
2001 OCT 9  P 12:11
Hopkins County
Hopkins Circuit Court
<signature>  DC. (END STAMP)  ] 

Volume 1
Exhibits:  See Index


Petitioner             :
      v	               :      Case No.
                       :     92—CI—00444
Respondent             : 

taken on behalf of the Respondent, pursuant to
the applicable provisions of the Kentucky Rules
of Civil Procedure, before Carol A. Fierimante,
Certified Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public
within and for the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, (#134693), at the Jericho
Christian Center, 17 Jericho Road,
Middleborough, Massachusetts on Monday, August
27, 2001, commencing at 8:53 a.m.

TELEPHONE:	508/429/4034
FACSIMILE:	508/429/7767



24 Court Street
Madisonville, Kentucky 42431
On behalf of the Petitioner

123 East Main
Providence, Kentucky 42450
On behalf of the Respondent

Jack Cunha, Video Operator




By Mr Prow	6	276, 299
By Mr Whitledge	74, 296

A	Laura Padgett Litigation Update	 77
B	Affidavit of Julie Padgett	103
C	Affidavit of Beau Padgett	103
D	“Help Us, Please” flyer	103
E	Flyer	103
F	Printout	123
G	Letter dated May 17, 2001	147
H	Letter dated September 13, 1999	147
I	Medical record	150
J	Medical record	150
K	Notice of Appeal and two checks	231
L	Copy of Check No. 0185	231
M	Southwest Airlines itinerary	231
N	John W Padgett Revocable Trust  Agreement 	231
0	Second Amendment to the Shirley T
      Padgett Revocable Trust Agreement	231


        EXHIBITS, cont.
P	Letter dated August 11, 1998	231
Q	Fax dated May 1, 1998	231
R	Southwest Airlines itinerary	231
S	Check and certified mail receipt	246
T	Tax Return Listing for 1995 and letter	246
U	Motion	304
V	Gross Income History	304
W	Response to Petitioner´s Motions	304
X	Two—page internet document	304





Q.	Very good. Mr Padgett, you know me very well.
I think we have met numerous times. I would
like to remind you that you are under oath and I
would also like to remind you that the
Commissioner in her ruling said that you would
be subject to Kentucky´s laws in this

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And you are aware of the law of perjury?

A.	Yes, I am.

Q.	And you are aware that that is a felony in

A.	That is correct. I am. Well, if you say so.

Q.	And I also noted on the internet a quote from
Judge Boteler in which you had quoted Judge
Boteler that you made the statement that if
either party in this action makes any false
statement or misrepresentation before the Court,
that it would be referred to the Commonwealth

A.	Yes, um hmm.

Q.	Now, you recall both of those statements?

A.	I——yes, I do.

Q.	Now, there is posted on the internet what is


called a Laura Padgett Litigation Page?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You are familiar with that?

A.	Yes, I am.

Q.	And I think you put that together, didn´t you?

A.	No. That is not my web page.

Q.	Who put the web page together?

A.	It is a news group out of Holland.

Q.	Do you have any participation in what goes into
that internet — —

A.	Only that I provide —— I provide information to
the parties involved putting together that, that
website. Now, I do have my own website that
I	——

Q.	And what is that website of yours? Is that your
meditation or mediation page?

A.	Yes That is the title of it. But I have an
exact URL that you can go to it.

Q.	You have a what?

A.	URL, which means a universal locator

Q.	And what is that?

A.	HTTP://community.WebTV.net/TommyBoy5O8/Tom
Padgetts, plural.

Q.	Bear with me just a second. I thought I had


this marked but I apparently — here it is. I
will hand you a copy of a printout as printed
from that internet and ask you to examine that
and state to the Court whether or not that is a
true copy of that internet website.

        (Witness perusing document.)

A.	It looks like a fairly accurate paper backup

Q.	Now, there is a picture?

A.	And there is a picture of me and my children.

Q.	A picture of you and your children. And you
have that picture with you this morning, don´t

A.	It is a similar pose but not the exact one.
Yes, it is similar but it is not the exact one.

Q.	And that is your understanding of the Laura
Padgett web page update?

A.	Yes. Identified as such, yes.

        MR. WHITLEDGE. All right. I move that we
make this a part of the record and then mark it
as Petitioner´s Exhibit A.

        MR. PROW: No objection.

        (Document marked as Exhibit A for


Q.	Now, the first area that Mr Prow addressed was
the area of visitation. Now, Judge Boteler
ruled back in 1996, I think, that your
visitation would be restricted.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, what was your understanding of her  reason
for that restriction?

A.	I never had an understanding for the visitation
restriction, why it was restricted. The order
actually said -- my understanding of the order
was that based on the expert testimony of Donna
Nichols, that it should be restricted.

Q.	All right. Now, part of that dispute was your
failure to return the children on time, wasn´t

A.	Well, it wasn´t a real -- it wasn´t a real
issue. That was misrepresented. I did return
my -- I think how that confusion happened is
during the time that I had my children in 1995,
that the -- the -- I mean I had them in June -- 
no, July And then during that time, the final
ruling came in which allowed me to have them
through the first week in August.

Q.	So you -


A.	So I was in compliance with the current
visitation order but I think -- will be very
frank with you. I think Laura´s prior attorney
misrepresented the fact that I didn´t return
them from the time of the pendente lite order.

Q.	That is what the visitation originally started
out over, wasn´t it?

A.	Was —

Q.	The pendente lite order?

A.	I am not certain. Well, the final ruling was
already in effect so -

Q.	But the scheduled visitation that had been
scheduled through your attorneys was to end two
weeks prior to your actually returning those
children, didn´t it?

A.	Well, it was a — I don´t recall it was set up
through the attorneys. It was set up through
Laura and I through correspondence.

Q.	So then there was this problem about you keeping
the children two weeks longer and not returning
them on the agreed date?

A.	Well, it was a perceived problem because an
order of the Court had came in and I was in
compliance with the legal order of the Court and


I just simply exercised that right.

Q.	And that was part of the problem that Judge
Boteler had when he restricted your visitation,
wasn´t it?

A.	I am not sure. I think I believe he was
misrepresented in that.

Q.	Now, Judge Boteler misrepresented it?

A.	No. He was misrepresented — Judge Boteler was
misrepresented by Laura´s prior counsel in that
particular area. I did return them based upon
the current order. I did return them within
that time.

Q.	Now, another problem that the Court had with
that particular visitation, I think, was some
affidavits that you had the children sign. Is
that not true?

A.	The children did sign various documents. I
think two of them were called affidavits.

Q.	And those two are on the internet now, aren´t

A.	They are part of the Court record.

Q.	They are on the internet, aren´t they?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	And I have two copies here of two separate


affidavits which was on your internet designated
as Exhibit R-7 and an affidavit signed by Julie
Padgett. And I will hand this to you and I ask
you if this is a copy of that affidavit.

        (Witness perusing document.)

A.	it appears to be what is on the internet. It is
not in the same — it is not the same — it is not like a scanned — 
I am not a computer person
so but it doesn´t -- it is not a scan of the
actual. But I have checked it for the people
who did it. It is the actual —

Q.	It is the same verbiage?

A.	Same verbiage, yes.

Q.	And you also had your son sign an affidavit
addressed to his mother which is also on the

A.	Yes. It is a letter. It is not an affidavit.

Q.	And but it was notarized, wasn´t it?

A.	It was witnessed by a pastor counselor of the
Presbyterian Church, who appeared, who appeared
in the Hopkins Circuit Court from Florida on
March 13th and testified that this was an
accurate request of my son.

Q.	And that, the Court found that that was


traumatic to those children to be exposed to the
problems of this divorce, didn´t it?

A.	Based on the testimony of Donna Nichols.

Q.	All right. Now, also, I think that another
problem that the Court had with your actions up
to that time — —

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	-- was the distribution of various flyers within
the community.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And I will hand you one such flyer which is
styled, “Help Us, Please, Beau and Julie.”

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And I ask you if you are familiar with that

        (Witness perusing document.)

A.	Yes, I am.
Q.	And that flyer was distributed throughout
Hopkins County, wasn´t it?

A.	I was told that it was.

Q.	Who distributed that flyer?

A.	l am not sure.

Q.	It has an IPASS on the bottom. Was IPASS, do
you know anything about IPASS?


A.	My recollection, it is some friends in Kentucky,
in Lexington that stands for Independent People
Against the Suffering of Scientology

Q	And the Court was quite upset with those flyers
that were distributed within the community
wasn´t it?

A.	I believe they were.

Q.	Now, also there was some contact on your part
with Julie´s friends, writing one of her friends
a letter about Julie and the divorce action and
your opinions of Scientology Is that not true?

A.	I believe it was her parent — her parents of
her friends.

Q.	Parents of her friends?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Now, based on these actions and the having the
children sign the affidavits during visitation,
the Court had you examined by a Ms. Donna Nichols. Is that not true?

A.	No.

Q.	Were you -- were you examined by Ms. Nichols?

A.	No.

Q.	You never discussed anything with Ms. Nichols?

A.	From the time of the visitation restriction or


moved for, I had —  as a matter of fact, I asked
to be examined by her on a clinical one-on-one
interview but she refused to meet with me so I
was never examined.

Q.	You never talked to her one on one?

A.	In 1993, during the custody issues, yes, we met
on a one-on-one basis.

Q.	All right. And how many times did you consult
with her at that time?

A.	I think it was one. Well, there was one initial
meeting, an extensive meeting where I met with
her and the children together

Q.	Now, Ms. Nichols became very upset with your
actions and became fearful of you. Is that not

A.	That is what she stated.

Q.	And the Court issued some orders at that time
for you to cease those threats to her, didn´t you?

A.	My recollection is that an order was drafted
that said I am supposed to cease harassment.
And that was never an order of the Court but a
verbal order of the Court, but the Court´s
signatures got on it. So it to me was like me


telling the cameraman here stop beating your
wife, implying that he beat his wife, which
implied that I harassed Donna Nichols. The --
when the visitation restriction was being moved
for and they wanted to involve her as a child
psychologist and an expert witness, I simply
wanted to be examined to have an -- in a
clinical environment and to be as Laura did with
the Court -- that I was able to meet with her
and the kids And when I wrote her and tried to
telephone her, she considered that harassment.

Q.	All right. But you had met with her before and
she had filed a report with the Court prior to
that in ‘93, I think it was that you just said?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Now, based upon these problems, it is my
understanding the Court made a finding that
visitation with you was traumatic to the
children. Is that not — is that your
understanding of it?

A.	No. It is not my understanding.

Q.	All right. Then what is your understanding?

A.	My understanding, that an order was drafted to
the effect that my children were traumatized.


But no experts, there was no expert testimony to
that effect from people involved in trauma and
the problems that exist between Laura and

Q.	Now, you say there was an order drafted. That
order actually got signed by the judge, didn´t it?

A.	Yes, it did.

Q.	And in that order it said that the children were
exposed to traumatic situations in visiting with
you. And as a result, your visitation was
restricted. Is that not true?

A.	Yes, that is correct.

Q.	Now, do you also recall in that order, and I
will read the exact statement that was contained
in that order to you and ask you if you recall
this. “It is the hope of this Court that the
restrictions placed upon the Respondent through
this order shall continue only a few months. If
the respondent proves to the Court that he has
stopped and is not likely to resume the above
stated activities, this Court will allow
visitation between the Respondent and the
parties´ children to resume in the previous


ordered visitation.”

        Now, does that sound like an exact quote
from that order?

A.	Yes, it does.

Q.	Now, what I would like to do is to go over
exactly how you have changed your actions since
this order was entered to show that you want
quality visitation. Now, before I get into
that, I would like to ask you a question about
your communications with Laura.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You and Laura had problems communicating, is
that not true?

A.	Yes, there are communication problems.

Q.	And part of those communication problems are
that you wind up in an argument every time you
talk, is that not true?

A.	No, that is partially true but not entirely

Q.	Part of the problem that you have in talking
with her over the phone is that you have the
phone conversations monitored, is that not true?

A.	In the past, distant past I have. Not recently

Q.	So you have actually had your brother listening


in and you have taped the conversations, haven´t

A.	Yes. I believe the last time that, that was in
‘99, 1999, September of 1999

Q.	And I think one of those conversations is on the
internet that your brother overheard?

A.	It was an affidavit, yes.

Q.	Now, didn´t you feel that that was an awkward
way to try to communicate with your former wife
about having the conversations listened to by
other parties and placed on the internet?

A.	Slightly.  But nowhere near as awkward as the
grotesque length and disposition and demeanor of
this litigation after nine years.

Q.	Now, I think also there was another problem
recently when you were in Kentucky visiting with
your children, child, that you were to return
the child and you were staying at the Travel
Lodge and you didn´t return the child on time
and Laura actually came to the Travel Lodge and
quite an argument ensued in which she almost ran
over you that night. Is that not true?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And that was an argument over Scientology and


the proceedings and her not listening to you, is
that correct?

A.	No. I don t recall that being the --

Q.	What was the basis of that argument then?

A.	Just trying to convey that Beau wants an end to
this horrid dispute his -- between his mom and
dad. And there was not the -- my recollection
of that particular incident was that there was a
Court order, there was an agreed time, and then
she moved it up from six or to four or to six,
from six to five or something like that. And
she wanted me to take him to Gerry´s. That
wasn´t an agreement. And Gerry´s or is it
Jerry´s, it is now —

Q.	Denny´s?
A.	Dennys. I am sorry	And that I had
communicated to her, Well, you can pick, it is
okay, you can pick Beau up where I am, which was
just down the block. That she could come there.
I don´t see that as any kind off problem

Q.	All right. Now, let´s get back on the changes.
One of the problems that Judge Boteler found in
his original hearing was that when you had


visitation with the children, there was
continuous discussion about Scientology and
about this divorce proceeding. Is that not

A.	Yes. But again, he found those based on the
testimony of Donna Nichols.

Q.	Now, when you got your visitation for last
summer or this summer and Christmas with Beau,
that original order from Judge McClure stated,
or from Commissioner McClure, that you were to
refrain from discussing any of this litigation
with the children. Do you recall that?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And you filed objections to that. Now, why did
you file objections to that?

A.	I believe what I filed was clarification because
it was a very broad -- it was very
misunderstood. Is it that I am not supposed to
talk about the Petitioner´s religion and
litigation. So I would want to know, you know,
it becomes very confusing because I talk about
-- the assumptions could be made that we are not
going to talk about Christianity And I am a
Christian and my children are Christian and we


can´t talk about Christianity. And then the
other thing is my children have seen their
father indicted, arrested and imprisoned and in
the front page of the Madisonville Messenger as
a convicted felon. That yes, we don´t talk
about the civil litigation but I want to know we
can talk about the criminal litigation because
their father is now a criminal and it has
affected every part of his life. And I would
guess that there are people who read this stuff
in the Madisonville Messenger, and it is not
very good for them. So I would want to waive a
normal conversation with my children of things
that — 

Q.	So you did try to explain to your children then
about the criminal litigation?

A.	Absolutely

Q.	And you did try to explain to your children
during this period of time about the divorce action?

A.	Only as it related to -- well, for example, in
the summer visitation that there was a major
problem with, with the time schedules and the
flight times and so forth. And it cost a lot of


disruption on the end of my family here, trying
to arrange somebody at the last minute to come
and pick them up when -

Q.	We will go over that in a minute. But my
question was did you discuss with the children
during those, the most recent visitation this
present civil litigation?

A.	You mean -

Q.	Between Beau or Julie or either one?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Between you and Laura Padgett, did you discuss
with them that litigation?

A.	Yes. A discussion was brought up.

Q.	Now, the Court also found that you had sent
letters to Julie´s friends which were damaging
or it was felt by Julie that it was embarrassing
to her that her father would write the parents
of her friends

A.	Parents of her friends, yes.

Q.	Now, and that was part of the trauma that Judge
Boteler wanted to restrict.

A.	I — is it in writing? Is it — the trauma —

Q.	That was one of the problems that he found.

A.	I just want to clarify. You keep referring to


Judge Boteler. Judge Boteler´s recommendations
were based on the expert testimony of Donna
Nichols, a clinical psychologist. So that is
where he got his rulings from. But in terms of
trauma, psychological trauma to my children, in
no deference to the office of the Court, in
terms of trauma which is a psychological mental
health issue, I would prefer that -- or that
those would be assessed by experts in those

Q.	That was one of the areas that —

A.	I am sure it was very politically incorrect of
me to do that.

Q.	That was one of the areas that concerned the
Court and that that was addressed in that order
about writing her parents, wasn´t it, the
parents of friends?

A.	It was brought up to the Court, yes.

Q.	Now, is it not true that since that hearing you
have written to her high school teachers --

A.	I --

Q.	-- concerning this divorce action?

A.	I don´t recall. No, I do recall talking with
Beau´s teacher. But actually, that was --


Q.	You don´t recall writing to the teacher at North
Hopkins concerning Julie and this divorce issue?

A.	It might have been her guidance counselor. You
don´t have to help me. I just want to know

Q.	You wrote to the guidance

A.	I may have. I am not sure. I have done a lot
of communication to try to get through this

Q.	Yes. And you have communicated with her
guidance counselor about the emotional problems
from this divorce?

A.	Divorce? Well, family issues.

Q.	Family issues?

A.	Right.

Q.	Did you feel that was appropriate for you to
address that to the guidance counselor
concerning this emotional problem?

A.	Once I found out that Donna Nichols was
essentially a fraud through her licensing board,
yes. I would want my children to have help, to
have them understand problems in their family
I believe it is important that any service,
health care service provider, educational or
emotional support people should be aware that


there are problems. And you keep referring to
divorce, this as being a divorce problem. My
understanding, the divorce was finalized in June
of 19 — June of 1995.

Q.	What I am referring to, Mr Padgett, is the
litigation that is going on now

A.	Right.

Q.	That´s what you were addressing the issue of to
the guidance counselor?

A.	I don´t know if I specifically addressed

Q.	But you addressed Scientology in that letter,
didn´t you?

A.	As an alternative mental health belief, not

Q.	And you also addressed in that letter your
concern that her mother was involved in

A.	Yes. And I was formally and the children had

Q.	Now, also you have written a couple of letters
to the college where Julie is going to in South

A.	Yes.


Q.	And those were basically the same type of

A.	I don´t recall writing anything to do with
Scientology or divorce or whatever. I do recall
writing her coach at Francis Marian University

Q.	Right.

A.	And letting them know I used to be a former
coach in high school soccer. And the same case
in University of South Carolina, with her coach.

And I think that was done through e-mail because
they — it is called Lady Pacers are on e-mail
now, University of South Carolina in Aiken. So
I can´t tell you — I don´t recall contacting
these people, but that I don´t know, and saying
hey, you know, Scientology, Scientology,

Q.	But did you write to them? How did you think
that that letter to Julie´s guidance counselor
concerning her family problems was going to
affect Julie in high school with her school
with her teachers and with her friends?

A.	I would like to reserve that for expert
witnesses in this —

Q.	Well, what was your opinion when you wrote it?


A.	So that she would --

Q.	What effect was that going to have?

A.	That she would have somebody to go to if she
needed, somebody that she could talk to to sort
through family issues that were not being
apparent to her as being told by her mother, Oh,
dad and I are just going through this terrible

Q.	All right. Now, this was this clause in the
most recent visitation about not discussing
these issues with the children during this

A.	With Beau.

Q.	But it was discussed, wasn´t it?

A.	There were some issues that were discussed.

Q.	That was in violation of Ms McClure´s or
Commissioner McClure´s order Is that not true?

A.	Well, yes and no. It all depends. Again, there
is another clarification. It says that the
children should not discuss the particular —
Mr Padgett should not discuss the Petitioner´s
religion or religious beliefs or, I forget the
exact word, when he is with his son Beau during
the visitation. And that is again Laura says


she is a Christian, I am a Christian, Beau is
Christian. So to me, it is saying I can´t talk
about Christianity And even when we go to
church together, If I talk about anything about
the Bible I am in violation of a Court order
And that gets -- now, if you are talking about
Laura´s mental health release, are you talking
about did I violate the order by talking about
mental health issues in our family? Yes, that
probably was brought up but it was not a major
thing. It was not a lengthy focus.

