The Evolution of the Zarchin Family

In order to grow, one must change. In order to change, one must leave his/her "comfort zone". Don Mopsick has challenged me to write my story and take a flying leap out of my comfort zone. This is probably the most difficult task I have ever undertaken. I have a lot of life experiences and goals...I never once thought that author would be one of them.

Evolution of a Zarchin Genealogist

Many years ago, when I was quite young, my grandfather, Moishe Zarchin attempted to tell me of the family history. At the time, I think I was more interested in the candies he carried around in his pockets and hearing him speak...his rendering of the English language was endearing. The only thing I do remember is that he was from Minsk Gubernyia and Ossipovichy to be more specific. He also told me that ALL the Zarchins are related and kin. How I wish I could speak to him now, now that I am older and wiser...but, coulda and shoulda. So, the hunt goes on to find my roots.
You always start with what is known and this family was the branch on which I had the most information.

In 1986, just as an experiment, I sent a letter to the Israeli Embassy in NY. I detailed everything that I knew about my family. In August of that year, I received a response from The Jewish Agency, Search Bureau for Missing Relatives in Israel. I remember that my hands shook as I opened it. What would I find?

There were three bona fide ppl who were my Zarchin relatives. They had been forwarded my letter and address, too. The only one I heard of was Alexander. My grandfather said they were first cousins.

My sister went to Israel and tried to contact Alexander, but he was adamant about not seeing her. It seems that he was very up in years and we had learned that he had been in a Soviet prison camp in his younger days. Who knows what they did to him or his family, there?

Guess what I did with this letter? I got so involved with my two little boys, that I never followed oup on it and filed it away and only recently dug it out at the request of Don Mopsick.

Next: The beginning of my latest obsession that led me to some wonderful stay tuned!

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Last Update: 3/25/98
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