Colonial Freight

Colonial Freight

We came across something truly HORRIBLE. Our ship was sent to the outer islands of the Sea so we could move better in the open water. We came to a shipwreck beached on a sand bar. It wasn't your ordinary wreck. This wasn't a cargo ship smuggling goods. This was a SLAVER. It was named "COLONIAL FREIGHT" and during the squall the week before she had foundered, smashed on the temporary sand bank. What was left of the CAPTIVES was on the starboard side. The boat was upended and there were all these DEAD WHITE SHARKS that had tried to reach the half living HUMANS still chained, ready for sale. We had to climb over these huge monsteres who were very still. But the real HORROR was the expressions on the CAPTIVES faces as we released their CHAINS and gave them water. They seemed numb, vacant and ungrateful. They just stared at our mostly WHITE faces.

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Original Art Copyright © 1996 - 2012 Conrad Vogel
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