Q.	And it was brought up about your dissatisfaction
with Laura´s handling of this divorce, wasn´t it?

A.	Laura´s handling of the divorce? No. I
wouldn´t put it in that terms, no.

Q.	Let me ask you this. You were on your way to
New Hampshire and the State Police stopped you
and it was discovered that you were a felon.
When you got back in the truck, you had some
pretty choice words to say about the children´s
mother in the children´s presence; is that not

A.	Very -- I am sure it was very frustrating at


that time. I don´t recall.

Q.	It was very frustrating?

A.	Um hmm.

A.	And so you don´t know whether there was any
mention of the mother, of these children´s
mother in your bitterness towards her when you
got back in that truck from being stopped by the
State Police.

A.	I don´t recall, Mr. Whitledge. But I am now a
felon. I agreed to some terms and I lived up to
it in the Commonwealth of Kentucky I am now a
felon and I get stopped and it is on my record
that l am a felon. So I have some emotional
issues with that and I am dealing with that.
And I am dealing with that with counseling

Q.	And you dealt with that in front of those

A.	So you are trying to ask me, you know, did I sit
down and intentionally, you know, bombard my
children with anti-Mom propaganda, the answer is

Q.	So there was no mention then of bombarding Laura
when you got back in the truck after being stopped?


A.	No. My frustration would have been some
activities of a lot of people against me to destroy my character

Q.	Now, also one of the problems the Court had was
the flyers that were sent out in the community

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And at the beginning of this summer there was
another flyer sent out And I will ask you to
examine that and state whether or not you have
ever seen that flyer

A.	Yes, I have.

Q.	And who distributed that flyer in Madisonville?

A.	I am not sure but I think I have a pretty good

Q.	All right. Who do you think it is?

A.	I received -- I received a copy of this in the
mail postmarked Evansville, Indiana I believe it
was some time in June. And I believe it was a
party from --

Q.	And you had nothing to do with that?

A.	No.

Q.	You didn´t give them any of the information that
is contained in that?

A.	No. That is all pulled from the Court records


and the information on the internet.

Q.	All right. And you are saying to the Court here
today that you had no input nor knowledge of
this flyer being distributed in the community?

A.	No. I was told by —- there was an issue where
we were trying to get money back from a bank
that was --

Q.	Told by who?

A.	By an individual.

Q.	Who?

A.	An individual in the State of Kentucky

Q.	Why can´t you tell the name?

A.	My brother-in-law, Harold Sloop.

Q.	Harold distributed these?

A.	Absolutely not, no. He said to me that these
are in banks and they are all over town and that
people are upset down there. No, he informed me
of them being distributed.

Q.	Are you saying to the Court here today that you
had no knowledge that these flyers were going to
be distributed in Madisonville prior to their

A.	I was —- I can´t say that, no, I can´t.

Q.	You can´t say that? So you might have had some


knowledge of it prior to it being distributed?

A.	I do know that the people were trying to -- ever
since I was incarcerated that there has been a
lot of —

Q.	No, Mr Padgett. Look, Judge Boteler has
instructed you don´t mislead the Court and all
we are trying to get to is the truth. We want
to be fair with you but we are expecting the

A.	Absolutely

Q.	Now, you knew this flyer was coming out, didn´t

A.	Was coming out

Q.	Yes.

A.	I can´t say that, no.

Q.	But you knew it was being prepared?

A.	I knew that several people had prepared things
for me on the internet.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I will move
that both of those last two flyers be made a
part of the exhibit, the flyers concerning “Help
Us, Julie and Beau, and the last flyer that
came out that we just discussed, the yellow
flyer And mark those Exhibit B and C.


        (Documents marked as Exhibit B and Exhibit
C for identification.)

        MR. PROW: No objection to that.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: And also I would like to
mark the two affidavits that have just been
submitted and I would like to make them the
affidavits from the internet and I think we are
at the time that the man needs to change the
tape so we are going to take a break.

        (Documents marked as Exhibit D and Exhibit
E for identification.)

(Brief recess.)

        VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by. It is now 11:12
a.m. on August 27, 2001. This is tape number
two of Thomas C. Padgett´s deposition.

Q.	All right. Now, we have gone over some of the
restrictions that he has placed and some of the
things that have been done since then. During
this time of the restrictions on your visitation
being placed on you, how many times did you
visit with your children? You were allowed to
visit with them, weren´t you?

A.	From the time the visitation restrictions were
started until the time which was April of 1996,


the next time I saw them was in July of 1998
So it was a period of longer than two years
where I didn´t see them.

Q.	Now, that was because you wouldn´t come visit
them, wasn´t it?

A.	I was under legal counsel not to step foot in
the Hopkins County or there was hostile
attitudes towards me which would incarcerate me.

Q.	And what attorney advised you of that?

A.	Counsel, legal counsel.

Q.	Which attorney?

A.	Client-attorney privilege, I believe.

Q.	Now, he advised you not to come to Hopkins
County, your attorney did?

A.	During the times that I was unrepresented
without counsel, yes. Legally in the community

Q.	Now, was the reason you wouldn´t come to
Kentucky is because you were not paying child
support as you were ordered to?

A.	No. The reason was because I had a civil
warrant out for my arrest.

Q.	And that was -- that civil warrant was because
of a contempt proceeding for your failure to pay
child support, wasn´t it?


A.	It was contempt for failure to provide signed
documents or something is my recollection.

Q.	And it was also a contempt proceeding for your
failure to pay child support, wasn´t it?

A.	Not in the civil, no. But there was a time, to
answer your question there was a time from March
or from April through July, there was only four
months, it was child support arrest which was

Q.	So you are saying then that the whole
visitation, the reason that you wouldn´t come to
Hopkins County to visit with your children for
those two years was because of the civil
contempt because you wouldn´t sign certain

A.	Not to enter Hopkins County until l am
represented by counsel in the State of Kentucky

Q.	And none of those civil warrants had anything to
do with your failure to pay child support, is
that what you are telling the Court here today?

A.	No. From my recollection, it had to do with
other issues.

Q.	Did it have anything to do with your failure to
pay child support?


A.	I don´t recall, Mr Whitledge. There has been
so many --

MR. PROW: I think that has been asked and
answered twice.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Right.

A.	There has been so many arrest warrants out for

Q.	Now, how have you changed which would convince
the Court that these restrictions should be lifted?

A.	I am -- I don´t know how to answer that. How
        have I changed?

Q.	Yes.

A.	Mr Whitledge, I am under the understanding that
I didn´t do anything wrong in the first place.
And my answer to that would be upon the
restriction placed upon me by the Court, which
was solely based on Donna Nichols´ testimony,
that my prior counsel, Milt Toby advised me
strongly to file a complaint against her with
her licensing board. And the result of that
complaint was devastating. Each individual
issue brought up was extremely compelling, but
combined it was damaging if not fraudulent.


Now, I do understand the order said that I am
supposed to cease these things. But may I have
— this is the written testimony If I made
read from here, it was Donna Nichols´ written

Q.	We are not addressing Donna Nichols —

A.	This is Donna Nichols´ testimony

Q.	-- at that point. What I am addressing is how
you have changed.

A.	Okay. And I can answer it by addressing this
how I have changed.

Q.	No. Because Donna Nichols, the Court, if you
recall, I read to you if the respondent proffers
to the Court that he has stopped and is not
likely to resume the above stated activities.
The flyers, has that stopped?

        MR. PROW: I would object. The flyers are
not mentioned in the order at all. There is no
reference to the flyers in the order so that is
not -- I would note my objection on that.

Q.	The communication with kids concerning the
visitation, their mother, has that stopped?

A.	Has it stopped? I attended a child, a parent
training class. And if in that — actually, I


attended several. And I also attended the
Hopkins Circuit Court parent training class
which is Judge Boteler´ s training class. And
one of the issues that came up, and it was	
actually brought up by a mother who was going
through the divorce, and she brought up the
issue what happens if the children are getting
wrong information from the other parent, what
would you recommend. And the psychologist
providing that or was facilitating that course
suggested that you sit down with the child but
don´t get into a disparaging issue with the
other parent but correct the information and
then quickly move on to normal activities and
normal discussions. So on those occasions where
they have gotten wrong information about me,
about proceedings, about any kind of thing that
I believe I have the right not only legally or
constitutionally but parently and
psychologically to correct information, and
those, you know, my children are getting it,
that is one of the recommendations that Donna
Nichols made, that I attend a parent training
class. And the second recommendation she made


is, until I am further evaluated, that the
restrictions should be placed upon, and I have
been evaluated several times since then. Those
were her words. It is in writing. Until I am
further evaluated that the restrictions, and
that goes back to November of 1995 And I have
been evaluated many times since then, which
would indicate that, first of all, that I did
nothing wrong to begin with, and my, am I doing
something now? No expert has testified in the
behavioral social sciences or counseling role
that I have done anything wrong with my children
in the first place or continue to do so.

Q.	Did you feel that having your children sign
those affidavits were the proper — was the
proper thing to do?

A.	In retrospect, I -- if — I would have done
something different. In retrospect, yes. But
if you want to --

MR. WHITLEDGE: Let me have that order

MR. PROW: I do.

MR. WHITLEDGE: If I could see it. I am
having trouble finding it and I would like to —

MR. PROW: There you go. It is only a fax


copy that I have.

MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. Thank you.

Q.	All right. Now, you have continually
bombarded the children with questionaires was
one of the things that the Court found is a

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Have you done that since then?

A.	No. To my recollection, I haven´t,

Q.	Did you call that to Julie´s attention recently
about the questionaires --

A.	The questionaires?

Q.	-- in an internet e-mail to her?

A.	As I don´t know — I want to ask my counsel is
my daughter an issue here today?


Q.	I am just asking what have you stopped. And I
think that is part of the issue.

        MR. PROW: Well, I don´t believe -- I would
object to respond that Julie is an emancipated
child and is not an issue to this proceeding.
She is no longer before the Court in any
capacity. This is solely in regard to Beau.
Julie is no longer a party She is a daughter


who can	-- who can deal with her father how she

        MR. WHITLEDGE. I realize that. And part
of the problem was that the trauma that these
children were experiencing. And the question is
has he continued to bombard her with these. And
I realize she is not an issue before the Court
right now

        MR. PROW. Well, I will allow him to
respond. He can answer But again, I would
object that it is not relevant to this case.

A.	My response would be you keep bringing up the
word that my children are traumatized. I
believe they are traumatized but I don´t believe
they are traumatized because of the actions of
myself. And the only way we are going to get to
the bottom of that is to involve experts in

Q.	All right. Now, my question again is have you
bombarded and attempted to bring up these issues
of those questionaires and things with Julie
since this order was entered?

        MR. PROW: I would continue to object. But
you can go ahead and answer


A.	Using the word bombarded, absolutely not.

Q.	I want to hand you a copy of an internet
transcript and ask you if that does not refer to
the questionnaire.

        (Witness perusing document.)

A.	The comment at the top doesn´t sound like my

Q.	Pardon?

A.	It doesn´t sound like my daughter

Q.	That doesn´t sound like her?

A.	No.	
Q.	Does that e-mail to her from you, is that the
e-mail you sent?

A.	It looks --

Q.	 And could I see that just a second?

A.	Yes. It looks -- it looks like one I sent her

Q.	And it does say, Do you remember, you and Beau,
a questionnaire, where would you prefer your
parents´ money to go. And you are still
discussing that with her?

A. 	She is an adult.

Q. 	And you are still discussing that with Beau too,
aren´t you?

A. 	Both of my children prefer -- answered that


questionnaire, Mr. Whitledge. Do they want
their parents´ money to go to their attorneys,
more of this stuff, more of that Scientology?
They have answered that question. They have
wanted their money to go to that. You are
arguing that I have done something traumatic.

And I am going to ask that these questions be
addressed to a psychologist, not myself. You
are not one, I am not one. So we need to
involve professionals, I believe.

Q.	So you have discussed that same thing with Beau
about the money discussion?

A.	Not in the same light though.

Q.	Not in the same light?

A.	Not in the same detail.

Q.	But you have discussed it with him?

A.	Yes. Yes, I have. And it is issues a lot of
times that the kids will bring up because dad
doesn´t have the income that he had.

Q.	And it also referred to other members of the
community, of communicating with them. I think
you showed that you had communicated with her
school and with other people since this order
was entered. So how else have you changed?


That is my question. Judge Boteler said if you
can show to the Court that these things have
stopped, then his restrictions would be lifted.
Now, could you tell us how you have stopped
those things that Judge Boteler was addressing?

A.	Yes One of the things that I did was to attend
the parent training class at Judge Boteler´s so
that we could get, you know, at least an overall
jurisdictional thing that what applies to all
people in Hopkins County also applies to me.
And recently when I was pro se I filed a motion
that both Laura and ourselves get counseling to
deal with her problems. The results of the
Hopkins Circuit Court ruling was that Judge
Boteler wanted that and to provide suggestions
and I have provided suggestions back when I was
pro se to you and provided suggestions to you
and Laura an ways as the Court ordered to
provide suggestions or a plan of action for to
getting counseling for some of our problems.
And -

Q.	Let me stop you right here.

A.	Excuse me.

Q.	You are saying Laura´s problem. What is Laura´s



A.	No, our problem. We are having problems. We
are here today because --

Q.	You are saying Laura´s problem, a psychiatrist
to address it. What is her problem?

A.	Counseling. No, you are saying counseling is an
issue where the parent training class says that
the best way to resolve parent issues is to
receive some counseling, if you have got anger
issues, frustration issues, money issues.

Q.	And my question is, and you are beating around
the bush, you say you have got a problem that
counseling should address and Laura has got a
problem. Would you please explain what Laura's 
problem is to the Court?

A.	My perception of her problem?

Q.	Yes.

A.	She has cultic anger towards me.

Q.	And why does she have that?

A.	Because of her alternative mental health
beliefs. She believes that I am a terrible
enemy, suppressive, declared suppressive person.
She believes that I am a threat.

Q.	If you were in her position, would you not be


upset if you didn´t return the children --

A.	I am in the same position. I am in the same

Q.	No, I am asking you. If you had custody of
those children and Laura didn´t return them back
to you until two weeks after she was supposed
to, you would be upset?

A.	The answer to that question is yes, I would be
upset. But I didn´t violate any agreements or
any order

Q.	All right. And would if you were in Laura´s
position and Laura were putting on the internet
the children´s affidavits and things like that,
and advertising this proceeding, would you not
be upset with Laura?

A.	I am equally upset that there are all kinds of
things printed in the Madisonville Messenger
that are completely and utterly false and one
sided, so yes. So Laura and her family goes to
the Madisonville Messenger about how bad Tom
Padgett is or that all the legal proceedings and
everybody reads about it. And that is a media
forum. And my side of the family wants their
side told, the paternal side, and so it is on


the internet

Q.	You know, I find it interesting. How do you —
how do you know that they went to the Messenger?

A.	I had a conversation with Tom Clinton.

Q.	And Mr. Clinton told you that the Padgetts were
coming up there with -- I mean the Vannoys were
coming up there with that story?

A.	Mr Clinton told me flat out we don´t deal with

Q.	All right. Now, let me ask you this. There was
also an article -- Mr Clinton told you that?

A.	We don´t deal with outsiders.

Q.	All right. Now; Mr — there was also an
article in the Boston paper about a deadbeat
father, wasn´t there?

A.	Cape Cod Times. This is it right here.

Q.	And that was referring to you, wasn´t it?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Did they go to the Boston paper about that?

A.	I don't know if it made the Boston paper or not.
This is the Cape Cod Times, which is my regional
hometown paper

Q.	Now, let´s start off with these visitations.
The Christmas visitation, I think you said you


went to New Hampshire?

A.	Yes.

Q.	How far is New Hampshire from here?

A.	The border from here is about an hour, an hour
and 15 minutes.

Q.	How far to the ski resort that you went to?

A. It was about an hour and 45 minutes beyond the
border so it would be two hours and 45 minutes
from here, probably three.

Q.	All right. And you drove?

A.	No. Julie drove most of the way

Q.	And you went in your truck?

A.	Yes. I had my seat reclined.

Q.	All right. Now, what kind of truck is it that
you have got, isn´t it a Dodge?

A.	It is a Dodge Dakota.

Q.	And it is the year 2001?

A.	No. It is 2000

Q.	And whose name is that truck licensed in?

A.	My brother and myself. Myself and my brother
Excuse me.

Q.	And who paid for that truck?

A.	It was a -- well, it is not completely paid for
It is a liened out.


Q.	Who did you finance it with?

A.	It is through family and friends.

Q.	Would you tell me who you financed it with?

MR. PROW: I will object to its relevance.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Well, here is the problem I
have got with this and why I am addressing it.
If this guy is as flat broke as he is, how is he
out financing a truck, a 2000 truck? And I
think that this is competent evidence for the
Court to hear.

Q.	Who did you borrow the money from?

A.	Family and friends.

Q.	Who was the family and friends?

A.	Family and friends, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	You are not going to tell us who?

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Certify the question for
the Court, if you would. I would appreciate it.

Q.	And in financing that, did you file a financial

A.	No, because it is not a lending institution.
For the record, my credit over the years has
been destroyed so I can´t go to an institution.
Even now if I go to a bank and ask for any kind
of loan, it pops up that I am a felon in


addition to what income do I have. So I have to
seek out, if I am to pay for living and
attorneys´ fees and child support and I don´t
have the means, that I have to go and seek help
in some way, in some manner And so but I don´t
know, you know, it has been -- it is over the
years it has been like it is anybody trying to
help me is like either a criminal or some kind
of dog, some kind of wrongdoing. And so I don´t
want to drag other people into this.

Q.	Well, what are the terms and conditions of
repayment at that loan?

A.	It is actually until things can change. Until I
can get a chance to so there is no -- it
actually has no — 

Q.	What are the terms and conditions of the
repayment of it?

A.	There is no terms other than they will
eventually be repaid.

Q.	Is there a lien on that truck?

A.	Yes

Q.	And who is that lien in favor of?

A.	John F Padgett.

Q.	That is your brother?


A.	That is correct.

Q.	And his name is also on the title to it?

A.	It is on the title.

Q.	So John -—

A.	As the lienholder

Q.	So John F Padgett, your brother, is the one who
financed the truck for you?

A.	He is the lienholder, yes.

Q.	All right. Now, how much was that truck?

A.	It was about 20, a little over 20,000

Q.	A little over 20,000 Now —

A.	It has crank windows. It has a manual
transmission. There is no door locks. It is a
basic vehicle.

Q.	Now, during that, I think we addressed a while
ago during the Christmas visitation the episode
with the police officer and your frustration,
you were frustrated in front of the children
over there, weren´t you, being stopped then and
checked as a felon?

A.	If you say so, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	Now, on your recent visitation, where did you
all stay?

A.	We stayed at a friend of a friend´s. It is


called the “On Cranberry Pond” Bed and Breakfast
in Middleborough.

Q.	“On Cranberry Pond”?

A	Yes.

Q.	I will hand you a copy of an internet printout
concerning Cranberry Pond and ask you to examine
that and state to the Court whether or not that
is a copy of or what appears to be a copy of
describing Cranberry Pond.

A.	I haven´t examined -- I know she has got an
internet site but I have not —

Q.	Does that appear to be a picture of Cranberry

A.	Yes, it does.

Q.	All right. And look through the pictures of the
various rooms. What room did you and the
children occupy?

A.	Beau and I occupied the southwest room and Julie
occupied the hat room.

Q.	The hat room. So you had two rooms in the bed
and board. How many rooms are there there?

A.	I think there is six. Yes, there are six.

Q.	So you had a third of the rooms that were
available for rent?


A.	That would be correct, yes.

Q.	Now, did you give her any compensation for
occupying those rooms during that visit?

A.	Only for -- well, for Julie´s room, yes.

Q.	And how much was that?

A.	It is $50 a day

Q.	So you paid her $50 a day for Julie to stay

A.	It hasn´t been totally paid for yet.

Q.	Now —

A.	No. I will say that I am doing odds and ends
chores for her. So it is not all, it is not
cash necessarily

MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I would like
that to be made a copy, an exhibit to his
testimony, Exhibit F.

