ISDC'96 Logo

Ray Noonan's Space Life Sciences (and Space Education) Web Site

 NSS Logo National Space Society's 15th Annual

International Space
Development Conference

New York City, May 23-27, 1996
Hosted by the Space Frontier Society of New York City

ISDC'96 is now history. I will continue to keep this site active as my own personal
space-oriented Web site, as time permits. I plan to focus on things that are of interest
to me, particularly in the realm of the space life sciences, along with news and links to
other space sites that may be of interest to others. The original ISDC'96 home page
is archived here as it last appeared for those who wish to reference it.


 new Of special note is that in the Spring of 1998, I completed my doctorate at
New York University. An abstract of my dissertation, A Philosophical Inquiry
into the Role of Sexology in Space Life Sciences Research and Human Factors
Considerations for Extended Spaceflight
can be found at this link.

 new Also, check out Ray Noonan's Archives: NASA's Sex in Space and
Humans in Space
, an outstanding introduction to the space life sciences written
by Ken Jenks of NASA's Johnson Space Center--only available at this site.


The National Space Society Education Chapter


[NYC Information] [Web Space Links]


Ray Noonan's Presentations on Sex in Space

Symposium: Women and Men in Space:
Implications for the Space and Sexual Sciences

This is a symposium I organized for the 1996 annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) held in Houston, TX, on November 15, 1996. It includes an abstract of my presentation based partially on my dissertation research, as well as the abstracts of the other speakers in the symposium who have conducted research related to sex and gender issues in space. Also included is the abstract on Sex in Cyberspace that I co-presented at the same conference.

Space Life Sciences Symposium

This is the symposium I organized for ISDC'96. It includes an abstract of my presentation on sexual issues in space, also based partially on my dissertation research. The symposium included the following speakers who are associated with space life sciences-related Web sites.

Yvonne A. Clearwater (NASA, Ames Research Center)
Richard S. Nowakowski (UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School)


An Organization for Students Who Are Interested in Space

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)

Mark Ciotola
285 Buckingham Way #103
San Francisco, CA 93132
(415) 564-4114


Links to Space-Related Web Sites

 HST M16 Image
Gaseous Pillars in The Eagle Nebula M16, April 1, 1995


New York City on the World Wide Web

I Love NY logo Links to New York City Tourism Information


For more information about the Space Frontier Society of NYC.


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Visits to this page since January 1, 1997:  CGI counter
Total visits to this page during 1995: 650
Total visits to this page during 1996: 3,029
First published on the Web on Sept. 25, 1995
This page was last changed on May 1, 2000; Ver. 5e.1
Optimized for Netscape 3.0 (and screen resolution: 800 x 600)

ISDC'96 Logo Credits:
Concept: Greg Zsidisin
Original Design: Tony Johnson
Web Page Interpretation: Ray Noonan

Web Site Design and Administration Services by ParaGraphic Artists, NYC

Copyright © 1996-2000 Raymond J. Noonan, Ph.D., and ParaGraphic Artists
