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ISDC'96 in NYC:
Conference Registration Form

Print this form, fill it in, and return to: Space Expos, P.O. Box 71, Maplewood, NJ 07040 USA
Make checks payable to SPACE EXPOS OF AMERICA, INC.

  Name: ......................................................................
  (please print)

  Chapter Affiliation: .......................................................

  Address: ...................................................................

  City: .................................. State: .......... ZIP: ............

  Day Phone: ......................................................

  Eve Phone: ......................................................

  Fax: ............................................................

  E-mail: .........................................................

Registration Type (check one): regular student/senior $_______ By Mar 15 ($60 Regular / $25 Student) $_______ By May 1 ($75 Regular / $30 Student) $_______ At Door ($90 Regular / $35 Student) $_______ Introduction to Remote Sensing (Madry, May 23) ($149) $_______ Primer on Launch Vehicle Technologies & Systems (Kaplan, May 23) ($149) $_______ LEO Constellation Design & Spacecraft Design Impacts (Cenker, May 24) ($149) $_______ Chaos, Orbital Dynamics & Fuzzy Boundaries (Belbruno, May 24) ($149) $_______ Special Launchspace Discount: Launch Vehicle *and* LEO Courses (May 23-24) ($249) $_______ Other:_______________________________ $_______ TOTAL ENCLOSED / AUTHORIZED
Beuler Challenger Center Mission:
Yes, I would like to register for the Beuhler Challenger Center mission. Fee: $40. Price includes roundtrip bus transportation to Beuhler Yes, I am interested in dinner. Please send me additional information. For this program, also include the following information: School Name: ............................................................... School Address: ............................................................ City: .................................. State: .......... ZIP: ............ School Phone: ...................................................
Project: Contact Program:
Yes, I would like to register for the ISDC/NY Space Expo and Project: Contact. Materials Fee: $7 plus conference registration For this program, also include the following information: School Name: ............................................................... School Address: ............................................................ City: .................................. State: .......... ZIP: ............ School Phone: ...................................................
ISDC'96 Main Conference Program and One-Day Short Space Courses $.................... Beuler Challenger Center Mission $.................... Project: Contact Program $.................... Total Amount Enclosed (US$): $......................................... or check one: MasterCard Visa American Express Account Number: ....................................................... Expiration Date: ...................................................... Signature: ............................................................ Date: .................................................................
To register, mail this form with your check or money order made payable to

Space Expos
P.O. Box 71
Maplewood, NJ 07040 USA

Greg Zsidisin, ISDC'96 Chair
(212) SAM-8000 (voicemail)

For more information, e-mail for:

Speaker/program inquiries: Greg Zsidisin, ISDC'96 Chair, SFS/NYC President

Registration inquiries: Linda DeLaurentis, SFS/NYC Secretary, Past President

Beuler Challenger Center Mission and/or "Project: Contact": Carolyn Josephs

"New Roads to the Stars" Symposium: Dr. Gregory Matloff, Chair,
417 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11216 (718) 638-7586

General inquiries on the Space Frontier Society of NYC

or call or write to Space Expos at the above address.

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Copyright © 1996 Space Expos of America, Inc. and ParaGraphic Artists, NYC

This page was last changed on April 28, 1996; Ver. 4c
Optimized for Netscape 1.1 (and screen resolution: 800 x 600)