(Document marked as Exhibit F for

Q.	Now, let´s go over this, this trip and this
summer visitation. The Court sets specific
times for the visitation?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And do you remember those dates?

A.	Yes. It was the last two weeks in July


Q.	Now, why did you change those dates?

A.	I didn´t change them, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	You didn´t purchase any tickets?

A.	I purchased tickets for Beau the last two weeks
in July

Q.	But you purchased them for a Sunday rather than
the Friday that the Court had ordered?

A.	Yes. They -- you never come into Cape Cod, this
area, well, at the time I purchased them I was
living on Cape Cod. You never come into Cape
Cod on a Friday because of the traffic. It is
just you don´t do it.

Q.	All right. Now, so you purchased them for that
Friday and you were going to keep the kids two
extra days or three extra days?

A.	Keep the kids? Mr Whitledge, I mean help me
here. Visitation order was for me to purchase
airline tickets for my son.

Q.	Right.

A.	And you know that Julie was sent here to
supervise me on her mother´s behalf.

Q.	Let me ask you a question on that.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, did you make a threat to Julie that if she


testified against you, you would turn against

A.	Absolutely not.

Q.	Did you discuss with her — 

A.	Mr Whitledge.

Q.	— during her visitation up here that she should
not testify against you?

A.	Absolutely not, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	You had no discussion with her concerning her

A.	Yes, we did. She said she does not want to be
involved in her mother´s ongoing litigation
against her father.  She does not want to

Q.	Now, there was some discussion about her
testifying, wasn't there? You had some

A.	Julie and I had discussions, yes.

Q.	And you told her not to testify
against you, didn´t you?

A.	No, I did not tell her not to testify against
me, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	So if Julie comes up and says that, is she
telling a fib?


MR. PROW: He has asked and answered.

Q.	Am I assuming the answer is she would be

A.	No. My answer would be that during the divorce
between Laura and myself, since 1992, my
children have never had any kind of emotional,
proper emotional counseling of any kind from any
kind of expert in the field of behavioral or
social sciences regarding their parents´ issues.

So I am going to defer that to those people
rather than myself, whether I have done horrible
things. You are trying to say that I have done
horrible things to my children and I haven´t.

Q.	All right. Now, we are back on this, this
visitation. And you say that Julie was sent up
here to spy on you. And there were some
discussions about her testifying. Again, why
did you not purchase the tickets for the dates
that were set forth in the order?

A.	Because it was on a Friday and I can´t --

Q.	Okay. Did you --

A.	I was living on Cape Cod at the time.

Q.	All right. Now, did you notify your attorney of
that problem so that he could bring it to the


attention of the Court?

A.	No. I notified my son. I didn´t think it
needed to involve attorneys.

Q.	And how did you --

A.	You have got to understand. Your client
believes that everything, everything involves an

Q.	How did you notify your son?

A.	Every move she makes involves an attorney I
don´t believe that and I don´t believe my
attorney believes that either

Q.	All right.	How did you advise Beau, your son?

A.	Via e-mail.

Q.	Now, did you get any confirmation from him that
he had actually received that e-mail?

A.	I received confirmation the day — like the day
before that he didn´t.

Q.	That he didn´t get it?

A.	Right.

Q.	So it was not known, I mean you didn´t tell your
attorney and you didn´t in any way attempt to
notify Laura that you had purchased the tickets,
did you?

A.	I would assume that Beau had.


Q.	So you were relating that strictly to Beau. You
didn´t attempt to notify Julie?

A.	Julie -- well, I was trying to follow the order
And Julie was supposed to make her reservations
and her mother was supposed to make her
reservations for her. And when Beau was here
during visitation, you know, part of that order
attached was a letter from Beau to Susan McClure
saying I want my sister to come with me. My son
told me while he was here that that was a crock
of poop, that he —

Q.	So you discussed that with your son?

A.	Mr Whitledge, Mr Whitledge, I am going to
answer --

Q.	I am asking you a question.

A.	I am going to tell you what my son told me.
That he was forced to sign that piece of paper
and he didn´t believe in it, that he wants time
with his father, he would like to be with Julie
and I and then he would like to be with, with,
you know, time with his father

Q.	So the only way that anyone was notified of your
purchase of the tickets which changed the
visitation date was this e-mail to Beau?


A.	Um hmm. Again, in retrospect, I would have
communicated that differently now.

Q.	Now, did you get that information of when the
flights were scheduled from Laura´s purchasing
the tickets?

A.	I think it was two days or a day or two before.
And then I called the kids and they said they
didn´t have it. And then I asked them to write
down the information, to check the e-mail, to
write down the information of that. And they
kept telling me, Well, Mom has made the
reservations. And I	— so then I actually
didn´t get the actual written — her
reservations that she booked until like
apparently you faxed them to Clint and Clint
faxed them to me. And I didn´t get them until
nine o´clock the night that they were supposed
to arrive or the day before they were supposed
— or the night that they arrived.

Q.	Now, where were you when they arrived?

A.	I was in -- actually, the Friday night I believe
I was up in -- I believe I was up in Boston.

Q.	In Boston?

A.	Yes, um hmm.


Q.	Why didn´t you when you got word of it come and
pick up the children, why was it the next day,
almost 24 hours after they had gotten here?

A.	Because Laura had called around to various
relatives, it was very very important for Laura
to insist that our children go on the
reservations that she booked for them and they
weren´t known by me until the last minute. So
she called the children's cousins. They were
trying to find someone who could come off Cape
during a very horrible travel time.

Q.	To pick them up?

A..	To go get them. And that was very very very
disruptive to our family

Q.	Well, why didn´t you come down and pick them up?

A.	Because I was scheduled, because I booked the
reservation per the Court order and I was going
to pick them up Monday They had known about
that. I told them to write it down. So Laura
disregarded my — 

Q.	All right. You had purchased tickets for them
to fly up here on that Friday per that Court

A.	No. On Monday


Q.	All right. So that you had violated a Court
order to that point?

A.	Do you call that a violation? It just said the
last two weeks in — do you want to do minutiae
stuff? You are trying to make me feel like I am
just this contentious person. The order said
the last two weeks, the last two weeks in July.
Laura and I are 51 years old. Can´t we
communicate in terms of -

Q.	It set forth the actual dates of the visitation
in that order, didn´t it?

A.	In rereading it, yes, it did.

Q.	And that was the date that she put them on a
plane because she hadn´t gotten any tickets from

A.	Southwest Airlines is ticketless. She is not
going to get tickets. There is a confirmation
sent forward.

Q.	She was not aware that you had bought the
tickets. How were you expecting her to be aware
of that?

A.	Through the e-mail to my son. She has monitored
his e-mail. She has disrupted all communications through my children.


Q.	How do you know that?

A.	I know that for a fact.

Q.	How?

A.	I know that for a fact.

Q.	Tell me how

A.	For years and years and years, my children tell
me that. You can have a phone conversation in
the background and she is always in the
background, telling them what to say

Q.	Ever?

A.	Not necessarily

Q.	All right. Now, let me ask you this. Again,
why did you not come to the airport on that
Friday evening and pick those children up?

A.	Because, Mr Whitledge, I didn´t know they were
coming in that evening until they were here
because I informed them the night before what
reservations I made for Beau. And I told the
children to tell their mother that that is the
time that I expected them to be in. And then I
also said go to your e-mail and I will e-mail
you again or share those with you so that you
will have these. So you have the information,
the time that I had them. It was a major mixup.


It was a major mixup in communication, I would
suggest. Now, I am going to tell you, in
retrospect, i should have communicated that
better But did Laura communicate — how come I
didn´t know Laura booked things until the day

Q.	Did your attorney not send to you the copies of
the tickets that she had purchased and the

A.	Yes. I received them nine o´clock the night
they arrived. That is when I got them. I
believe he was trying -

Q.	Why didn´t you go that night and pick them up?
Why did you wait until the next evening to pick
your children up? Where were you that day?

A.	During the Saturday?

Q.	Yes.

A.	They came in Friday and I didn´t get them until
Saturday night.

Q.	Right.

A.	Oh, I had -- I had things that I had to

Q.	Oh, in Boston?

A.	On the Saturday, no. I was in Boston on Friday


Q.	All right. And what were you in Boston for that

A.	Business, personal business.

Q.	All right. And what about on Saturday, what did
you do Saturday in Boston?

A.	Saturday, I wasn´t in Boston.

Q.	Where were you Saturday?

A.	I was in Middleborough.

Q.	Where were you?

A.	Middleborough.

Q.	And then you picked up your children after
dinner that evening, didn´t you?

A.	They were at their cousins´ house in Orleans.

Q.	And you picked them up later that evening?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	All right. Now, when you had these children for
the visitation recently, you were going to send
Julie back on the Friday that she was scheduled
to go back on and you were going to keep Beau
over until that next Monday. Is that true?

A.	What is true is that Beau, Julie and I had sat
down and we all agreed that Daddy should have
some time with them together and individually,
and there should be no problem with that. And


my kids totally agree with that.

Q.	All right.

A.	And then we discussed options, how to accomplish
this. Because Julie is very much into sports
and athletics, she has different concerns than
Beau´s into theater and drama, more electronical
things and mechanical things and cars. So there
are separate interests. So we were trying to
arrange a time when we could have that. Mind
you, there was not a Court order that Laura —
that Julie was supposed to be with Beau. It was
this allegedly it was set up so that Beau would
write a letter to whatever so that Julie could
come along and play supervisor

Q.	Right. And that order set out — 

A.	Which is, I think is traumatic to do to a child.

Q.	For the Court to do that, you felt was
traumatic, So Commissioner McClure, you are
saying that Commissioner McClure was wrong?

A.	No, no, no. You are trying to have me say that
Commissioner McClure was bad. I am saying that
it is traumatic to put a child in a supervision
to supervise the relationship of another child
and a parent, to be put in a position to write


back to the Court and to report back that he
said this and he did that. It is like a spy
You have already proven that, that she is now
going to be Laura's material and eye witness and
expert witness. I think that is terribly
damaging to do to my daughter

Q.	All right. Now, let me ask you something else.
During either of these visits, did you expose
these children to any persons that will be
testifying as to their well-being or testify
about the children and you in these proceedings?

A.	Would you please define the word “expose”?

Q.	Did you bring any of the prospective witnesses
that will be testifying in this matter to these
children and allow the children to communicate
with that prospective witness?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And who was that?

A.	Reverend Bob Pardon, P-A-R-D-O-N.

Q.	And so you arranged that?

A.	Well, one arrangement was that Reverend Pardon,
I guess, does tree work on a part-time basis.
And he was over at this establishment doing tree
work because they are good friends. That is how


I met this person that owns the bed and
breakfast. And Julie went out and did some
shopping, and he hung out with him for two hours
and worked on some tree work together

Q.	And that was at your suggestion?

A.	What do you mean it was at my suggestion?

Q.	That Mr Pardon meet with Beau -

A.	Yes. And also —

Q.	 -- for the purposes of testifying in this

A.	He also met with my children. Reverend Pardon
met with my children also last December too.

Q.	And you were planning on him serving as a
witness in this proceeding?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And that was the reason that you were exposing
your children to Mr Pardon?

A.	Well, not entirely, Mr Whitledge. Mr Reverend
Pardon is also in a counseling role too. He has
interests of myself and my family and my
children. So it is not just from a forensic
testifying against somebody. It seems like that
is all we are doing here is testifying against


Q.	All right. Now, the Court order said that you
were to return those children on Friday or to
return Beau on Friday

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You were not intending to return Beau on Friday,
were you —

A.	The schedule —

Q.	— at the beginning of the visitation?

A.	Yes. I had scheduled him from Monday to Monday
But obviously, it was going to be a problem. It
was communicated there was going to be a
problem, it was going to be made to be a
problem, which I think you are trying to do now
is to say Mr Padgett just can´t live up to any
Court order. So I got him back on the plane on
Friday so that wouldn´t be an issue.

Q.	Now, let me ask you this question.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Did you tell those children that the Court order
stated that you were to have visitation with
Beau through that Monday? Did you tell that to
the children?

A.	No, no. The last two weeks in July

Q.	Did you tell the children that the Court order


said that you should have some one-on-one
visitation with Beau?

A.	No, I don´t recall saying that. No.

Q.	You don´t recall saying that. Was there any
discussion about your visitation just with Beau?

A.	Yes

Q.	And that concerned what was allegedly in that
order, is that correct?

A.	I -- I don´t know what you are saying. Clarify
it, please.

Q.	Now, actually, the order was faxed up here to
Julie while they were here, wasn´t it?

A.	I am not aware of that. I am not aware of that.

Q.	All right. Well, what changed your mind to send
the child back on that Friday?

A.	I believe there was a hearing that you were at
with Mr Prow and we talked about it. And you
know, it is client-attorney privilege what went
on. But I got the impression that Laura and her
counsel will continue to present me in the light
as a contemptuous person who disregards
everything that comes from the Court. So just
go ahead and do it. I -- again, I would insist
that the Court, since Donna Nichols has


acknowledged that she is not an expert in this
case, and therefore, we have never had an expert
in the counseling or behavioral sciences, that I
would still insist that my relationship with my
children, and in particular the issue now with
my son, be addressed by people in the counseling
role, family issues, rather than everything
having to be legal and Court ordered.

Q.	Well, that is not addressing the question. Now,
there has been a lot of discussion about
visiting with the family

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Did your brother John or any members of his
family see those children when they came up this

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And when did they see them?

A.	A couple of occasions.

Q.	Pardon?

A.	A couple of occasions. My sister, their cousin
Scott, actually —

Q.	Did you take them down to the Cape?

A.	Well, I picked them up there.

Q.	And at that point in time, did you take them


over to your brother´s?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And did you take them by your sister´s?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And then you brought them back up here?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Now, you got them about eight o´clock that
Saturday night, didn´t you?

A.	No, I think it was closer to five.

Q.	They had already had dinner though, hadn´t they?

A.	Yes. They just were having pizza with their

Q.	And when else did they see your brother and

A.	We came back to the Cape one day and went over
my brother´s house and picked up a boat that we
own jointly and went out boating for a long
afternoon. And both picking up and dropping off
the boat, we saw my brother and his wife. And
then we went to —- there was another time we
went back out to the Cape. I had a doctor´s
appointment I had to attend to and then we had
what was considered a late lunch, almost early
dinner with their Aunt Betty, who is very


popular and affectionate in our family And
then my sister Gail, which would be their Aunt
Gail, and then from there we went up to
Provincetown. As a matter of fact, I think that
might have been the last afternoon, night they
were here.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Now, let me -- I think I am
just about to a point where we are going to be
changing horses and I don´t know whether to —
change the directions. Do you want to break for
lunch for say 30 minutes?

        MR. PROW: That would be probably best. It
is noon.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Wait just a second here.
All right. I think that that is going to kind
of wrap it up right there because I am going to
start on another area when we get back.

        VIDEO OPERATOR: 11:56, going off the

        (Brief recess.)



        VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. It is
12:45 We are back on the record.

Q.	Okay Mr Padgett, let me remind you, you are
still under oath.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And you acknowledge that?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Now, originally you had filed a motion for this
reduction in child support and in lifting the
visitation restrictions. There was a hearing in
July of 1999. Are you aware of that hearing?
Do you recall that hearing? You were not

A.	It was a — help me. I mean I think it was a
motion hearing rather than an evidentiary hearing.

Q.	It was a motion hearing on your motion for
reduction in child support and on uplifting the
visitation restrictions?

A.	Right.

Q.	And Judge Boteler wouldn´t hear that because you
were not present at that time, is that correct?

A.	I don´t recall. I —- it sounds familiar, yes.


Q.	Mr Mobley or Mr Lloyd offered to introduce
your testimony by telephone, didn´t he?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And why did you not want to come to Kentucky at
that time to be heard on your motion?

A.	I had — at that time I was receiving treatment
for my back, which was a severe problem.

Q.	And this is a copy of a letter that was
addressed to your brother that was later
submitted in that action.

A.	Yes. And a copy to my attorney, Russell Lloyd.

Q.	Now, the Court stated in that that they would
not hear this until you were present. Do you
recall that?

A.	No, I don't.

Q.	Did you get a video of that hearing?

A.	I believe there was, yes

Q.	You ordered a video of every hearing, didn´t

A.	Yes, I believe, yes. I have or my attorneys

Q.	All right. Now, when was the last time you saw
this doctor? And would you pronounce his name


A.	Monighetti.

Q.	Monighetti?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And you had seen Doctor Monighetti back in ‘99?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And you again saw him, I think, last year or
this year?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And what was the purpose of that visit?

A.	It was a secondary problem with the knee and a
fallout from the back. But primarily the knee.

Q.	Now, this hearing was originally scheduled in
May, and you didn´t show up at that time because
of this back problem?

A.	May --

Q.	Of 2001.

A.	No. The original hearing was supposed to be
July or August. April 10, 2000 It is right

Q.	And then it was rescheduled for February, wasn´t

A.	I believe so, yes.

Q.	And we didn´t have that hearing because you had
hired Mr Prow to represent you?


A.	Right.

Q.	And it was rescheduled for May of this year,
wasn´t it?

A.	Yes. Well, let´s back up. You filed a motion
that you wanted me represented. You didn´t want
to deal with me so I got Mr Prow.

Q.	All right. Now, it was originally scheduled
then for May of this year?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And you couldn´t attend that hearing, and you
notified us at the last minute, because of this
back problem?

A.	Well, it was the back and combination knee. And
now it is a hip issue too

Q.	All right. So the Court then instructed you to
obtain some medical proof to submit to the

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	I want to hand you a letter which was addressed
to Mr Clint Prow that was filed in this Court.
Is that a copy of that letter?

        (Witness perusing document.)

A.	Yes.

Q.	And that doctor was saying you could not travel?


A.	Yes.

Q.	And who was that?

A.	He is — well, I don´t have a primary care
physician . That — he is a physician that I had
had a physical with back in January Just a
general physical. So he was familiar with a lot
of my current medical issues. And he works
for —

Q.	All right.

A.	It is kind of a walk-in clinic.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. Now, I would
like both of those letters to be made a part of
the record, a part of the Court record.

        MR. PROW: No objection.

        (Documents marked as Exhibit G and Exhibit
H for identification.)

Q.	After the Court had requested of you to get
additional medical proof, you went back to see
the original doctor Is that correct?

A.	Yes

Q.	And that is the first time you saw that doctor
in two years, isn´t it?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	And in that that doctor refers to you being


retired. May I see that for just a second? I
am sorry. This is the wrong one . All right.
But this is the result of that medical exam
recently by him, is that correct?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And that was done for submission into the Court

A.	Yes. Because the Court had requested additional
information. But also --

Q.	Yes?

A.	I am sorry.

Q.	And would you state to the Court what has been
crossed out on that?

A.	I believe there are personal issues that I am —-

Q.	The Court was interested in what those issues
were and would like to know.

A.	Well, I don´t have the original with me. But I
know there is other physical issues that I am
not necessarily, you know, prostate exam, I
don´t think is — there is some personal things
that I don´t think the Court should --

Q.	Well, is that all that it relates to is

A.	No. I don´t know . An elasticity of my scrotum .


What do you want to —-

Q.	Well, I would like to know what you crossed out

A.	I don´t know what I crossed out there.

Q.	It was something that you didn´t want the Court
to know about, is there?

A.	No. I discussed it with the attorneys. There
was some things -- no. It had nothing to do
with the Court. It had something to do with
open records of personal information. We have
never gotten a medical history of your client
and psychological history, never. And we will
probably never get one so --

Q.	All right. Now, Is Doctor Sargent had examined you
in January, I think. That true?

A .	Um hmm.

