a course of study in the basic principles of aeronautics. Each unit is supported with a student text with hands-on activities, a teacher's guide, lesson plans, videos and software, and a complete "project package." Some activities include: kites, lighter-than-air flight, parachutes, powered flight, flight simulation and control, wind tunnels, and gliders. See a live demonstration of projects you can use in your classroom.

Using Radio Control

Steven A. Bachmeyer
How you can use and teach radio-controlled flight in your classroom. The presenter has developed three complete units that provide students with the opportunity to actually build and fly radio-controlled aircraft in a school setting. It can be done, even on a limited budget! Find out how you can really get your students motivated and flying!

Lift-off: Basic and Advanced Rocketry

Steven A. Bachmeyer
The presenter has developed two units of study that apply science, math, and technology to the study of rocket flight. A high motivational activity that will get your students involved in the study and application of spaceflight. Adaptable to elementary, middle, and high school settings. See how you can not only build and fly rockets, but apply technology, math, science, and computer skills in a truly interdisciplinary setting.

Model Rocket Workshop

Steven A. Bachmeyer
This is a two-hour workshop. The presenter will supply the model rockets, show you how to build a launch pad and a launch controller, and give you the materials to build these. You will take back to school a FREE rocket, launch pad, and controller. Attendees will have to supply the battery!

Phases of the Moon

Kira Nelkin
This is a two-hour workshop. Understanding the phases of the moon through modeling and direct observation. This workshop is designed for teachers in grades 5-8.

Join Us for an Out-of-This-World Experience!
Project: Contact

Robin Vernuccio & Alex Bonnici
This teacher/student workshop will explore the scenario surrounding a "First Contact" with an alien species.

Journey from New York Back to the Moon!
at the Beuhler Challenger Center

Spend an evening with fellow teachers, students, parents, and space enthusiasts on a "Return to the Moon" simulated mission at the Beuhler Challenger Center in Paramus, NJ.

Space and the Disabled

Sue Lorraine Lavorata
How the space program has helped people with disabilities through education, rehabilitation, and adaptive technology. This will be a hands-on workshop demonstrating to teachers how to give access to science to the disabled, as well as presenting the benefits that microgravity and adaptive technology have provided for the disabled.

Use of SETI as a Unifying Paradigm for
Interdisciplinary Education

Mark Ciotola (SEDS)
This workshop will demonstrate how the presentation for the Drake Equation (used to determine expected probability of detecting radio signals from ET intelligent life) can weave together education in diverse fields, including the physical sciences, biological sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

SEDSAT: Students Doing Real Space Science

Mark Ciotola (SEDS)
Abstract to come.

Use of the Web for Science Education

Mark Ciotola (SEDS)
This workshop will demonstrate how to use the SEDS Web site as a hands-on case study.

The Flight Stuff

Ted Colton & Wayne Robinson
This workshop will demonstrate how to develop a "space vehicle" from a school bus to be used in aerospace instruction. Learn how to convert a school bus into a space shuttle and take your kids on exciting missions.

Planetary Exploration

Ellen Goldstein
Participants will be introduced to NASA's educational resources and use some of the material available to investigate the relationship of distance and size within our planetary system.

Space Education Standards

Darlina Swartz
Teachers will learn simple activities to do in their classrooms that will assist them in meeting the national science standards in space science.

Space Art

Darlina Swartz
Following a presentation of "Art in the Solar System," learn ways to engage students in art techniques using aerospace as a theme. Activities demonstrated will be affordable, practical, and fun. Teachers will share ideas they have used in their elementary classrooms.

Integration of Computers and Technology
into the Science Curriculum

Richard J. Tormey, Jr.
Goals: To afford educators an opportunity to become better acquainted with computers and technology; to offer educators an opportunity to experience practical hands-on applications of how computers can be used to enhance their curriculum; and to allow educators to discover the ease with which today's computers and accompanying software programs allow users to discover desired information. The main focus of the presentation will be to discuss the advantages, importance, and, perhaps, necessity of utilizing and including technology in the teaching of science as a whole, but especially in teaching Astronomy and Aerospace.

Shuttle Science

Joan Emerson
A sampling of ideas for classroom teachers who are interested in integrating aerospace education into the existing classroom curriculum with a focus on hands-on activities related to the Space Transportation System. Designed for educators working in elementary grades, the session addresses methods and curricular activities designed to strengthen science understanding using a hands-on approach.

Teaching the Fundamentals of Flight
in the Middle Schools

Noel M. Nunes
Abstract to come.

Challenger Center for
Space Science Education

Paul Stengel
Imagine an international team of professionals dedicated to inspiring young people to explore, to learn through imagination, and to create exciting programs with hands-on experiences that strengthen the way teachers teach and students learn. Welcome to Challenger Center for Space Science Education. Ten years ago, the families of the Challenger crew created the Challenger Foundation to carry on the mission of 51L. Since then, Challenger Center has grown to include Challenger Learning Centers and an international faculty which specializes in presenting aerospace workshops for teachers and "classroom of the future" mission scenarios for students. Learn how Challenger Center can enrich your classroom and how aerospace can be used as an effective vehicle for learning science and math. Experience our favorite aerospace demonstrations designed to put fun back into learning.

Moon Rocks and Meteorites

Dr. Rudy Pohl
See and learn about six Moon rocks and soils on loan from NASA and meteorite fragments found on seven continents ranging from Antarctica (possibly from the Moon) to Zagami (from Mars). Murchison (from Australia) contains amino acids, the building blocks for life forms.

Amateur Radio for Space Enthusiasts

Barney Linden
Introduction to amateur radio and how radio amateurs use satellites for communications, and the licensing requirements and regulations for free classes on examination preparation.

For more information on the Education Track, e-mail Carolyn Josephs.

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