Root : Computers
 Microsoft (48)
 Web Publishing, Design & Programming (55)
 Programming (59)
 Spam (18)
 Hardware (21)
 Linux (15)
 OS X (45)
 Zope (32)
 * Finding Files - Table of Contents
 * GNU Emacs Reference Card (for version 19)
 * Welcome to
 * The Practice of System and Network Administration Website
 * Infrastructures.Org: Best Practices in Automated Systems Administration and Infrastructure Architecture: Home
 * -- p2p development, open source development
 * Advogato
 * World Wide Web Artists' Consortium
 * The EROS Operating System
 * GNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
 * Open Source Initiative OSI
 * Baseline: Case Studies, Tools and Best Practices for Better Project and Process Management
 * Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Languages > Regular Expressions > FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
 * Steve Ramsay's Guide to Regular Expressions
 * A Tao of Regular Expressions
 * OpenSRS Introduction - Domain Registrar
 * Jef Raskin - The Humane Interface
 * IEEE 802.11 - WiFi - Wireless Lan - Wikipedia
 * Don Norman's / user advocacy and human-centered design
 * The Hack FAQ
 * The Quick Reference Site - The best resource for free Quick Reference Cards
 * Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc. - Thinking In Java, C++, Python
 * Jargon File Resources
 * Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
 * DNS Resources Directory (DNSRD)
 * djbdns: Domain Name System tools
 * University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Lab

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