Q.	And is this a copy of that examination?

A.	Yes .

Q.	What was crossed out on that one?

A.	These were, I believe, the ones that were more
intimate issues.

Q.	Would you state to the Court what has been
crossed out on those?

A.	I don´t know. But I know they had to deal with


intimate issues that would not relate to the
current concerns of the Court.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I am going to
ask that both of those be made a part of the
record .

        (Documents marked as Exhibit I and Exhibit
J for identification.)

Q.	Now, I would like to go back to this January
medical exam by Doctor Sargent. Why did you go
see him?

A.	It was a required — actually, it was a physical
for a -- required for attending a two-week
intensive counseling program with Wellspring

Q.	And where is Wellspring Retreat located?

A.	It is in Albany, Ohio .

Q.	And when were you planning on going to Ohio?

A.	It was in January.

Q.	Now, what was the purpose of going to Wellspring
Retreat for?

A.	Victim abuse counseling, and dealing with
trauma .

Q.	Counseling, abuse counseling, you say?

A .	Yes. Actually, it was part of a thing that I

2001 OCT 9 P 12:16
BY <Signature> D.C.

submitted to Laura, your client and yourseif,
regarding proposed counseling that the Judge
agreed that would be helpful.

Q.	All right.	Now, you were over there two weeks?

A.	Yes.

Q.	What had changed in your condition from this
medical report to the medical report that he
gave in June saying that you couldn´t travel to

A .	Reoccurrence of back issue, sciatic nerve
problems, and the complications of the knee.

Q.	So am I to assume that you couldn´t travel in
‘99, you could travel in January of 2000 but you
couldn´t travel in May of — January of 2001,
but you couldn´t travel in May of 2001?

A.	Yes. These — these problems subside and then
they get worse and they subside. I haven´t had
permanent surgical intervention to address any
of these on a permanent level.
Q.	All right.	Now, would you explain to the Court
what you did at that retreat that required you
to have a physical?

A.	Well, I don´t know that it required a physical.
It is just part of their requirement to have a


physical, I would suggest probably for legal
reasons. But it was mostly psychological
counseling. It is run by a Dr. Paul Martin, who
is a psychologist.

Q.	And what was the cost of that?

A.	It was -- well, the cost of it was -- I think
the program cost $5,000. But I was given it, it
was given to me free.

Q.	And who paid the $5,000 for you?

A.	It was -- it was pro bono. It was
complimentary. That is a hotel term.

Q.	Why did they give you a complimentary?

A.	Based on my financial situation.

Q.	Now, who paid for the travel over there?

A.	I believe it was monies that came from my
girlfriend Judy, if I recall.

Q.	All right. Now, how long were you over there?

A.	It was a two-week program.

Q.	How many times have you been over there this

A.	Once.

Q.	How many times have you been to Florida this

A.	None. 


Q.	You have not been to Florida this year?

A.	No. Last time I was there was December.

Q.	December?

A.	Yes .

Q.	That was when you participated in a seminar,
wasn´t it?

A.	A seminar? No. Actually, I had an interview
for a job and then I was visiting my girlfriend
and spent some time with her. And then I went
over to Clearwater, Florida and participated in
a picket.

Q.	In a picket?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, how many times did you go to Florida last

A.	I think twice. I know when I was let out of
prison in between one of the times when I was
pro se, I mean it was like you had filed a
motion to wanting me to be represented and that
was like going to be two weeks out. So instead
of going back to Massachusetts, i went down to
Florida. Then I came back and then that was in
— I believe that was in — it is probably
September . I think it was September, late


September. And then I went down in December.

Q.	All right.	Were you down there in March of

A .	I may have been. I may have been.

Q.	That was when you went down to the Leo J. Ryan
        Foundation conference?

A.	No. That was in Connecticut.

Q.	That was in Connecticut?

A.	It is about a four-hour drive.
Q.	And did you drive down to that in March?

A .	I drove with people, yes.

Q.	All right. Now, from that, when — you 
delivered a speech that is over the internet
now. Do you recall that?

A .	Yes.

Q.	And in that speech you cut down your former wife
about the money spent, et cetera. Do you recall

A.	I recall giving a speech.

Q.	Now, that is not the only speech that you have
given that is on the internet now, is it?

A.	I think there is another one too.

Q.	There is another one from the Orlando meeting
the year before, isn´t there?


A.	No. If I recall, it was a press conference in
Clearwater of December of ‘97.

Q.	All right. So then you traveled last year then
three times to Florida in 2000?

A.	I think it was only two times.

Q.	March, you didn´t go down in March?

A.	I don´t recall. I went this — you said this
was Florida. This was Connecticut. But I know
I was down there in September and December .

Q.	And how many times were you in Madisonville last

A.	Well, I had one extended visit for 35 days in an
orange jumpsuit. That was one trip.

Q.	How many times, how many times did you travel
there last year?

A .	I traveled to Kentucky in April based on an
agreed order that you had signed that we were
all going to be there and resolve these issues.
I was there . You were not. And your client
was not there.

Q.	You were there on the criminal part at that
time, weren´t you?

A .	Yes. But this is —

Q.	And that is the reason that issue was not


addressed at that time was because of the
criminal matter, wasn´t it?

A.	No, Mr. Whitledge . This says civil action,
April 10th, I am supposed to be there.

Q.	I know what that says.

A.	Okay.

Q.	And I know why that hearing was not held and you
knew too?

A.	No, I don´t know . People don´t clue me in.

Q.	It was just because of the criminal action.
People didn´t -- Mr. Lloyd did not advise you of
the problem that developed?

A.	The problem that developed, what do you mean?

Q.	On that hearing.

A.	No.

Q.	Okay. Now, so in ‘99 you couldn´t travel but in
2000 you could travel, and in the earlier part
of 2001 you could travel to this retreat?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	But you can´t travel now, is that what you are

A.	I am advised not to travel, yes. To limit
certain activities.

Q.	Is any of this because you are afraid to come


back to Kentucky?

MR. PROW: Objection. It is in the record.
The Mr. Padgett´s treating physician has advised
that he cannot travel and he has answered that
is the reason that he cannot travel. And that
issue is no longer before the Court. The Court
has already allowed his testimony to proceed by

MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I realize that.
I realize that. But we are addressing the issue
of the cost of it because Mr. Padgett has
testified before that he wouldn´t come to
Kentucky because all those warrants were out for
him . And my question was is he now afraid to
come back to Kentucky because of those warrants.

A.	There is no warrants out for me.

MR. PROW: I am not aware of any warrants
out for Mr. Padgett´s arrest, If you are aware
of one, we probably need to advise Mr. Padgett.

Q.	I am asking you, Mr. Padgett, is that the reason
why you are reluctant to come back to Kentucky?

A.	I am not aware -- my answer would be the same as
my attorney. I am not aware of a warrant.

Q.	You have no problem with coming back to Kentucky



A .	I would defer that to an expert witness in the
behavioral sciences, if I have any fears or
problems or concern that they be addressed to

Q.	Well, I am asking you. Do you not want to
return to Kentucky?

A .	In all honesty, yes, I have — I have fear of
going back there.

Q.	Now, if the Court would restrict your visitation
strictly to Kentucky, would you not return and
visit with your children?

A.	I don´t know how to answer that question.

Q.	So you don´t know whether if the Court should
restrict your visitation to Kentucky, you would
not — you don´t know whether you would come to
Kentucky to visit with your children or not?

A.	Bill, I showed up August 8th of last year and
with information to resolve this quickly, with
pending issues in criminal, and I went through
-- I was put in jail and eventually ordered to
stay in jail for five years. And that is on
appeal. And the person who put me in jail for
five years was your client, it was Laura


Padgett. She testified that she was missing two
checks . And we found out those two checks were
missing. You bet you, I am afraid of any
jurisdiction that full well knowing -- that the
officers of the Court know that Laura´s mental
health belief system believes in using the legal
system to cause harassment and deceitment and
ruin, there is an element of fear there. Yes .

Q.	All right. Now, you say that you are aware of
the crime that you committed, is that correct?

A.	I am aware of the crime that I committed?

Q.	You are aware of the law of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky concerning the failure to pay child

A.	Yes, I am aware of that law, the statute.

Q.	And you are aware that at any time the child
support arrearage reaches over $1,000, that is a
crime against the Commonwealth of Kentucky?

A.	Yes. Or I also think is another issue of longer
than six months.

Q.	Longer than six months?

A.	Yes. Between those two.

Q.	All right. Now, you understand that if you
don´t pay child support for over six months and


you also understand that if it should reach
$1,000, then that is a felony offense to leave a
child in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and not
support that child when you are under a Court
order to support it?

A.	Yes. I understand that law, yes .

Q.	All right. Now —

A.	I will state for the record that I didn´t know
that that was a law before I was indicted for

Q.	So are you saying that you did commit the crime
but didn´t know that that was the law?

A.	Well, what I will state is what I confessed to
on a plea agreement in November 16, 1999, and
that was that I admitted to a period of longer
than six months, actually it was longer than six
months where a child support check had not been
written. I did not admit to any amount, whether
it be a nickel, a dime, or thousands of dollars.
I did not admit to any amount.

Q.	All right. Now, let me ask you this question 
Hold on here just a second. Let me find it.
Did you -- you were found in contempt of court
in 1995 of being $11,000 or $10,100 in arrears?


A.	Um hmm .

Q.	And that arrearage arose before the final decree
became effective, wasn´t it?

A.	No . It was two days afterwards.

Q.	Now, the Court then gave you the option of
paying $5,000 at that time?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And deferred the other $5,100 to a later date?

A.	Correct.

Q.	And you paid the $5,000 that date to keep from
going to jail, didn´t you?

A.	To be in compliance with it, my girlfriend Judy
Vanator wrote a check for $5,000.

Q.	All right. Now, that $5,000 check that was
written was for that arrearage that occurred
prior to the entry of the decree, wasn´t it?

A.	No. My understanding was that it was a -- it
was for the $5,000 that was for a motion filed
two days after the final decree, which resulted
in a judgment against me that I owed $10,000
based on the testimony of a private investigator
that I was in fact working, when in fact I
wasn´t working. And I hired a private
investigator too that investigated Laura´s, your


predecessor´s private investigator and found out
he was not licensed, he wasn´t even a private
investigator . He had a ficticious address and
he was a principal of the Church of Scientology.

Q.	I will hand you another document here that you
filed in the record. Do you recall that

A.	Yes. It looks familiar. It has been a while

Q.	All right. Now, hold on just a second here. I
have got one thing that I still have to find.

        THE WITNESS:	I don´t know if — okay. I
am sorry.

Q.	Now, does that fairly and accurately relate what
support was paid by you?

(Witness perusing document.)

A.	I believe that is correct.

Q.	All right. Now, is it true then that there was
nothing paid from ‘95 until August of what year,
what do your records there reflect?

A .	Oh, here?

Q.	Yes.

A .	Oh, yes. From 1995 till July of 1997.

Q.	And how much was paid during that period of



A .	$5,000.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I am going to
take just a break here. I am trying it too
hard. I have got something I have got to find
that is going to take a second.

        VIDEO OPERATOR: It is 1:00. Going off the
record. Please stand by.

        (Brief recess.)

        VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. It is
1:04. We are back on the record.

Q.	Now, according to that last record that you just
examined there, you did not pay any child
support during ‘96 or until August of ‘97, when
you paid 120 dollars in July and August of ‘97.
Is that correct?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	And you were under an order at that time to pay
260 something dollars a month, weren´t you?

A.	Um hmm .

Q.	Now, that is over ten months that that went
unpaid, wasn´t it?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And there is over $2,000 that was unpaid during


that period of time, is that correct?

A.	I believe this was not for -- because I had a
pending motion to reduce child support based on
statutes. That is where the 60-dollar figure
came from . But it was not prepared for the
legal — the Hopkins County Legal Aid attorneys
to have a quick overview of my interpretation of
how this should be calculated because I had a
motion pending that I had filed. You have got
to understand, I am not an attorney so -- and I
was unrepresented at that time so, you know, as
far as the statute of being, paying, not paying,
writing a check for longer than six months —

Q.	You are guilty?

A.	Absolutely.

Q.	And you are guilty of the amount being over
$1,000, aren´t you?

A.	No. I am not going to claim any guilt to that.

Q.	You are saying to the Court here today that your
arrearage owed was never over $1,000?

A.	Is this civil or criminal or —

MR. PROW: He can ask the question.

A .	It is still pending. I mean we haven´t had
discovery issues since 1994 so I am not


comfortable admitting to any dollar amount. If
I am awarded, then I need to pay it, I go to
jail, it is probably going to get paid.

Q.	All right. The Judge ordered you or found that
you were $21,000 in arrearage in January of

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, you said that there was $10,000 worth of
bond money that was applied on that, is that

A.	That is correct.

Q.	That reduced it to 11,000?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	How much more of that 11,000 has been paid?

A .	How much more of it is paid?

Q.	Yes. Has anything been paid on the $11,000?

A.	I -- it is sitting in the Court. It was offered
to be paid to Laura´s criminal attorney, David
Massamore, who is also a neighbor of Laura´s
It was offered to take this money to resolve the
criminal case and they didn´t want it.

Q.	My question to you is has any of that arrearage
that the Court found of $11,000 been paid to


A.	I am not Clerk of Court. I don´t know if they
have paid anything.

        MR. PROW: I will state, as Mr. Padgett
testified before, the Court is holding
$11,935.95 that Mr. Padgett has provided as
being held by the Circuit Court Clerk. And
there is a letter verifying that, awaiting
instructions which would be the order of the
Commissioner in this action . So that money is
being held. Which party to return it to,
whether it is Mr. Padgett or Mrs. Padgett, the
Circuit Clerk is awaiting orders from the Court.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right.

Q.	So then there is a sizable sum of money that is
owed or that is outstanding, and that is part of
that criminal action, isn´t it?

A.	Mr. Whitledge, it is still pending. We still
have -- it goes back to the supplementary
pre-agreement that we were supposed to deal with
this past and present. So in answer to your
question, this amount equals the — plus the
$10,000 equals the 21 based on that order from
is it January 19, 1999. But that order was not
based on evidentiary information.


Q.	Now, did you think that by depositing that
amount of money with your attorney would relieve
you of the criminal action?

A .	Yes. They told me it would.

Q.	Who told you it would?

A.	My attorneys.

Q.	If you robbed a bank and you got caught, and you
gave the money back, would you get out of being
tried as a bank robber?

A.	I don´t know. I don´t get the analogy there.
My attorney said --

Q.	The crime was committed, Mr. Padgett, when the
money was not paid. Now, did your attorney
advise you of that?

A.	My attorney advised me to sign a plea agreement
and we would get this thing dismissed and
expunged . And I have done everything that the
pretrial diversion agreement had. It is now on
appeal. But he also advised me that if we go
ahead and give this, come up with this money
from family or friends or whatever and we turn
it over to the Court, then full restitution
would have been made, and still go on with the
civil to determine what that amount was and then


it could be refunded or applied for future or
whatever. But to go ahead and just — because I
had a pending criminal action that I wanted to
get dismissed because it was affecting, you
know, you fill out a job application, are you in
a criminal action, are you whatever, I wanted to
get that over so it didn´t affect me.

Q.	Did you think that Laura could have had the
Commonwealth drop that criminal action? The
crime was against the Commonwealth of Kentucky
for not supporting your children.  Do you think
Laura could have relieved that and erased that?

A.	I believe both you and Laura and the Vannoys
could have, could have said, Listen, we want
this over with, he has done full restitution,
please, Mr. Massamore, let´s get rid of it.

Q.	And you were offered a chance to do that and but
you didn´t comply with the diversion, did you?

A.	Absolutely, every bit of it.

Q.	Mr. Massamore had to call you back into court
two or three times, didn´t he?

A.	He called me in a lot more than that. It is
called legal harassment, Bill.

Q.	And there was one time that he filed that there


was an order entered, about a 15-page document,
that showed all the violations that you had in
reference to that diversion?

A .	I don t recall that. There were alleged
violations .

Q.	Alleged violations that the Court had signed
asking that you come back to show cause why your
diversion should not be yanked, was it?

A.	Yes. And I was there on April 10th, along with
I was supposed to be there in the morning on
the civil, I was there in the afternoon and I
asked David Massamore what did I violate in the
pretrial diversion agreement. And his answer
was -- he got very angry and he eventually said
nothing and the Judge said nothing. And then
they asked me to sign a piece of paper. I
signed it and gave it —

Q.	And the Court gave certain findings of what you
had done because you wouldn´t sign the proper
diversion form, would you?

A.	I did sign it.

Q.	But not the form that was recommended, was it?

A.	Because it was a modification . They were trying
to modify. It is on appeal, Mr. Whitledge .


That is an appeal issue . They were trying to
have me sign something different from my
original agreement.

Q.	Now, Mr. Padgett, then at that point in time the
Court revoked your diversion, is that correct?

A.	Yes, the Court did.

Q.	And sentenced you to five years in the

A .	Yes.

Q.	Now, you served 34 days of that?

A.	35 days.

Q.	And you are on probation now?

A .	Um hmm.

Q.	You are on probation here in the State of
Massachusetts for that crime?

A.	Right . Alleged, I would say alleged crime.

Q.	Now, parts of that probation, part of that
probation is that you abstain from alcoholic
beverages, isn´t it?

A.	Not -- I covered that with my probation officer.
It has nothing at all to do — all he says, Mr.
Padgett, is make sure that those checks get
there on time and that is the issue.

Q.	Well, now why did you send 130 dollars for the


month of August? That wasn´t the amount you
were supposed to send.

A.	130 dollars for the month of August?

Q.	That is all that was sent.

A.	Oh, okay.

Q.	What happened?

A .	Yes . I will explain it to you . As a matter of
fact, I have a copy of it that I can provide for
you while you are here. In the tax refunds for
2000 and ‘91, they took out X amount of dollars
and X amount of dollars . And I deducted it from
the 699 so that is what was left over . So those
three amounts would equal the 699.60.

Q.	So, so you let your tax deduction pay part of

A.	No. It had already been paid to Laura.	She
already received those through the federal tax.

Q.	So then --

A.	I didn´t get that money.

Q.	You are saying that you don´t know whether that
money is applied on arrearage or whether that
money was applied on the August payment, do you?

A.	Well, I applied it on the August payment.

Q.	You applied it on the August payment?


A.	Right. We don´t know what the arrearage is.

Q.	So you do acknowledge, you do acknowledge here
today that in the month of August you only paid
a little over 130 dollars of your child support
obligations to Laura?

A.	No . Mr. Whitledge, in the month of August,
took what has already been paid to Laura. Those
two amounts based on what was deducted and 130
dollars would equal $699 and so much change.
That is the amount.

Q.	All right. Now, you were presently charged with
driving under the influence in the State of
Massachusetts, aren´t you?

        MR. PROW: I will object. That is not
relevant to these proceedings. It has no
relevance in regard to visitation, child support
or arrearage of child support.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: In fact, all right. I
would like to address that because of the fact
that the abstaining from alcoholic beverages by
a felon on probation is one of the requirements,
and i asked him long ago if he was complying
with the requirements . And he has been charged
back in April or May with DUI. And we would


like to know the status of that and whether or
not that would be a violation of the criminal
things and what is his understanding of it were
he to be brought back to Kentucky.

MR. PROW: We will stipulate that Mr.
Padgett has been charged with DUI in
Massachusetts and the case is pending. It is
set for trial.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Well, when is it set for

MR. PROW: Is there a specific date?

        THE WITNESS: Sometime in October .

MR. PROW: October of this year.

