Tom Padgett's Divorce and Child Support Cases
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A Closer Look at Tom Padgett's Claims of Court Bias in Madisonville

Tom Padgett claims that the courts of Hopkins County, in Madisonvile Kentucky were
biased against him, causing his motions in that court to be rejected.

He doesn't mention that his filings were almost always rejected by courts elsewhere in Kentucky.

Here are three examples.

Weeks after Laura filed for divorce in Hopkins County (Madisonville),
Padgett undertook his first step in harrassive litigation by filing for divorce
some 190 miles away in Fayette County, where Lexington is located.

A Fayette County Judge ruled against him and transferred venue for the divorce
to Hopkins County, where Laura initially filed it.

See the order here

Perhaps Tom Padgett will claim that this judge -- some 190 miles from Madisonville
-- was somehow in on the conspiracy.

Tom Padgett filed numerous appeals during his litigation.

Here's one where the Kentucky Court of Appeals rejected his appeal.

Perhaps those judges in the Kentucky capitol of Frankfort (also some 190 miles
from Madisonville), were somehow part of the cabal against him.

Finally, here is the Kentucky Supreme Court rejecting one of Tom Padgett's appeals.

Three different courts in Kentucky other than the one in Hopkins County ruled against Padgett.

Perhaps there was no conspiracy after all: Padgett's filings were improper or not meritorious.

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