Dr. Bobbi A. Kerlin’s Home Page. Outstanding and comprehensive Web site of research, education, and technology resources!
Dr. Scott P. Kerlin’s Virtual Learning Organization. Outstanding and comprehensive Web site of research and education resources!
The Internet Public Library of the University of Michigan. Links to free viewing of online texts, magazines, and newspapers.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. News of interest to those in higher education.
Academic Sexual Correctness. Seeking gender equity beyond political correctness in academia.
The Sexuality Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS). Develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.
NASA Spacelink. NASA’s resources for space and science educators.
U.S. Department of Education. Also see their Goals 2000 Legislation and Related Items.
Peterson’s Education Center. Comprehensive directory of colleges and universities.
AskERIC Home Page. Education research database.
Sexuality and Gender
SexQuest’s Web Index for Sexual Health (The SexQuest WISH List). Your First Source for Sexuality Information on the Web, from Dr. Ray Noonan’s SexQuest.
The JSR Website Review Companion Page. From the Journal of Sex Research (JSR): a review of Web sites of interest to sexuality researchers and others written by Raymond J. Noonan, Ph.D.—the online companion with links to sites reviewed.
The Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Erwin J. Haeberle’s vast international archive of sexual research formerly with the Robert Koch Institute.
Ray Noonan’s Archives: NASA’s Sex in Space Web Page, with links to the entire Humans in Space series by NASA’s Ken Jenks.
Harness for Sex in Space (at the Global Ideas Bank, from the online Social Inventions Journal of the Institute for Social Inventions, London, 1993).
The Society for Human Sexuality, with a vast amount of information at the site of this former student group at the University of Washington, Seattle.
The University of Washington’s EServer: Gender and Sexuality, formerly Carnegie Mellon University’s English Server.
History of Sexuality Resources at Duke University.
Coalition for Positive Sexuality: Sex Ed for Teens.
Academic Sexual Correctness. Seeking gender equity beyond political correctness in academia.
Sumeria: The Immune System. Controversial alternative views about HIV, AIDS, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America—National Home Page.
Planned Parenthood of New York City.
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia affiliate.
The Sexuality Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS). Develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). For sex researchers; publisher of the Journal of Sex Research.
The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).
The International Professional Surrogates Association (IPSA). See also An Interview with Vena Blanchard, president of IPSA.
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love.
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality.
Executive Summary. Sexuality Research in the United States: An Assessment of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, by Diane di Mauro, The Social Science Research Council.
DUREX Sexual Health Web Site, with links to their most recent Global Sex Surveys.
James V. Kohl’s The Scent of Eros. The role of pheromones in human sexual attraction.
What is ifeminism? 21st Century Feminism.
The Roots of Individualist Feminism in 19th-Century America, by Wendy McElroy.
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL).
Ray Noonan’s Archives: NASA’s Sex in Space and Humans in Space Web Pages. A good introduction to the effects of space on the human body and human functioning by NASA’s Ken Jenks.
Dr. Ray Noonan’s Space Life Sciences (and Space Education) Web Site. Includes a link to the 1996 ISDC Web page archive.
Harness for Sex in Space (at the Global Ideas Bank, from the online Social Inventions Journal of the Institute for Social Inventions, London, 1993).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Home Page.
NASA Human Spaceflight. Includes information from these former Web servers: NASA’s Shuttle Web (, NASA’s Shuttle-Mir Web (, and NASA’s Station Web ( on the International Space Station.
Where Is the Space Station?. For real-time tracking of the International Space Station and Space Shuttle flights.
NASA Spacelink. NASA’s resources for space and science educators.
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical Research (OBPR), formerly the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications (OLSMA).
The Human Factors Research and Technology Division of NASA Ames Research Center.
Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA). For professionals in fields related to aerospace medicine, aeronautics, astronautics, undersea medicine, or environmental health.
Space Medicine Branch (SMB). A constituent organization of AsMA.
Aerospace Human Factors Association (AsHFA). A constituent organization of AsMA.
National Air & Space Museum Home Page.
International Space University (ISU) Home Page.
Bev Freed’s Space Development and Science Page.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS).
SEDS’ Best of the Hubble Space Telescope.
The X Prize Foundation. “Your ticket to space—the new Spirit of St. Louis.”
Folk Music
Ray Noonan’s First Report from the 2001 Philadelphia Folk Festival, and soon others of the 21st Century, with links to other Philly Folk Festival Web sites.
Ray Noonan’s Past Reports from the Philadelphia Folk Festival (1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999). Shortcuts to the home pages of the Philadelphia Folksong Society and its biggest event, the Philadelphia Folk Festival.
The Folk File: A Folkie’s Dictionary. Bill Markwick’s collection of terms related to folk music, plus some mini-biographies, musicology terms, trivia, and miscellaneous facts and figures.
English Folk and Traditional Music on the Internet: A Guide to Resources. Martin Nail’s comprehensive links to English folk music.
Francis J. Child Ballads: Biography, Lyrics, Tunes and Historical Information. Lesley Nelson’s Child Ballad Website.
Folk Book: An Online Acoustic Music Establishment. Alan Rowoth’s Master Directory of Folk Music Web Resources, an online encyclopedia and resource for folk musicians and fans.
Mudcat Café. A magazine dedicated to blues and folk music, including a link to Dick Greenhaus’s Digital Tradition Folksong Database: DigiTrad Lyrics Search.