Q.	It was set for September, August, wasn´t it, and
it got continued?

A.	Prior to that too, yes.

Q.	And it got continued in August?

A.	Um hmm. Upon advice of counsel.

Q.	Now, have you been advised that that would be a
violation of your probation?

A.	No, no. I talked to my probation officer. It
is not a violation of probation.

Q.	Which probation officer did you talk to?

A.	My probation officer, John Morahan.


Q.	Here in the State of Massachusetts?

A.	That is correct. Massachusetts .

Q.	And he says that abstaining from alcoholic
beverages is not a condition of the probation?

A .	Absolutely not.

Q.	It is not?

A.	Yes. But I am — I was charged with the DUI
thing. I wasn´t convicted and I wasn´t -- no
chemical test — there is no -- I mean that is
still pending so I — I don´t know where you are
going, Mr. Whitledge.

Q.	All right. Now, I am not trying to get you in
what you call a double jeopardy type situation.
I am just trying to figure out whether or not
you violated that probation, the conditions of
probation. And it is my understanding that one
of the conditions of your probation is that you
abstain from alcoholic beverages.

A .	I think if you want an accurate update you can
go on the internet to altreligionscientology.
It is a discussion news group the Church of
Scientology has . It is a Gestapo-like
organization called Office of Special Affairs
and they have been monitoring this case. It is


an arm of the Church of Scientology that is
interested in, specifically interested in some
of the people who are designated as real bad
enemies in their eyes. And Special Affairs --
and they have been visiting the Court every time
it has gone on here so it goes to the internet.
So I see a link between the Church of
Scientology´s interest and your interests so
kind of lump you in together. I am sorry. That
is how I see it.

Q.	All right. Fine with me. Now, have you had any
alcoholic beverages —

MR. PROW: Objection. This is not
relevant .

Q.	— since that date?

        MR. PROW: We are not in the criminal court
and the Petitioner is not the Commonwealth of
Kentucky. We are not at a probation revocation
hearing. These issues have nothing to do with
the remaining issues before the Court with
regard to child support, child support arrearage
or restricted visitation. We are not here to
determine whether probation has been violated.

This not the criminal Court so I am going


to —

MR. WHITLEDGE: You addressed the issue of
his criminal action. I didn´t object. And you
addressed the issue of the diversion and the
probation .

        MR. PROW: And he has stipulated — I mean
he has admitted to pleading guilty and it is
under appeal that — that is in the record and
he has testified to that today. It is one thing
to say it is in the record. We are not here to
have a revocation hearing on behalf of David
Massamore or any prosecutor from Hopkins County.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right.

Q.	Now, as a result of that plea, you sent quite a
lengthy affidavit to your son, didn´t you?

A.	I don´t recall. I may have.

Q.	Saying that you were forced into that plea?

A.	I may have given him a copy of that, yes.

Q.	And who else got a copy of that?

A.	I am not certain. My attorneys.

Q.	Why did you send that to your son?

A .	I thought they should have — my children should
have all the facts .

Q.	Have you kept your children aware of all the


facts that have gone on in this?

A.	Not all of them, no. I have kept a lot of it
from them.

Q.	All right. Now, who else did you send that,
that affidavit to?

A.	When was the date on that?

Q.	It was right after you pled guilty.

A.	Oh, probably to my girlfriend, brother, sister,
family, cousins, aunts, uncles. I wasn´t on the
internet so I — it wasn´t on the internet or I
did not have access to the internet so I don´t
think it is on there .	

Q.	All right. And what did you actually say in
that affidavit?

A .	It has been a while .

Q.	And that was part of the reason for the
revocation of your diversion, wasn´t it --

A.	No.

Q.	when you made the statement in there that the
Court forced you to make that and that you were
not free and voluntarily making that statement
to the Court?

A.	No. No, sir. It was my plea agreement was
revoked based on an allegation, on an allegation


that I didn´t sign and return a certain piece of
paper .

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I have got to
find this affidavit. Hold on. Off the record
again. I am sorry.

        THE WITNESS: It was an issue,that David
Massamore brought up of concern. But to sign --
the fact that I had an affidavit did not violate
the plea agreement or disrupt any --

        VIDEO OPERATOR: It is 1:21. We are going
off the record.


        (Brief recess.)

        VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. It is
1:23. We are back on the record.

Q.	Now, you have continued to explain to your son
that you were not guilty of any crime, is that

A.	In various conversations, yes. That your father
knowingly, willfully, deliberately did not
intentionally commit a crime, which is an
accurate statement.

Q.	Now, let´s go over your educational background.

A.	Um hmm.


Q.	What is your education?

A.	I have a Bachelor of Science degree from
Plymouth State College, of the University of New
Hampshire .

Q.	From the University of New Hampshire?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And what was your area of concentration?

A.	I had a -- it was a Bachelor of Science in
business administration and a minor in art.

Q.	And a minor in art?

A.	Art.

        VIDEO OPERATOR: Mr. Padgett.

        THE WITNESS: Yes, a minor in art which
does not mean I have any artistic talents .
just had enough credits for a minor.

Q.	All right. Now, when you were divorced where
were you working at that time?

A.	Decree or filed?

Q.	When the divorce was filed.

A.	Southfield, Michigan.

Q.	And how much was your income in 1993?

A.	I believe the salary was somewhere around a
little over 90,000, but I also — it was either
‘92 or ‘93 that I had a bonus which brought it


up over $100,000.

Q.	Would it be fair to say that it was $107,000?

A.	It could be. I was thinking of 106 and some
change, something like that, from my

Q.	Now, when you went to the original hearing, they
found that the Court made a finding that you and
your family had a pretty high standard of living
at that time, didn´t they?

A.	Yes. Pendente lite hearing, September, 1992.

Q.	Yes.

A.	Or October. Something like that, yes.
Q.	And the Court ordered you at that time to pay
$1,100 or $1,200 a month in child support?

A.	Yes. $1,123 or something like that.

Q.	And that was based upon the high standard of
living that you and your, and Laura and the two
children enjoyed at that time?

A.	I thought it was based on our combined incomes
in a grid and two kids and this is what you pay.
I thought that is what it came out to, the

Q.	Well, what 1 am asking is this. Now, prior to
the starting of this divorce —


A .	Um hmm.

Q.	You all had a nice house, didn´t you?

A .	Yes.

Q.	You had a sizable income, didn´t you?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And Laura had a sizable income?

A.	Pretty good income, yes.

Q.	The children had anything they wanted?

A.	They were very comfortable.

Q.	And you would say that probably their standard
of living at that time was costing you anywhere
from five to $600 a month per child, wasn´t it?

A.	It is hard to break it down.

Q.	But you spent a lot of money on your children,
didn´t you?

A.	Oh, absolutely.

Q.	And they had just about anything they wanted?

A.	They were just shy of being spoiled.

Q.	And would it have been true that yours and
Laura´s income was in excess of $135,000 before
you -- before the divorce started?

A.	Yes.

Q.	It was quite a bit more than that, wasn´t it?

A.	I believe it was. I don´t recall Laura´s actual


income when she filed. But combined, it would certainly 
be 140, 150.

Q. 	100 --

A. 	150 or something like that.  I don't know.

Q. 	Maybe 150?

A. 	It could be.

Q. 	Well, of that total income, would five percent of 
it go to the children?

A. 	Would five percent of it?

Q. 	Five percent of the gross income.

Q. 	I would think more than that.

Q. 	You would think more than that?

Q. 	Yes.  It depends on twhat you mean for children. 
 For fun and games or for clothes or for --

Q. 	For clothes.  I mean, they had the best of 
clothes, didn't they?

A. 	Yes.  They had some --

Q. 	Very expensive stuff?

A. 	Not as nice as they have now. They have really 
nice clothes now.

Q. 	All right.  They went on trips?

Q. 	Yes.

Q. 	And they did a lot of things, they participated in a
a lot of activities?


A.	(Witness nods.)

Q.	And would it be fair to say that you were
spending $500 a month per child for the clothes
and their extra-curricular activities and
entertainment, et cetera?

A .	That sound about right. It could be more. It
might be.

Q.	So then at the time of the divorce these
children were really enjoying a good standard of
living .

A .	Right.

Q.	Now, when after the divorce was started, you
were terminated with Radisson shortly
thereafter, is that correct? I think the
divorce was started in ‘92 and you were
terminated in ‘93 or ‘94.

A.	‘94. Well, it was —	
it was —	I think it was
June of ‘94, they put me on a loaner situation
where I was working with other franchises so I
was no longer working for that hotel. It would
be kind of like a consulting kind of like
situation . But my services were being told to
me pretty much that they were no longer
required .


Q.	Now, you have gone over where you have applied
for employment. What is the basis of your
application for SSI benefits?

A.	Primarily back.

Q.	Primarily back?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Who is representing you in that proceeding?

A	Legally?

Q.	Yes

A.	Nobody. It is just I have a -

Q.	And through which office have you applied?

A.	Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Q.	Hyannis, Massachusetts?

A.	Yes

Q.	And when was that application made?

A.	Last winter. Yes, last winter.

Q.	Last winter?

A.	I think it was February or March.

Q.	All right. And so but you haven´t had a ruling
on that as yet?

A.	No.

Q.	Now, what other employment have you sought in,
say, the last six months?

A.	I am sorry?


Q.	Have you sought any employment in the computer

A.	There was -- there was one job, I think it was a
consierge position at Awaquasett Inn in Harwich.

Q.	And that is the last employment that you applied

A.	Yes. And then prior to that, it was two
interviews in Florida in December

Q.	Now, do you own any interest in Hoyt´s Cinema,
either stocks, bonds, or does any member of your
family own any interest in Hoyt´s Cinema, either
stocks, bonds or property?

A.	No.

Q.	Who was your boss at Hoyt´s Cinema?

A.	I had two bosses One was Jennifer Campbell
and the other one was Rhonda Fleming. It is not
the actor

Q.	Rhonda Fleming?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And was she at the local office, the local

A.	Yes. Harwich theater

Q.	Well, Hoyt´s Cinemas is all over the world,
isn´t it?


A.	I believe the ownership is out of Australia.
But my understanding is that their concentration
of cinemas is in the northeast, primarily
Massachusetts. They have a -- their U.S. office
is in Boston and they are concentrated
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New
York, Delaware maybe, and maybe in Vermont, New
Hampshire. Northeast. Pennsylvania, I think.

Q.	All right. Now, Thomas, I mean Mr Padgett,
let´s talk about your parents for a while.
Where did your father work when you were growing

A.	He worked in Manhattan . He was in the Wall
Street District.

Q.	Who did he work for?

A.	It was a company called Moore & Munger

Q.	And what were his functions?

A.	He was a -- well, first he was a chemical
engineer. But he was a partner, it was a small
chemical -- a combination chemical research and
wax distribution company.

Q.	He owns an interest in that, didn´t he?

A.	Yes. Through partnership.

Q.	Now, he held quite a few patents, I understand.


A.	Yes, he did.

Q.	And as a matter of fact, he owned a patent on a
coating for cups, didn´t he, the Dixie cup and
other cups?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And what other patents did he hold?

A.	Well, it was not the actual cups but it was the
formula used for the coating. I think it was
Lily Tulip. Also other product, the wax used to
mix with sawdust to make Duraflame logs and
things like that.

Q.	He had held a patent on that?

A.	Well, in all of his patents the patents were
under the company, so they weren´t his personal
patents from my recollection.

Q.	But your daddy had done quite well, hadn´t he?

A.	He was comfortable, yes.

Q.	As a matter of fact, he had a home out in
Orleans, Massachusetts?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	That was his summer home. He had a home in Boca

A.	It was an apartment.

Q.	But he had a home in Boca Raton, is that



A.	Yes. It was an apartment.

Q.	For the winter?

A.	Right.

Q.	And he -- and you grew up without wanting
anything, didn´t you? I mean you had just about

A.	I wanted a lot of stuff I didn´t get.

Q.	But I mean financially, your father was in real
good shape, wasn´t he?

A.	Well, my recollection is early in my childhood
we were struggling. But towards the -- towards
the end, we were -- I would consider us
certainly middle class. I think they were very
comfortable once they got their three kids out
of college.

Q.	All right. Now, your father died in 1990, prior
to this divorce, didn´t he?

A.	That is correct. He died --

Q.	He died in your home in Lexington, Kentucky,
didn´t he?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	Now, his entire estate was left in trust, is
that correct?


A.	I am not sure of the details. But it combined
with my -- I mean it all went to my mother´s

Q.	Now, what do you mean went to your mother´s

A.	I don´t know the details of it I am not — I
am not a trustee or a -- of either of my

Q.	Now, is your interest in that trust in the
neighborhood of a million and a half dollars?

A.	Oh, God, no. That would be nice though.

Q.	If Laura were to testify to the value that you
had related to her when you all were married as
to the amount, would she be fibbing?

A.	She would be flat out lying. She would be
perjuring herself.

Q.	She would be  perjuring herself?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, Mr Padgett, when your father died he left
a Will, as I understand it, right?

A.	I believe so. I -

Q.	And you have seen that Will, haven´ t you?

A.	No, I haven´t.

Q.	You have never seen your father's Will?


A.	No, I haven´t.

Q.	Now, your father left a trust, is that not true?

A.	I believe so, yes.

Q.	Now, I am going to hand you a copy of this trust
which is a public record and I want you to
examine this and state to the Court whether or
not that is a copy of your father´s revocable

(Witness perusing document.)

A.	I couldn´t state whether it is or it isn´t.

Q.	Now, you have no idea of your father´s trust,
you are going to tell the Court here today?

A.	I don´t know a lot of details. Yes, that is
correct. I don´t. As a matter of fact, I -- my
prior attorneys had advised me that you were
interested in parties, non parties to the
litigation like my parents and any other people
that had money for you and your clients. So we
filled out a release so that you could work with
them because I am not a trustee or executor of
my parents´ estate. And I didn´t get involved
in this. My brother and sister. And that was
probably set up because I wasn´t -- my brother
and sister stayed close to home and I didn´t. I



Q.	But what I want to ask you, though, is you have
never before today seen your father´s trust

A.	Oh, I may have years ago. But this doesn´t look
familiar at all. I would -- I have -- I know I
haven´t seen this.

Q.	Well, now that document provides that your
father's estate is to be divided into two parts,
one part is for your mother and the other part,
the income off the other part is to provide for
your mother´s needs.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, were you aware of that?

A.	No. Not the details, no.

Q.	You have no idea about the two separate trust
accounts that were established in your father´s

A.	No.

Q.	Now, in that your father provided that your
mother could direct in her estate how her share

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Were you aware of that?


A.	Not in detail, no.

Q.	Now, were you aware of the fact that upon your
mother´s death the balance of that trust would
come to the three of you children?

A.	The exact details of how it is split, I have
never seen that in writing either.

Q.	You have never seen it in writing?

A.	No. I would defer -

Q.	Have you had discussions with your brother and
your sister concerning this estate?

A.	Yes.

Q.	And have you had discussions --

A.	Primarily — 

Q.	And have you had discussions with your brother
and your sister concerning the value of that

A.	Not in detail, no.

Q.	Now, have you received any benefits from your
father´s estate under that trust agreement?

A.	No, not to my recollection.

Q.	Not to your recollection?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, has any of your interest gone into a


A.	Explain it. I don´t know what you mean.

Q.	Has any of your interest gone into a foundation
that is taxed by the Internal Revenue Service?

A.	I have no idea. Clueless.

Q.	You have no idea?

A.   	Um hmmn.

Q.	So there could be a foundation out there that is
paying taxes on your interest from this estate
that is supporting you?

A.	Oh, no. Not at all. As a matter of fact, I
can´t answer these questions. You are asking me
to represent -- I am not an attorney I am not
a trustee.	I am not an executor You are asking 
me to represent parties not to this litigation. 
I can´t do it, Bill.

Q.	All right.	Now, Mr. Padgett — 

A.	I gave you -- I gave you --

Q.	What I am asking you is this.

A.	Please let me finish. I am under oath to tell
the truth. I will tell the truth and nothing
but the truth. I signed a release for you to
work, because you showed concern that you wanted
to involve other people in Laura´s litigation
against me. I signed a release over two years


ago for you to have access to those people
because I don´t have -- I am not executor. So
you have that.

Q.	Yes. And I got back from your brother that he
would not be a party to it until I showed him
what statute in Kentucky allowed me to delve
into your father´s trust.

A.	Well, I am not my brother.

Q.	I know it. And what I am asking you is, Mr
Padgett, you have got a college education?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	People have paid you up to $107,000 a year to
run hotels?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And your father had a sizable estate and held a
bunch of patents. And you are here today
telling this Court that you have no idea of
anything about your father´s estate, no idea
about how much money was in your father´ s
estate, and you didn´t care when you are as flat
broke as you say you are today?

A.	I am here to testify as my income was that high
and it is really low now. And I think you and
your client know how that demise went down from


the six—figure income.

Q.	That is not the question about your income. The
question is you are telling the Court here today
that you have no knowledge or information at all
concerning what was in your father´s estate?

A.	In detail, no.

Q.	You have -- I am not asking in detail. In
general terms

A.	In general terms, you need to address the
trustees. Now, I have — 

Q.	So you are not going to tell us what your
understanding of your share of that trust was?

A.	I am going to tell you that I have reported
income in ‘98, ‘99, and 2000 regarding taxable
income from the residue of my parents.

Q.	All right. Now, is there any of that trust from
your father that has not been distributed as yet
to your knowledge?

A.	I — I believe — I don´t know I don´t know
the answers to that, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	You mean you are not even interested in whether
or not your brother is sitting over there
holding money that belongs to you?

A.	I think you need to talk to the people —


Q.	So you are not going to answer that question, is
that what you are saying?

A.	No. I just said I don´t know the answer

Q.	You haven´t even inquired?

A.	I will tell you why I don´t know the answer It
is because I tried to get my kids to visit their
grandmother before she died and I went to Court
on it and they said I can´t represent my mother
because I am not an attorney at law. And now
you are asking me to represent my father and my
mother in this litigation. And I mean you are
asking me to represent other people	You want
to bring in non parties.

Q.	I am not asking you to represent anybody I am
asking you for your understanding of what you
were to receive under your father´s trust. But
you are sitting here today telling the Court
that you have not inquired of that and have no
knowledge of it Is that what you are saying?

A.	I have some knowledge of it.

Q.	Tell us what knowledge you have.

A.	I have some knowledge that it is -- I am what is
called a conditional benefactor

Q.	All right. Well, explain what your


understanding of conditional benefactor is.

A.	It is that certain conditions need to be met
before I can receive benefits. And those
conditions have been established and the
determination of whether those have been met
will be done by the trustee, the --

Q.	What are those, what are those conditions?

A.	The trustees. They are complex and I would
rather have the trustees refer to this. I don´t
want to get into that. I don´t want to
represent my brother or my sister or —

Q.	It is something that your mother signed prior to
her death in which said that as long as Laura
Padgett had this litigation going on, you
couldn´t get anything from her estate, wasn´t

A.	No, I am certain it has -- it is not that.

Q.	You didn´t supply to your attorneys that

A.	I didn´t. My -- someone else might have.

Q.	There was a document that was given to me by
your attorney, Mr. Lloyd. Now, I wish you would
look at that document and see — 

A.	I will let my attorney see it first. Was there


a cover letter that came with that or —

Q.	Uhuh. That was given in Court.

A.	When was that given in Court?

Q.	I don´t remember the date when we were up there.
Well, Mr Padgett, as a matter of fact, it was
that same day that I asked that why didn´t he
file a motion for reduction in child support and
he said what you had inherited would probably
result in you paying more than what you were
paying now

A.	My attorney --

MR. PROW: I will object.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: He said that. That has
come out in Court. That has been brought out to
the Judge.

        MR. PROW: As long as it has been recorded
in Court. I would like this on the record. I
don´t know if we can — we can ask Mr Padgett
if he has seen this before. We may have some
problems authenticating this. I can´t make out
the signature of Shirley D. Padgett. There is a
signature line and there is a faded, there is a
faded signature there. Unless Mr Padgett can
testify to prior knowledge of this, I would


object to the authenticity of this until we --
until somebody can testify to the -- that this
is in fact part of the trust agreement. Go
ahead and ask him.

