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ISDC'96 in NYC:
Journey from New York
Back to the Moon!

Spend an evening with fellow teachers, students, parents, and space enthusiasts on a "Return to the Moon" simulated mission at the Beuhler Challenger Center in Paramus, NJ

Go to conference registration form to register.

For more information, e-mail Carolyn Josephs.

*For availability of space after April 30, contact Carolyn Josephs by e-mail
or by phone at (718) 531-8375 or Robin Vernuccio at (212) 724-5919.

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Copyright © 1996 Space Expos of America, Inc. and ParaGraphic Artists, NYC

This page was last changed on May 1, 1996; Ver. 4e
Optimized for Netscape 1.1 (and screen resolution: 800 x 600)