Acoustic Guitar Song Collection. Jean-Marc Orliaguet’s collection of acoustic songs from a few famous songwriters, with guitar tablatures.
New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club. The Folk Music Society of New York, New York City.
The Folk Project (Northern New Jersey). Information about their North Jersey folk music and dance events.
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival. Folk music and dance at the foot of the Berkshires in east-central New York State.
Musi-Cal! Search for concert schedules, festivals, and more.
FOLKDJ-L, the Global Discussion Forum for Folk DJs. Includes Richard Gillmann’s monthly top-70 album airplay lists.
Fortissimo Folk Music: Volunteer Internet Services for the Folk Music Community. Links to many performers’ Web sites and other info. Includes a link to, the Philadelphia Area Folk Music Mailing List.
New American Folk Music Discussion List FAQ.
Christine Lavin.
Phil Ochs.
The Official Oscar Brand Home Page.
NetVet Cat Sites, from the NetVet Veterinary Resources Web site of Ken Boschert, DVM, at Washington University.
Feline Information Page. Comprehensive feline information by R. Roger Breton and Nancy J. Creek.
Cat Fanciers Web Site. All kinds of information and links by the Cat Fanciers Mailing List.
The Cat Codes. Cat classification codes by morphology, etc.
Lynne Marie Stockman’s Cat Dictionary. For cat lovers everywhere!
Action Cat Postcards. Cat graphics, screen savers, backgrounds, and more. One of my favorites.
Beware of Cat! Graphics collection and virtual postcards.
Cat Gallery, by David Harper and Lynne Marie Stockman.
Kathy Rovnak’s Cat Clicks. Including Tabatha Felini’s Dear Tabby Advice to Cats and Cat Owners.
Cats in Joan Stark’s ASCII Art, from her Domesticated Animals series.
Banned Books On-Line. A special exhibit of books that have been the objects of censorship or censorship attempts.
The Center for Democracy & Technology. First Amendment and Free Expression Issues.
EFFweb - The Electronic Frontier Foundation. Current issues on the frontier.
Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW) archive. Historic Site.
The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition (CIEC). Historic Site.
AFL-CIO Home Page.
An Excellent Resource for Windows Internet Tools and Info.
Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz’s Intro to HTML and the Web, and Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ.
Biology Hypertextbook Chapters. Biology and chemistry information, including genetics, cloning, and immunology, by hyperbio at MIT.
Biology Links. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University.
New York City
New York City on the World Wide Web.
The updated and revised single-volume Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (CCIES), includes virtually the entire first four volumes of the acclaimed International Encyclopedia of Sexuality with many new countries and places covering every continent. Edited by Robert T. Francoeur, Ph.D., and Raymond J. Noonan, Ph.D., published in 2004 by Continuum International Publishing Group: Includes my chapter on “Outer Space and Antarctica,” which highlights cross-cultural sexuality issues that will have an impact on the human future in space, based partly on my dissertation, as well as a new section on Antarctica and an introduction to life in extreme environments. Included also are my contributions to the Brazil and United States chapters, as well our coauthored conclusion: “Global Trends: Some Final Impressions.” For the table of contents or more information, see the CCIES website: Order from!
Volume 4 of the International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (IES4), including 17 new countries and places, Robert T. Francoeur, Ph.D., Editor, and Raymond J. Noonan, Ph.D., Associate Editor, published in May 2001 by Continuum International Publishing Group: Includes my chapter on “Outer Space,” which highlights cross-cultural sexuality issues that will have an impact on the human future in space, based partly on my dissertation. For the table of contents or more information, see the IES4 Web site:, including supplemental chapters available only on the Web. Order from!
“The Impact of AIDS on Our Perception of Sexuality” and “Sex Surrogates: The Continuing Controversy,” in Robert T. Francoeur’s Sexuality in America: Understanding Our Sexual Values and Behavior, published in August 1998 by Continuum Publishing Co. This new book contains an updated version of the chapter on the United States contained in the International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, Vol. 3 (in the set below). Now available in paperback at!
Two articles in Robert T. Francoeur’s International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, published in August 1997 by Continuum Publishing Co.: “The Impact of AIDS on Our Perception of Sexuality” and “Sex Surrogates: The Continuing Controversy” in the United States chapter in volume 3, and additional comments (with Sandra Almeida) in the chapter on Brazil in volume 1. Encourage your library to purchase this three-volume, 1737-page set—the most comprehensive cross-cultural survey of sexuality in 33 countries ever published. Order from
“The Psychology of Sex: A Mirror from the Internet,” in Jayne Gackenbach’s Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Transpersonal Implications, published by Academic Press in October 1998. Visit the publisher to see the table of contents and more information, then come back here and order it from
The third edition of the book, Does Anyone Still Remember When Sex Was Fun? Positive Sexuality in the Age of AIDS, 3rd edition, edited by Peter B. Anderson, Diane de Mauro, & Raymond J. Noonan, published by Kendall/Hunt in September 1996. Click here for more information about the book.
The latest on positive sexuality from the first book to address the issue: For anyone concerned about the increasingly negative ways in which sex is being portrayed in public life—and who wants to do something positive about it.
Now out of print, but available soon in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format! However, used copies might be available at
See also:
R. J. Noonan. (1998). A Philosophical Inquiry into the Role of Sexology in
Space Life Sciences Research and Human Factors
Considerations for Extended Spaceflight.
For information, see Dr. Ray Noonan’s Dissertation Information Pages:
[Abstract] [Table of Contents] [Preface] [AsMA 2000 Presentation Abstract]