(Witness perusing document.)

Q.	Are you aware of that document?

A.	I am aware of its existence, yes.

Q.	And that document was drafted because of the
allegations that Laura Padgett was stirring this
litigation up?

A.	Allegations?

Q.	Yes.

A.	If you use the word “allegations”, no. This is
my mother´ s document. I don´t represent my

Q.	I know you don´t represent your mother

A.	There are behavioral issues in there, I believe.

Q.	Now, your mother died, I think, in ‘98?

A.	Correct.

Q.	And she had a sizable estate of her own, didn´t

A.	What is sizable? It was -- my knowledge is it
is very small.

Q.	All right. What is your knowledge of it if it


is very small?

A.	It is very small.

Q.	What is your knowledge of it? You said it is
very small.

A.	I want -- I signed a release for you to deal — 
these are not parties to this litigation. It
you want to deal with non parties, I want you to
deal with the people who represent them. I
don´t represent my mother.

Q.	All right. So you are saying that you are not
going to tell us any of your knowledge here
today, you are going to force us to come back up
here and take your brother´s and your sister´s
deposition and go into the bank accounts?

A.	No. I am going to say that I provided for you
back on April, and I still will, income that I
have shown to the -- that I provided with my
I.R.S. returns.

Q.	Now, you had supplied that. And I am going to
show you a letter from your brother, which he
carbon copied me, in which he said he was not
going to give us that information.

        (Witness perusing document.)

Q.	Do you see in the last paragraph down there -


A.	Yes

Q.	Now, he wouldn´t give us any of that
information, would he?

A.	I don´t represent my brother

Q.	All right. So then what you are saying is that
you gave permission for your brother but your
brother wouldn´t give it to us, you don´t have
any knowledge of how much was in your mother´s
estate or how much was in your father´s estate,
you have not inquired and have no idea about how
much you will be receiving from those estates.
Is that your testimony today?

A.	My testimony today is that I am a conditional
benefactor and these are issues of my late
mother, who was also alive acting on behalf of
my late father And my brother and sister
represent that. So you are asking me -

Q.	Mr Padgett, all I am trying to get to —

A.	You are asking me to try to represent people I
don´t represent. I can´t legally — 

Q.	I am not asking you to represent anybody I am
asking you to tell the Court today -

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	-- how much you expect to receive or how much


you have received either from your mother´s or
your father´s estate.

A.	The first question, I don´t know. Second
question, I have provided income from my parents
on the tax returns for ‘98, ‘99, and 2000

Q.	Now, let me ask you again because I — I mean
this is going to force a lot more expenses than
have been incurred up-to-date. You do not have
any form of a general idea of the value of your
father´s estate?

A.	Not totally, no.

Q.	Not totally. But do you have a general idea?

A.	I think I have answered your question. I
want -

Q.	Would it be a million?

A.	A million?

Q.	Yes.

A.	I would say it would be much less than that.

Q.	Your father´s estate — 

A.	After tax and my mom´s expenses, medical

expenses, I don´t know the exact amount. All I

know is that she set up this thing that she said

that makes me a conditional benefactor And I

am not going to address those --


Q.	Which makes you a conditional benefactor, that
letter from her and the trust?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Both of those? All right. Now, was her trust
the same as his trust; that upon her death it
was to be distributed to you?

A.	I don´t recall.

Q.	All right. You don´t recall, you have no idea?

A.	I — the exact details, no, I don´t.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. Now, let´s take
a short break here just a second.

VIDEO OPERATOR: We will conclude this
                (Brief recess.)

                VIDEO OPERATOR: It is 1:53. This
concludes tape number two of Thomas Padgett

        (Brief recess.)

VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. It is now 2:08 p.m. on August 27, 2001.
This is tape number three of Thomas C. Padgett´s deposition.

Q.	All right. Mr Padgett, let me remind you you
are still under oath. Now, a while ago you
stated you have one bank account?


A. 	Actually, I have a savings accounts and a
checking account.

Q.	Where is that checking account?

A.  	Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank.

Q.	Five Cents Savings Bank?

A.	Um hmm.

Q. 	How long have you been banking there?

A. 	Three, four years.

Q. 	Now, the Bank of Boston is now Fleet,
I understand?

A. 	Um hmm.	

Q.	You had an account in Fleet, in Bank of Boston,
is that correct?

A. 	I had a savings account.

Q. 	And you had a checking account there

A.	 I think I did. I think it was Bank of Boston.

Q. 	Here is a check that you wrote to your children
on the Bank of Boston. Does that refresh your

A.	Yes.

Q. 	Now, do you have any money with the Bank of
Boston or its successor bank?

A.	No, I believe this account was shut down.

Q.	When was that account shut down?


A.	I am not sure.

Q.	Now, that check is to your children?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	That was to reimburse her for medical expenses
that the Court found you owed, wasn´t it?

A.	It was for reimbursal of medical expenses. The
Court didn´t find any. Again, there wasn´t
discovery. I have asked for medical expenses
since ‘94, 30 or 40 times, and it has never been
produced so --

Q.	And those were sent back to you because you made
the checks payable to the children, didn´t you?

A.	Oh, I guess so. Um hmm.

Q.	You pulled that more than once of making the
support checks or checks payable to the
children, didn´t you?

A.	Pulled it, what do you mean pulled it?

Q.	I mean you have made the checks, the support
checks more than one time payable to the

A.	Yes. Well, way back on child support. But as
far as this, I wanted the children to know I am
trying to support them additionally per Court
order for their medical expenses when their mom


refuses, she still refuses to involve me
anything in their mental health care, medical
health care.

Q.	Well, I am asking you about that though. You
had done that and there was some expression in
the Court by Judge Boteler for you to stop
making the checks payable to the children,
wasn´t there?

A.	You are alleging that I have, this is some kind
of a behavioral issue and I would wish that you
would address this not to me but to a behavioral

Q.	All right Did the Court instruct you, your
belief, not to make the checks payable to the
children anymore?

A.	I think, yes, there was -- your predecessor,
Hallyburton, says no more, Michael Hallyburton.
There is no Court order that addresses that

Q.	But there was some instruction by the Court not
to pay it that way anymore, was there, Judge
Boteler --

A.	Pay what that way?

Q.	Make your child support payments payable to the



A.	I believe there was.

Q.	Yes. All right. Now -

A.	Not medical expenses.

Q.	I also noticed here two bank accounts, one at
Nations and one in a Florida bank. Now, what is
the Florida bank?

A.	Those were accounts that I had when I was living
in Florida.

Q.	Now, do you have any money on deposit in either
of those accounts or their successor banks?

A.	Excuse me. No, they have been both shut down.
As a matter of fact, one of the banks, Nations
Bank, the branch was closed. But these, these
accounts have been closed.

Q.	So you are saying that you have no money in
either of those accounts or in — now, do you
have any money in any bank account in the State
of Florida?

A.	No.

Q.	Now, would you supply to the Court the last 12
months of your bank statement from your Five
Cents Savings Bank account and make those a part
of your testimony here today?


        MR. PROW: That doesn´t matter

A.	If we are going to have discovery of both
parties on bank accounts, I think — 

Q.	I am asking you, will you make those available
as a part of your testimony here today, your
last 12 months bank statements? Now, I am not
interested in your checks, Mr Padgett. I am
just interested in the statements that are filed
each month.

A.	Well, I would guess that if we are going to have
discovery of me and Laura and those kinds of
things, I would guess that -

Q.	So are you refusing to supply those to the

A. 	No. I am just --

MR. PROW: Let me ask --

THE WITNESS:	I have always asked the
Court to	—

MR. PROW: Let me ask counsel, will Mrs.
Padgett provide her income	--

MR. WHITLEDGE: That is no problem. We
have never been asked for that. I am asking him
now and he is not answering.

        MR. PROW: Well, we will do reciprocal


discovery If she provides 12 months´ worth, he
will provide 12 months´ worth of his bank


Q.	Now, Mr. Padgett, in supplying all of your bank
statements, I want all of your accounts, that
includes your savings account.

A.	You just asked the Five Cents. So now we are
going -

Q.	To all of your bank accounts. All bank accounts
upon which you can draft a check.

A.	Oh, okay	And so we get all bank accounts for
Laura, we get all of our accounts in
Scientology, there is no limit to discovery
here. Am I getting this? There is no limits to

Q.	I don´t know that you are getting it, Mr
Padgett. What I am asking is -

A.	I don´t think I am.

Q.	-- for you to supply to the Court copies of the
last 12 months of all bank statements on any
bank accounts or institutions, financial
institutions in which you can withdraw money

        MR. PROW: Only if we can have an agreed,


an agreed order that Laura Padgett would provide
the --

MR. WHITLEDGE: Laura Padgett is going to
supply -- this man is giving his deposition
today and I am asking him as part of that

MR. PROW: I understand. I am saying --

MR. WHITLEDGE: Now, if you want to make a
formal request, you can make your formal
request. I am not trying to be difficult,
Clint. We are going to supply you all of that
information. But this man, and I will ask you,
he has mentioned Scientology. She has no money
in Scientology.

        THE WITNESS:	I just got $2,000 from them
so -- and there is a lot more available for us.

        MR. PROW: He will provide, and we are
requesting you now, he will provide an agreed
order that he will provide those 12 months´
worth of bank statements if Laura Padgett by
September 10th, the date of the hearing, will
provide that same information, 12 months´ worth
of all bank and financial institutions in her
name or that she has access to.


        MR. WHITLEDGE: And we are asking for him
any bank accounts in his name or that he has
access to or he can withdraw funds from

MR. PROW: And assuming an agreed order is
signed — 

MR. WHITLEDGE: Are you making that
restriction on this man's testimony here today?

        MR. PROW: If we agreed to an order is
signed that she will provide the exact same 
discovery, if -- and you told me she will.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: You can ask my client the
same thing. We are not trying to be difficult.

MR. PROW: Well, that is a yes, as long as
you sign an order

        MR. WHITLEDGE: This man, I don´t think we
have to sign an order.

        MR. PROW: Well, I would request an order

        MR. WHITLEDGE: So you are not going to
supply this man´s records? Certify that
question to the Court.

        MR. PROW: You can certify it. But I am
trying to answer your question yes, he is going
to provide it. You are telling me your client


will provide that information. I am telling you
my client will provide that information. So I
don´t understand why an agreed order for both of
them to	— 

MR. WHITLEDGE: I am going to sit here and
be restricted, I have just asked a question and
he can make that a part of his deposition. Now
I will give them to you. I am not trying to be
difficult. All I am saying is is Mr Padgett
going to supply these records and make them part
of his evidence?

        MR. PROW: And the answer to put in the
record is that he will if an order is signed or
the information is received from Laura Padgett
before an order is signed, then he will provide
that information

        MR. WHITLEDGE: He is not going to supply
them to the court reporter?

        MR. PROW: He is not.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: You are saying he is not?

        MR. PROW: He is not. He will supply the
information as long as the reciprocal
information is provided by Laura Padgett´or an
agreed order where she agrees to supply that


information by September 10th. We can say all
the information will be provided on the date of
the hearing on September 10th.

        THE WITNESS:	Well, I want to go on the

        MR. WHITLEDGE:	No, Mr Padgett. Let me
move on a little bit further here.

Q.	What is CASH, C-A-S-H?

A.	Oh, the first question, I was going to say it is
money. It is currency That I think the
abbreviation started by a group down in Florida.
It is Citizens or Campaign — Citizens Against
Scientology Harassment. And it is a networking

Q.	Do you have any interest in CASH?

A.	I have about seven dollars on me.

Q.	Do you have any interest in this organization
called CASH?

A.	It is not a corporation or anything. I have no — 
there is no money or nothing.

Q.	There is not?

A.	No.

Q.	Where is CASH located?

A.	It is -- I believe it had several mailboxes


around the country.

Q. 	It has a phone listed in Orleans, Massachusetts,
doesn´t it?

A. 	Well, that would have been my part of it. It is
a networking.

Q. 	Your part of the phone?

A.	Yes. How old is that piece of paper?

Q.	All right. Let me ask you though. What does
CASH do, what does it stand for now?

A.	It is Campaign Against Scientology Harassment or
Citizens Against --	

Q.	What does CASH do?

A.	It is just a communication network to, to
transcend all this religious protection against
a behavioral science thing. And it is a group
of people, who were deeply harmed by this
organization, who network and use this as a
communication link.

Q.	Does CASH have any money?

A.	I don't -- -- no.

Q.	Bank account?

A.	No.

Q.	It doesn´t?

A.	No.


Q.	All right. I am going to hand you a fax that
you sent to me in 1998

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And I want you to look at this. And attached to
it is an airline ticket for you to fly from
Boston to Nashville in October of 1998

A.	Um hmm. Okay

Q.	Now, why would anybody such as an airline extend
credit to CASH that didn´t even have a bank
account? That airline ticket was charged to

A.	 That would be a good question.

Q.	So you don´t know why you got an airline ticket
free that would have been charged over to CASH?

A.	Where does it say that?

Q.	Look at it again. See where it says bill, bill
to CASH?

A.	Oh, bill to CASH.


A.	And the -- I would guess the address to the
CASH, to the address, not the organization.

Q.	All right. Did you then draft a check on CASH
to pay that airline ticket?

A.	I am not sure how I paid for it.


Q.	Pardon?

A.	I am not sure how I paid for it. It could have
been —

Q.	It could have been a CASH checking account?

A.	It could have been a credit card too.

Q.	It could have been a CASH checking account?

A.	I don´t recall. I don´t recall a CASH checking
account . 

Q.	But CASH was actually you, wasn´t it?

A.	CASH was me?

Q.	Yes.

A.	It was — it still is a network of people. They
have changed -- they changed names.

Q.	But you were the head of the local office here?

A.	Head of the local office?

Q.	Yes.

A.	No.

Q.	Where the phone number is now that is CASH, that
is your phone number?

A.	No, no. That is a — that is a not correct

Q.	All right. But the phones, your phone that you
said a while ago there is a phone listed in
Orleans, Massachusetts for CASH. Now, you said


that is your phone?

A.	This is my phone, yes. That is handwritten in

Q.	No. The phone that is listed in Orleans,
Massachusetts now in the name of CASH, you said
a while ago was your phone. Is that correct or

A.	Then I don´t even understand your question.

Q.	I am not asking about that phone number on

A.	Um hmm.

Q. The phone that is listed over there currently,
if I go in there and call that phone number
listed for CASH, would that be your phone

A.	You will have to show me the list where it says
there was a phone number for CASH. This is my
own phone.

Q.	Is there a phone in your home or that you have
control over that is listed in the name of CASH?

A.	No.

Q.	No?

A.	No.

Q.	All right. Now, I also noticed where when you


flew in, you flew Julie to Providence and paid
for it, it was put on your Visa card. Was that
CASH´s Visa card or was that yours?

A.	I don´t even remember this, Julie visiting me in
December of ‘98

Q.	But it does reflect on there Visa, doesn´t it?

A.	This is after my daughter´s emancipated age.
Where are you getting this information? Where
are you getting this stuff from? Are you
extracting it from my daughter?

Q.	You supplied all this to us.

A.	I supplied this all to you?

Q.	Yes. This is the purchase of your son´s most
recent trip on here where you purchased a ticket
and that ticket was purchased on American

A.	Um hmm. Yes.

Q.	Now, you said you had seven dollars in your

A.	Yes.

Q.	Could we see how many credit cards you do have
in your billfold at this time?

MR. PROW: I would object to the --

MR. WHITLEDGE: Are we to assume there are


so many credit cards that he doesn´t want to
reveal how many he has got?

MR. PROW: Well, you are saying that he has

        THE WITNESS:	My attorney will testify
that we went out for dinner last time and I used
the American Express card and they returned it.
It was rejected.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Well, let´s see. If he has
got nothing to hide, show us all the cards you
have in your billfold.

        THE WITNESS: I will show you all the cash
that I have.

MR. WHITLEDGE: I am not asking about cash.

        THE WITNESS: Yes. You asked about cash
so --

MR. WHITLEDGE: All right

        THE WITNESS: One, two, three, four, five,
six. Sorry I said seven. it is six.

Q.	I think you said seven. But what I am asking
you, Mr Padgett, is now how many credit cards
are there in your billfold at this time?

A.	I believe I have a Sears card. I have a Shell
card. I have an Amoco.


Q.	Could you show us, please?

A.	Sure. Well, I would -- I guess I would want to
consult my attorney and make sure that we have
the same discovery of Laura.

Q.	I think he can ask her the same question. Can I
see the credit cards?

        MR. PROW: I can ask her the same thing,

        THE WITNESS: Because there hasn´t been
the same discovery for years.

Q.	I am asking you, can we see them or not? Are
you refusing to let us see them?

A.	I will let you see the cards I have.

Q.	Put them up on the table so we can view those.

A.	Yes. Here they come.

Q.	That was American Express. Where is your Visa?

A.	It is coming, Bill.

Q.	Shell. Now, this Visa is issued by the U.S.

A.	Yes.

Q.	Do you have any money on deposit in that bank?

A.	No. I owe money on it.

Q.	Now, can you withdraw funds from that bank?

A.	No.


Q.	Could you at any time withdraw funds from that
bank by virtue of this credit card?

A.	Not now, no.

Q.	Could you at any time withdraw funds from that
bank account by virtue of this credit card?

A.	You are asking me a question for a yes or no
answer and there is not a yes or no answer
believe I am maxed out on it or pretty close
maxed out on it in terms of credit. And I know
that the American Express is — my — I don´t
know if my attorney is allowed to testify that
that is —

Q.	And this is a PLUS card?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And it is honored at a lot of any-time teller

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Have you ever withdrawn cash from an any-time
teller machine with this card?

A.	The answer is no.

Q.	You have never withdrawn any cash?

A.	Never

Q.	All right.

A.	Never


Q.	It has just been charges?

A.	That is correct.

Q.	All right. Now, you still maintain your credit
then. Who is paying those credit bills? Is
your brother paying them?

A.	Well, they are not all being used. Sears is not
being used. J.C. Penney isn´t being used.
Texaco is gas. Amoco and Shell, they are gas.
I have -- and I have been receiving assistance,
private victim assistance. And I can tell you
where to go to find out more about it if you
are --

Q.	Well, I am going to ask you because I would like
to know myself

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You have referred throughout this proceeding and
the criminal proceeding about a benefactor?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Who is your benefactor?

A.	Benefactors, plural.

Q.	Who is your benefactors?

A.	Benefactors, brother, sister, friends. I am
sure if you go through the page that you had
entered as the first exhibit you will see also a


defense fund.

Q.	Yes.

A.	To pay for attorneys fees in the -

Q.	Now, how much money has been raised by the
defense fund?

A.	I don´t know

Q.	Who maintains the defense fund?

A.	That is, I think, client-attorney privilege.

Q.	You have no control over the defense fund?

A.	Some, yes. I have input. But as far as -

Q.	Can you ever draft any checks out of the defense

A.	I would rather have -- I would rather have
counsel or people who are administering that

Q.	Who is administering it?

A.	It is — — well, a lot of the money is being held
through my brother And the checks come in,
they get deposited.

Q.	Is your brother the benefactor?

A.	Is my brother the benefactor?

Q.	Benefactor

A.	He would be one of them, yes.

Q.	And he is managing the defense fund?


A.	Yes. For the legal harassment that I am

Q.	And he is making the payments out of that?

A.	Some of them, yes.

Q.	Well, now where did the $10,000 cash bond come
from when you were arrested in 1998 and brought
back to Kentucky?

A.	The $10,000, I think — I don´t -- that came
from my brother

Q.	From your brother?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Now, was there any arrangements to pay him back?

