Tamara Gonzales


James Kalm, Ritual Aesthetics, Rough Cuts
Howard Hurst, Fiercely Independent Absrtaction for Idiots, Hyperallergic
Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint, blog
Kris Chatterson, blog
Accessable Art, blog
Maria Calandra, Pencil in the Studio. blog
James Kalm. Surrealism, Brooklyn Rail

2010 Bill, Bushwick Schlacht, Beautiful Decay

Joe Fyfe, Seed, Gay City News and artcritical.com
Katie Stone, Seed, Art Seen-Brooklyn Rail
Mary Hrbracek, Seed, M-The New York Artworld

Mary Thomas, Lust, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Rachel Youen, Panna3, Art Seen-Brooklyn Rail
Mary Hrbracek, Panna3, M-The New York Artworld

Ken Johnson, A Few of my Favorite Things, Art Guide Review—NY Times
Short List, A Few of my Favorite Things—The New Yorker