A.	Yes. There is a tab that is growing.

Q.	Was there any arrangement on that for that to be
charged against your inheritance?

A.	Not per se, no.

Q.	Not per se?

A.	It wasn´t structured that way

Q.	It was not structured that way?

A.	No.

Q.	Well, how was it structured then?

A.	It is you are asking about a defense fund and
you are talking about criminal behavior and
having me come back here. I am very


uncomfortable of me talking about how my
attorneys are funded because I believe that
Laura is being funded by Scientologists and her
parents and — 

Q.	Well, that is what you believe.

A.	And benefactors.  What is what I believe.

Q.	Well, your attorney can ask her all of those
questions. Now, I am asking you the question
about this defense fund.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, your brother is managing it. The $10,000
was paid out. Now, are you going to tell us how
that was to be handled on your -

A.	Well, wait a second. I am not saying the
$10,000 came from a defense fund.

Q.	Oh, the $10,000 came from your brother?

A.	Came from a check from my brother, yes.

Q.	All right. Now, that $10,000 was a check that
he had paid from your share of the estate?

A.	It is money that — the origin, I am not -- I
can´t tell you. The check was written, I think,
to the Hopkins Circuit Court. But Joe Mobley
handled it on July 20, 1998.

Q.	All right. Now, your brother wrote the check.


It was sent to the Hopkins Circuit Court to
release you from jail. Now, what was the —

A.	No, no, no.

Q.	Where did the $10,000 come from?

A.	Mr Whitledge, Mr. Whitledge, it was posted as

Q.	Right. So you didn´t have to wait in jail until
your trial was disposed of?

A.	Correct.

Q.	Now, your brother sent the $10,000. What was
the agreement between you and your brother
concerning the repayment or concerning that
advance of $10,000?

A.	I think that is something that you need to
address with my brother

Q.	You don´t have any idea of it?

A.	I am -- I get money from brothers and sisters.
I get money from the internet. I get money from
my girlfriend.

Q.	You get a lot of money.

A.	Are you asking about arrangements and people who
care about me in trying to resolve this issue?

Q.	Well, you ought to be able to answer that
question, Mr Padgett.


A.	Well, I don´t -

Q.	I mean your brother sends down $10,000 and you
don´t know what the agreement was?

A.	The agreement was -- the agreement was that the
$10,000 got applied and that the $11,000 get
applied and then you expunge and decease the
case. That was the agreement. Now, you are
interested -- you are asking me to represent
other people. And I can´t do that,
Mr Whitledge.

Q.	All right. So your brother just -

A.	If you want to --

Q.	So your brother just voluntarily gave you that

A.	I would suggest if you want to involve other
people, then include them in the litigation and
subpoena them or whatever I -- 

Q.	All right.

A.	I am not going to do this.

Q.	So we are to assume then that the $10,000 was an
advancement on your inheritance?

A.	You cannot assume that.

Q.	Why?

A.	Because you are assuming. You are assuming


Q.	Tell us why. I mean you know where the $10,000
came from. Now, tell the Court.

A.	I mean you say you assume. I don´t know why you
assume. You assume a lot of things.

Q.	Tell us where the $10,000 came from.

A.	It came from my brother. The check was written
from my brother

Q.	And your brother has just voluntarily wrote the
check for $10,000?

A.	I think I have answered this question.

MR. PROW: You have answered that question.
He has asked and answered at least ten times.

Q.	Now, the $1,000 that Mr Mobley was sent was
sent on a check by ABUSE. Where did that
$11,000 check come from? A-B-U-S-E.

        MR. PROW: You may answer, ABUSE, who the
organization is.

A.	It stands for A Better Understanding of
Scientology Ethics. And again, it is a
communication thing for dealing with these
issues. Now, but I am very concerned.

Q.	I am really concerned, Mr Padgett, about where
all this money is coming from that you don´t
have any idea


A.	And I am very concerned too. I think I need a
break from — where are you getting this stuff,
from my attorneys, from my former attorneys?

Q.	It is in the record.

A.	It is not in the record.

Q.	Your attorney verified that to show the Court
what they had on deposit.

A.	Then I need to see a record.

Q.	All right. Look at that.

A.	I need to see a record of a video.

Q.	Is that not a money order from ABUSE — 

A.	Are you asking --

Q.	-- for Julie and the child?

A.	Yes. It appears to be.

        THE WITNESS: I am just concerned. How did
you get this? Were you engaged in an activity
to violate my client-attorney privilege from my
previous attorneys? You have a serious bar
complaint coming, Mr Whitledge.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Well, you have already
turned me into all the bar, local bar
associations in Madisonville, saying that I have
a drinking problem.



Q.	How many times have you filed complaints on
attorneys that are involved in this? You filed
a complaint on Mr. Hallyburton. You filed one
on the Judge too, didn´t you?

A.	A bar complaint on the Judge?

Q.	A judicial complaint, didn´t you?

A.	A judicial -- I need to know -

Q.	You filed a complaint -

A.	I need to know where you are going with this, I

        MR. PROW: I object. I don´t think it is
relevant to these proceedings at all.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: I don´t either. i just --
you need your break or you want to go on?

        MR. PROW: Let's take a five-minute break.

        (Brief recess.)

        VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. 2:44,
back on the record.

        MR. WHITLEDGE. All right. Are we ready?
I would like to formally introduce this exhibit,
which was the Notice of Appeal and two checks.
And if you will keep it turned over and I will
just do them in order. This one check that was
to children for reimbursement of medical


expenses that he said he wanted them to know
about; the Southwest Airlines purchase; the
trust agreement; and his mother´s trust
agreement revocation; the letter from his
brother; the fax from CASH along with the check;
and the Southwest Airlines purchase. Now, we
are talking about at this point in time this
check from ABUSE. And you can just do those in
order. Will that be any problem with you?

        (Documents marked as Exhibit K through
Exhibit R for identification.)  

[Direct links to exhibits K through R:
Exhibit K
Exhibit L
Exhibit M
Exhibit N
Exhibit O
Exhibit P
Exhibit Q
Exhibit R  ]

Q.	Now, have you had time to consult with your
attorney about that check that ABUSE sent to
Mr Mobley and Lloyd?

A.	Yes, I had a chance to talk to him.

Q.	Where did that $11,000 come from?

A.	I don´t know.  It is not ABUSE or it is made out
to them. I think it would probably be again
best to deal with the people who -- Mobley and
Lloyd could probably tell you also.

Q.	All right.

A.	This was for -- what I -- what I can testify to,
this was provided to, to -- $10,000, $11,835.95
would equal the $21,000. It was provided to


Mobley and Lloyd with the stipulation of making
full restitution in the criminal case and
getting it dismissed. That was the intent of
this check.

Q.	All right. So you are saying that you have no
idea of how those funds originated? Are you
indebted to anybody for those funds?

A.	Yes.

Q.	Who are you indebted to?

A.	Lots of people.

Q.	Who?

A.	Lots of people.

Q.	Have you signed any promissory notes to those?

A.	To this amount, I don´t think so. I am indebted
to a lot of people for a lot of help.

Q.	All right. Now, was any of that money your
advancement on your trust?

A.	No. I can´t say that that was. I can´t -- no,
I can´t say that.

Q.	You can´t say that it was an advancement?

A.	No, I can´t.

Q.	All right. Now, when you were going off to
prison, $50,000 was sent to the Court by your


A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, where did that $50,000 come from?

A.	You´d have to ask my brother

Q.	It came to Mr Harold Sloop. You were aware of
that $50,000, weren´t you?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You were?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, you don´t know where that money came from?

A.	I do know that once I was incarcerated there was
a big stir and in my family and on the internet
and so forth. So the cumulative amount, I
couldn´t state	-- I would guess that it could
come up with lots of money and lots of	-- if
people are trying to incarcerate me when it is
not needed. And so it is a lot of people. I
know my brother -- I can´t speak for them but I
know their feelings were that this is like — —
this is like an act of extortion, you come up
with all kinds of cash, we will give you your
brother´s body back, he would still be alive
though. That is how I perceived that.

Q.	So if the Court should grant to Laura $1,000 a
month child support, you would be able to pay


that because you have got all of these different
connections out there. Is that not true?

A.	No. Child support is based on an income, I
believe, by law. If you are going to -- if you
are going to state to me now the child support
laws and we can go out and change them and any
person that doesn´t make what the other person
wants them to make, that they go raise it up and
they will come up with it because they will go
to jail, you know, did you want to go down that

Q.	All right. Well, now I am just interested in
where all this money came from. I mean your
brother has bought you a truck?

A.	There is a lot of stuff on the internet.

Q.	And he has got a lien on it. And your brother
sent you that 11,000 or 10,000 The 11,000, he
sent you the 50,000 And you don´t have any
idea where all of this money in the last couple
of years has come from?

A.	There are -- here is some sources I can help you
answer this question. You can go on the
internet and there are people out there who are
willing to help victims. It is called Private


Victims Assistance. You can go On
www.freedomofmind.org and they can refer you.

You go to www.lisatrust.net, and they can refer
you, www.Wellspringretreat.org. There are
others. And they can hook you up with people
who can help you emotionally, financially, all
kinds of things when you are going through these
types of trouble. And so these are not	-- I
mean they are available for you to find out more
about the kind of assistance.

Q.	Well, what I am asking for is these people have
all come forward and helped you, you say?

A.	Yes.

Q.	I would like to know some of their names.

A.	Under the circumstances, i don´t -- they are
anonymous. You are dealing with -- you are
dealing with an organization that stalks people
and - -

Q.	You are not going to tell us?

A.	And harasses them.

Q.	You are not going to tell us who has put up
11,000 and 10,000 and 50,000 and who spotted you
the truck?

A.	Well, I think that we have determined that the


10,000 and the 11,000 and change was a check
written by my brother

Q.	All right. Now, and there is your brother just
gratuitously gave that to you?

A.	Gratuitously?

Q.	It is your understanding — —

A.	You are using the word gratuitously.  No.

Q.	So there were some strings attached to your
brother advancing that money, is that not true?

A.	The strings are attached that I have family,
friends, loved ones, a girlfriend, brother and
sister, that people are going to try to help me
out from your client´s obsession with

Q.	All right.

A.	Just to keep me out of jail or just to satisfy
bringing this to a conclusion.

Q.	Now, the $50,000 that was sent to Mr Sloop, you
have no idea of where that money came from, is
that what you are telling the Court here today?

A.	I -- well, I was in jail so I can´t say I
can´t testify I know exactly where it came from
at that time. But I have an idea.

Q.	What is your idea?


A.	That it came from family

Q.	So your family put up the $50,000?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	That would be your brother and sister?

A.	Um hmm. And I believe it was to dismiss
everything, dismiss the criminal case, dismiss
everything. And Laura rejected it. So and then
it went back to them.

Q.	Now, did Laura reject it or did you reject it?

A.	No, Laura rejected it.

Q.	There were numerous offers made to you at that
time, weren´t there?

A.	There were numerous offers made to your client

Q.	And one of the problems was that you had
committed a crime against the Commonwealth of
Kentucky and not against Laura Padgett?	

A.	I don´t believe I committed a crime against the
Commonwealth of Kentucky or my children. I
don´t believe that, Mr Whitledge. You are
talking about criminal behavior

Q.	Now, you have a savings account for Laura and
you haven´t contributed anything to her college
education, have you?


A.	You mean Julie.

Q.	Julie, yes.

A.	There is a savings account. Yes, there is a
savings account with Paine Webber, with 54,
approximately $5,400

Q.	All right. Now, have you contributed any money
to her college education?

A.	Are you talking about tuition?

Q.	Any money at all towards her college education.

A. Through the savings
account, I intend to cash it
in and apply it.

Q.	You intend to?

A.	This fall.

Q.	Have you contributed any money to her books, her
tuition, her room and board, clothing, anything
else financially to your daughter Julie to go to

A.	Her freshman year I provided her with --
actually, it was a freshman and part of her
sophomore, I provided her a credit card that she
could use for gas and expenditures. And she
used it. And then it had to stop because the
litigation was just -- - - you do recall that in
October of 1992, that I made an offer to Laura


to put all anticipated court costs and
attorneys fees into a savings account for her
children. And she has rejected it many times
since then. And that would be in excess of
$100,000 so I think --

Q.	All right. Now -

A.	-- you have got most of that.

Q.	Have you ever told your daughter Julie that as
soon as this litigation was finished, you would
start helping her with her college education?

A.	Not in those terms, no.

Q.	But it was contingent upon the litigation
ending, is that not true?

A.	No. It was contingent upon requiring --
remember, you filed a motion to have me be
represented. So I am being represented by a man
who makes over $100,000 because Laura and I, you
don´t want her to communicate with me and you
don´t want to communicate with me so that is a
very expensive process and my income is very
limited right now. So all I am saying is when
the costs of this protracted resolution stop,
then I would be in a better position to help
her. That is not the same thing as saying to a


child from a parent, you know, your mom stops
her litigation and I will help you out.

Q.	You have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars
in litigation, haven´t you?

A.	Hundreds and thousands?

Q.	Yes.

A.	I believe it is in attorneys´ fees, it is in
excess of $100,000. I am sure it is.

Q.	All right. Now, how many attorneys have you had
representing you?

A.	Several.

Q.	Over six, wasn´t it?

A.	I believe so, yes.

Q.	More like about eight?

A.	More like six or seven. All of them --

Q.	Well, we count Mr McCauley and Rachelle, I
think it would be up close to ten, wouldn´t it?

A~.	Well, yes, yes. And so —— and so there is — —
every one of them, every one of them have said
to me that they can´t believe the way I am being
treated in the Hopkins Circuit Court.

Q.	All right. Now — —

A.	Except for current counsel.

2.	Now, do you think that Laura´s fees, legal fees


would have been pretty well equal to what your
legal fees were?

A.	Probably not because of the travel expenses. it
would probably be nowhere near as much.

Q.	So you say that you are saying here today that
your legal fees at this point in time have
exceeded $100,000?

A.	Yes, most definitely

Q.	Now, and there is a savings account for Julie´s

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	But that is not being depleted or used for her
college education at all, is it?

A.	Well, for the record, I think that is between
Julie and I. I don´t think there is any issues
here with my daughter today

Q.	So you are not going to say whether or not you
have actually helped your daughter in any way
You have left it all up to your wife, haven´t
you, former wife?

A.	Well, wait a second, Mr Whitledge; The child
support stops at an emancipated age and she is
getting child support for two children based on
an income that I made in 1995. So I would say


yes, she is getting half, you know, a good
portion she should be getting from Laura from

Q.	Yes. Now, I would like to for a minute address
that issue concerning the 1997 increase in child

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You recall that, don´t you?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	You saw the video of it, didn´t you?

A.	I — — yes, but I don´t recall. But I am sure I

saw it.

Q.	All right. Now, in the original decree, you

claimed to be unemployed and were drawing
Unemployment. You were to supply your wife with
information concerning your employment on a
monthly basis, weren´t you?

A.	Umhmm.

Q.	You didn´t do that, did you?

A.	I complied with that for the most part, yes. I
did and I have.

Q.	All right. Now, in 19 — — we had gone to court
on numerous occasions trying to force you to
give us authorization to go to the Internal


Revenue Service for your taxes. Is that not

A.	When you say we, who is we?

Q.	Mr Hallyburton and myself both have filed
motions requesting those documents?

A.	Well, is there anything that you requested and
been ordered that I haven´t been provided you,
Mr Whitledge.

Q.	Well, every time you would send in the request
for the documentation concerning your income,
there was always a restriction on it, wasn´t

A.	This goes back to -- what are you talking about

Q.	Yes. But you don´t recall that?

A. 	What do you mean I don´t recall that?

Q.	You don´t recall all of the various restrictions
you put on those - -

A.	I think I put restrictions on there because,
again, I was concerned because the Court was
ordering discovery of me and the Court was never
ordering discovery of Laura.

Q.	All right. So then	— —

A.	So you can say easily here today, Mr Padgett,


you know, has got bad behavior because he put
restrictions on it, and Mrs. Padgett is good
because she complied with the Court but she was
never asked for discovery of the Court and she
still hasn´t been. She is being — — we don´t
know anything. We don´t have here is what Laura
makes and here is what I make.

Q.	Well, you have had all of these eight or nine

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And you have had the same access to discovery
that she has had?

A.	No, I haven´t. That is not a true statement,
Mr Whitledge.

Q.	Well, all right. So finally, we have got
authorization in 1997 to approach the Internal
Revenue Service?

A.	Yes.

Q.	You were aware of that?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And this is a copy of that result of the letter
from the Internal Revenue Service.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now --


A.	I —— I can´t tell —— this is what you received.
I didn´t receive it.

Q.	Well, does that look like your ‘95 income?

A.	‘96 is missing. Do you have ‘96?

Q.	Is that your ‘96 income?

A.	No. I don't -- don´t see -

Q.	I think that reflects that you didn´t file a tax
return in 1994 or ‘96 and the only tax return
that the Internal Revenue Service had for you
was the ‘95 taxes

A.	You mean in 1997? They should have been filed.

Q.	All right. Now, when we received that
information, what did it show as your income for
that year of 1995?

A.	Adjusted gross income?

Q.	Um hmm.

A.	No. Gross income. I have never seen this
printout here. 44; 44,855.

Q.	Does that sound about right?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, you were talking a while ago about your
filing the various motion for reduction in child
support, et cetera.

A.	Um hmm.


Q.	On about that same time you were actually filing
a motion for reduction in child support and for
the Court to award you alimony, weren´t you?

A.	I believe I even -- yes, I believe I had. That
was pro se.

Q.	And this is a copy - -

A.	Mind you, I remind the record I am not an
attorney at law

Q.	That is the copy, that is the copy of the motion
that you filed.

A.	Right. It was copied to Mr Hallyburton.

MR. WHITLEDGE: Right. Now, the motion,
and I am going to ask that the taxes be made a
part of it and that this be made a part of the

(Document marked as Exhibit S for


(Document marked as Exhibit T for


Q.	All right. Now, in 1997, you again filed
another motion for a reduction in child support
and a motion for alimony, I think.

A.	I think there is two of these too for this time
frame. I have a second one of these too.


Q.	And you were asking for alimony and in your
original motion in 1995, when in fact you had in
1995 made $46,000 Is that not true?

A.	When was	— — when was the date I motioned?

MR. PROW: August 29, 1995

        THE WITNESS: Okay

Q.	And you made $46,000 and you were asking the
Court to award you maintenance from your wife?

A.	Mr Whitledge, you recall I had a fairly high
income and that ceased in May. So from May of
1995, which would include the time which I filed
this motion, I had a very low income, extremely
low income.

Q.	Now, I understand that your sheet there that is
written on CASH again, and I am not going to say I --  	
you don´t know or will not explain to the
Court what your connection with CASH is. Does
that fairly accurately depict an exhibit that
you have filed in this action previously?

A.	I believe it does. It looks familiar

Q.	So at that time with the $46,000 income, you
were wanting maintenance from your wife?

A.	I am -- how would I know in August 25th of 1995
what I made in ‘96? This isn´t attached. This


is in Massachusetts.  I think that was filed in
Florida, wasn´t it? Yes, it was in Florida.
Are you saying this is an attachment to this?

Q.	No, I am asking you if you recognize this
document right here.

A.	Yes.

Q.	And that is a document that you prepared?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And it is on the head of CASH. Why did you use
CASH in that one?

A.	Citizens Against Scientology Harassment.

Q.	And why did you use that organization to relay
this information?

A.	Because I was a citizen, and still am, to
prevent harassment.

Q.	All right. And this 1997 motion, I find
an interesting sentence. And I am going to read it
to you.

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And I think this is basically the Respondent,
who is you, believes he is the one deserving of
relief and the Petitioner is a party deserving
of punishment and owes support in the form of


A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Was that your truly feelings that she should be
punished financially?

A.	I think the best way to describe that, if you go
back and look at all the motions, these are
motions that I filed. If you go back and look
at all the motions that Mr Hallyburton filed
and a lot of them that you filed, both of you
gentlemen have used the word “punished”, that I
need to be punished and punished for this, to be
punished for something I did to my children, to
be punished financially, to be punished for
whatever. So if I used the word “punished”, I
got it from you and Mr Hallyburton.

Q.	All right. Now — -

A.	I want to finish — - we shouldn´t wanting to
punish people. We should be wanting to get this
over with and resolved and stop it, and get on
with my life.

Q.	And Mr Padgett, we really could, if you would
just do one thing. If you´d just be fair with
us in telling us what you were receiving from
your father, if you would tell us what —

A.	I have been extremely fair with you.


Q.	- - and keep trying to mislead the Court. You
are living a pretty good life. And what was it,
$70,000 was posted on those three things right
there in that period of time.

A.	Fair, are you talking about fair?

Q.	And you are trying to lead the Court to believe
that you don´t have any access to funds?

A.	I am trying to get the Court to believe what I
have provided is documentation for my income. I 
have done that. I have repeatedly done that.
If we are talking about fair, I mean let´s bring
in people to determine the behavioral issues of
what needs to be punished and what doesn´t need
to be punished. And I believe I even brought in
an expert witness that flew in from Florida who
testified as a witness who saw my children sign
these documents and he testified, he was
admitted as an expert witness, his name was
Reverend James Klucow, that litigation was
damaging these children. That was in 1996. And
the litigation is still going on. You are
coming to Massachusetts to litigate and
litigate, to litigate, and I could go on for a
half hour and use that word litigate. It is


still going to be litigation.

Q.	Now, Mr Padgett, when you were locked up in the
jail -

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Did your daughter write you a letter asking you
to please stop all of this?

A.	My daughter wrote me a communication and I wrote
her back a communication. And my daughter has
- - both my children had been misled and continue
to be misled about their father. They get
bombarded, bombarded by Carl and Betty Vannoy,
and newspapers and court papers about how
terrible their father is. And no behavioral or
social scientist has ever reported that there is
anything wrong with my behavior -

Q.	All right. And my question is — —

A.	Mr Whitledge.

Q.	To you, and it is going to continue to be until
you answer it yes or no, did your daughter write
you while you were in the jail awaiting to go to
the penal system, asking you to please quit all
of this?

A.	No.

Q.	She did not?


A.	She wrote me.

Q.	She wrote you?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And what was the basis of that letter?

A.	She was writing me as her father

Q.	And she was asking you to cease and desist,
wasn´t she?

A.	No. She eventually told me that she couldn´t --
my son told me that her mom wouldn´t let her be
-- my son visited me while I was in jail. She
didn´t ask me to cease and desist. What does my
--	how does my daughter - - Mr Whitledge, you
bringing in my 21 year old daughter as a witness
as to my behavior in what should be cease and
desist. My daughter is a victim of your
client´s cultic behavior. Now, if you can bring
in a psychologist, a sociologist or somebody
that says	— —

Q.	Well, how do you know she is a victim if you are
not qualified and you are saying we´ve got to
bring in a psychiatrist or somebody?

A.	Because you are here bringing in my daughter,
you are making allegations that my daughter is
telling me that her father needs his behavior


corrected. That is absurd. And you know, I
think that is kind of slimy

Q.	You do?

A.	I do.

Q.	Very good. Now, I would like for a minute to
discuss standard of living. Pardon me. IPASS,
I—P—A—S—S, what does IPASS stand for?

A.	The acronym for that I believe was Independent
People Against Suffering of Scientology

Q.	Now, are you a member of that organization?

A.	A member, no.

Q.	Yes. Have they contributed financially to you?

A.	Years ago I received assistance. Not just

Q.	All right. Now, has IPASS contributed anything
to you financially over the last three years?

A.	Not that I recall.

Q.	Not that you recall?

A.	No. I am certain the answer to that is no.

Q.	Now, there is now before the Court, the Court is
holding some $11,000 that Mr Sloop, which was a
balance of the $50,000 that has been turned over
to the Court. You are aware of that, aren´t


A.	Mr. Sloop?

Q.	Mr. Sloop has turned some money into the Court
or asked the Court for some direction. Are you
aware of that?

A. No.

Q.	Now, are you aware of any money that Mr. Sloop
is holding or had held up until now?

A.	Mr. Sloop -- no. I think what you are saying is
the $11,000 is the money that Clerk of Courts
Summers is holding.

Q.	All right. And that is ——

A.	Held now in trying to negotiate, you know,
getting this whole criminal thing, Harold Sloop
was trying -- I know he was trying to work with
you. But he told me you were pretty much
belligerent and didn´t want to deal with it

Q.	All right.

A.	But we decided before the Court with
Mr. Rachelle and David Massamore that one of the
things they try to do as a proposal is to prepay
it now. Again, I had families and friends who
came up with enough money to prepay Beau´s
current child support even though we are still


motioning to get it down to discovery, to prepay
it so Laura could never ever ever be in a
position to testify in court like she does and
says I didn´t receive two checks. And that
testimony put me in jail for five years. And
then the two checks we found out were not

Q.	Well, did you discuss the cutback to 130 dollars
in August with Mr. Massamore or anyone from his

A.	Did I discuss it?

Q.	Yes.

A.	I copied my probation officer.

Q.	In Madisonville or your probation officer up

A.	My probation officer is in the Orleans District

Q.	Now, back on IPASS. Were you aware that your
brother had written to the Court this year
asking for that money to be returned to him as --



A.	I am not aware of that, no.


Q.	Well ——

A.	The money that was in the account with Harold

Q.	So if there is money that is in the Court or
money with Mr Sloop, you have no idea of your
brother requesting that money to be refunded to
him through IPASS?

A.	Through IPASS, no.

Q.	Right.

A.	No, I am not aware of that.

Q.	With a check payable to IPASS?

A.	No, I am not.

Q.	So if that, if that is in the criminal record,
you have no knowledge of it?

A.	It may be that he requested — - I know that he
requested the money back because of the -- the
settlement of it which was full restitution,
they rejected it. And I think he requested it
back as the source of the money which it came
from, which would have been ABUSE, which would
have been where the check —- I think we already
have the check that came from ABUSE, which is
$11,000, which was written out to Mobley and
Lloyd, with the instructions that that money was


to be used to dismiss the criminal case because
that would mean full restitution.

Q.	All right. So have you ever received any money
or benefits from IPASS?

A.	It has been a long time ago.

Q.	How long ago?

A.	I don´t — — I don´t -- years.

Q.	Has IPASS in any way helped you financially in
the litigation of this?

A.	No. Actually, the defense, as far as
litigation, defense fund was set up when the
criminal	-- -- when I got arrested.

Q.	And who manages that? Your brother manages that
defense fund?

A.	Manage is not the right word, no.

Q.	What is the right word?

A.	I don t know what is the right word.

Q.	But the money goes to your brother and he pays
it out?

A.	A lot of checks are written by my brother

Q.	Are any checks written by you?

A.	I believe I have — - I am -- I am able or given
signing privileges once I was let out of jail in
his absence. But most of them try to come from


my brother.

Q.	So you do have writing privileges on IPASS?

A.	No.


A.	No.

Q.	On the defense fund?

A.	ABUSE, yes, to write checks as does -- -

Q.	That is ABUSE?

A.	Right.

Q.	All right. So that is one of those accounts
that you have in addition to your Five Cents
Savings Bank account?

A.	That wouldn´t be considered my personal account,

Q.	What, ABUSE is not your personal account?

A.	No.

Q.	But that is an account that you can draft funds
out of?

A. I have signing privileges, but that is not going
to be my	-- it is not my checking account.

Q.	My question to you a while ago was how many
accounts can you sign checks on or have writing
privileges on as you referred to. When you
first answered that, you only said Five Cents


Savings Bank. Now we are seeing that CASH has

A.	CASH doesn´t have one, Mr Whitledge.

Q.	All right. ABUSE has a checking account?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	How many others?

A.	There are no others.

Q.	So you can write checks on the Five Cents Bank
and on ABUSE?

A.	I can write -- you asked me for my accounts
And I have a savings account and I have a
checking account at Five Cents Savings account.
Now, there is a defense fund at which	- —


A.	Which is ABUSE, which I also have a signing
privilege on. But it is not a checking account.
It is not, you know, I can´t go pay bills with
it or whatever. It is a defense fund — —

Q.	All right.

A.	-- situation.

Q.	Now, this ‘97 increase, when we -- that motion
for an increase in child support was based on
the first time that any reliable information was
received concerning your earnings. Is that not



A.	I am sorry?

Q.	By the Court?

A.	Repeat that again.

Q. That motion that was filed, an increase in child
support in 1997, incorporated this statement
from the I.R.S. as to your income. That was the
first verified income from someone other than
you that had ever been received by Laura since
the entry of that decree. Is that not true?

A.	I don´t think that is a true statement or not.

Q.	Had you — —

A.	I had——

Q. Had you supplied on a monthly basis your income?

A. I am trying to answer your question,
Mr. Whitledge. The Court ordered for discovery
of, for me to provide my income back when
Hallyburton was representing it. And I wanted
discovery of Laura so we could put down the
income. And I wasn´t getting it. And I was
asking it from Hallyburton and then I was asking
it from you. But I still went ahead and
provided it for you and a release to sign it.
And you come up with	-- and it was in 1997,


there was 1997. I had given you, because if I
didn´t file it, I had given you my paystubs for
1996 or what I -- my W—2 forms and what I had
made through 1997 And you went to the Court.
I wasn´t there. I wasn´t represented. And in
your mind, you are saying, Well, I am an
attorney at law, he wasn´t there, we filed a
motion, it is all legal. But you only provided
my income from 1995 in late ‘97 We didn´t get
Laura´s income. We didn´t get my income from
‘97, and so it was --

Q.	There were some --

A.	I would say - -

Q.	Mr Padgett.

A.	Mr Whitledge, I am not an attorney at law but I
believe I was totally railroaded and you
railroaded me through on a choo-choo train, toot

Q.	Now, is that	-- that is the same motion in which
you filed some seven documents in, wasn´t it,
with the Court?

A.	What kind of documents?

Q.	A document for a reduction, an affidavit,
various other information. You got a video of


that hearing, didn´t you?

A.	Um hmm.

Q. And I showed up in Court and stated that I
didn´t care if the Court called you to talk to
you ——

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	— — at that time, and the Court didn´t want to.
Do you recall that?

A.	I don´t recall the particulars of that.

Q.	The Court had all of the affidavits and
everything else that you had supplied in the
record at the time of that hearing and it made
its ruling thereon to increase child support.	
Is that not true?

A.	Yes. So I -- it didn´t have complete discovery.
It didn´t have all the facts.

Q.	Now, the Court, though, had all of your
statements that you wanted to say to the Court
because you had filed some seven documents.

A.	Statements, but it didn´t have all the income.
It didn´t have all your client´s income. It
didn´t have all my current income.

Q.	My client´s income had been established. The
problem that we were trying to get to — -


A.	No, Mr. Whitledge.

Q.	All right. Mr. Padgett, let's try to keep it
down if you can.

A. 	Well, you are putting words in my mouth and you 
are altering things, Bill, and we don't need to 
do that now. We still haven't had discovery 
from your client. We don't today.

Q.	All right. Let's just say that --

A. And you have discovery from me and I wasn't 
there. I wasn't represented. You obviously
took advantage of the situation. And then you
encouraged your client to go to David Massamore
and incarcerate me, get the money up in advance
and then stick me into jail. You, sir, are
abiding by Scientology's policy of legal 
harassment. Now, you will have to come up with
some kind of expert that says my behavior is
just fine, Laura's behavior is just fine, there
is no problem there, Mr. Padgett is the deadbeat
dad, which is in the paper. He is all these 
terrible things. He has done all these -- this
is horrible for him to file a motion. It is
okay for my client to file motions, post file
mostion, but Mr. Padgett can't, it is bad 


behavior for him to defend himself in the
continuing battering of litigation from you and
your clients. It is absurd.

Q.	Now, let´s go back to this question. I
appreciate your speech there. Back to the
question concerning that motion for an increase
in child support. You had not supplied the
information to Laura concerning your income as
you had been directed by the final decree, had

A.	That is not true.

Q.	What proof do you have that you supplied that

A.	Well, I think one of the best proof is that I
told her in May of 1995 that I was going on
Unemployment. Hallyburton files a motion, it is
heard two days after the final ruling, that they
want child support arrearage set because she has
a private investigator investigating me that
says I am fully and whatever employed. And that
motion was filed during a time where I had my
children for visitation in Florida and I
couldn´t be represented and that got railroaded
through. I was not represented then.


Q.	Yes. Let´s go back.

A.	And so there is another $10,000

Q.	Can we go back to 1997?

A.	And then we found that that private investigator
was a fraud. It was a fake. He wasn´t for
real. He was a Scientology dude.

Q.	All right. Can we go back to my question on the
‘97 increase?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	What information, verified information did you
supply to Laura Padgett from the entry of the
decree until 1997 concerning your income?

A.	The release that I signed for you.

Q.	All right. And that release resulted in us
discovering for the first time that you had
$46,000 worth of income, when you were telling
the Court that you only had $1,300 a month?

A.	Yes That was my unemployment amount from

Q.	And originally, the Court made that order
retroactive back to ‘95, didn´t it?

A.	Yes. I also saw -

Q.	And we agreed to consent and drop that until
1997, didn´t we?


A.	You agreed and consent? I don´t recall agreeing
on that. I don´t recall agreeing on -

Q.	That was in the order finding the $21,000 worth
of arrearage?

A.	Well, that is an appeal, it is interlocutory

Q.	So you are not — —

A.	No, no. I had nothing to do with that. That
order was negotiated between you and the Court
and Mobley and Lloyd, who were obviously giving
you information that I wasn´t aware that they
were giving you. So	--

Q.	All right.

A.	That was a cute little deal there, I thought.

Q.	Now, let´s see. All right. So the Court made
that ruling based upon your income in ‘95 And
did you start making those payments?

A.	Did I start making them?

Q.	Yes

A.	I don´t think right away

Q.	Now, in that same year I had a conversation with
your brother, who was claiming to be
representing you at that time. Your brother is
an attorney and he had tried to enter his
appearance in that action at this time, hadn´t



A.	During what year?

Q.	I think it was either ‘96 or ‘97

A.	I think he was trying to work with you to try to
settle this as a communication vehicle or a
buffer. I don´t think he was trying to practice
law in the State of Kentucky. So that because
Laura didn´t want to work this out — —

Q.	Well, in fact -

A.	Laura wanted to do everything in litigation that
required an attorney, so he was willing to help.

Q.	Now, your brother, though, filed a motion with
the Court to be allowed to practice in that
case, didn´t he?

A.	It was -- yes, it was through Mobley and Lloyd.
And he was pro hoc vice for a while.

Q.	Right. All right. Now, did he relate to you
the conversation that I had with him advising
him of the criminal action of failure to pay
child support in the Commonwealth of Kentucky?

A.	I don´t recall that conversation, no.

Q.	Shortly after that conversation, you started
making some payments. Did your brother advise
you to start making those payments?


A.	I think my brother and also I consulted the
Massachusetts Child Support Division, which is
done under the Massachusetts Department of
Revenue, that to at least show good faith
effort, while you are still trying to find work,
you are still trying to, you know, regain some
employment. And so I think I started making
60-dollar-a-month payments and then I started
making 100—dollars-a-month payments so that I
could show good faith. How do you expect me to
make 699 when you full well knew that was old
old old information and the product of a
railroad job?

Q.	Well, what I am having a problem with, Mr.
Padgett, is that you are saying that is old old

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	And what I have heard here today, you stand over
there at a bed and board and you have got a
truck, your brother is the lienholder. You come
up with $10,000 cash bond, you don´t know where
that came from. You came up with $11,000 from
ABUSE, you don´t know who that came from. And
then the $50,000 that Mr Sloop had. You


continue to go on, you have gone to Wellspring,
you have done pretty well for yourself. I am
having trouble -- and you have no idea of what
is in your father´s estate or your mother´s
estate. I am having trouble understanding how
you are maintaining that standard of living. Is
it to avoid paying child support?

A.	No, absolutely not.

Q.	Do you have a desire to support your children?

A.	Very much so.

Q.	Do you have an opinion that it is your wife´s
obligation to support those children?

A.	Both of us financially, emotionally,
spiritually, psychologically, to give all that
we can to our children. We need to love them
and to work together and to stop the cultic

Q.	All right. Now, if you have had all of these
benefactors as you have referred to and you
don´t know any of them, why haven´t some of them
come forward and paid your child support?

A.	Why some benefactors haven´t?

Q.	Why haven´t they?

A.	Because they care. They care about me. They


care about my children. They don´t want
severe -- -- they don´t want that stuff happening
again. They don´t want any more extraditions.
They don´t want my wife´s attorney coming here
and talking about probation violations and
drinking and just hearing total character
assassination. They want you to go away,
Mr Whitledge. And that is -- I am doing pretty
well I am staying -- I stated that my kids
stayed there for $50 a night. I am staying
there for a much reduced fee in exchange for
doing some favors. And I am moving out at the
end of the week.

Q.	What kind of favors are you doing for her?

A.	Just little things. Marketing projects, minor
things that don´t require a lot of heavy
physical labor.

Q.	You were in Boston that Friday, what type of
work were you doing in Boston that Friday?

A.	That was -- I —— actually, it was a personal
issue. I was working with the University of
Boston. It wasn´t a job income kind of thing.
I was working with a group called FOCUS.

Q.	And what was that for?


A.	You can find FOCUS on the internet.

Q.	I am asking you. I have been referred to
everything on the internet.	Why can´t you
answer some of the questions about what some of
these things are?

A.	Well, then you must know all of the answers if
you - - all of the answers are on the internet,
Mr Whitledge. But I will answer your question.
Why was I in Boston the Friday - -

Q.	Yes.


Q.	And what was FOCUS?

A.	Focus is a group of people that get together
that have been in abusive groups and they meet
once a month. Now, that is usually on the first
Wednesday of each month. But this I think it
was a social outlet.

Q.	Did they provide you with financial support?

A.	No, they don´t. That is not - —

Q.	Did your benefactor in any way help with the
Wellspring Retreat?

A.	No.

Q.	Was there -- who paid for the airfare over


A.	Well, that could have been help from friends.

Q.	From friends?

A	Friends, family, benefactors. That is a good word.

Q.	Now, you have access to that defense fund. Would 
you please supply the court with a list of everyone who has 
contributed to that defense fund?

A.	I have signing privileges. There is people who do
not want to divulge that they are trying to help out somebody
from an organization that you support. And Hopkins County,
you know, I don't want to get into supplying names because then 
we are going to -- I mean Laura should supply names of all
the people she has had and retained to harass me, to make
sure that disconnection is required between my children and to
give false testimony, and all the people that she has gone
through training to behave in a certain way that
she has. And all the doctors -- I mean I am sorry. I
am digressing on that. the answer to your questino, there is a 
lot of people that want to remain anonymous.

Q.	You are not going to supply that list? You


are not going to tell us your knowledge of where
the $10,000 bond, 11,000 -

A.	I already have. I think the record in the Court
has supplied -

Q.	And that is all you were going to say?

A.	There were checks written from my brother in
both of those things. I believe I answered
those questions.

Q.	And in excess of $100,000 you spent on legal
fees, you don´t know where that came from?

A.	Well, a lot of that came from money that I used
to make. Remember, we established that I used
to have a much larger income.

Q.	Yes. But that decreased in what you are saying
in ‘95 down to almost nothing?

A.	Um hmm.

Q.	Now, do you have any foundations to which you
are receiving benefits from? Do you have any
charitable organizations that are giving you
benefits? What I am referring to, benefits, I
am talking about gas money, cash, any form of
spending money. Do you have any fraternal
organizations that are paying you or supporting
you in any way?


A.	Foundation, no. Fraternal organization, no.
Charitable, you know, that would be — — that
could be included into some benefactors. There
are private benefactors, private victim
assistance. For example, Wellspring, they
usually charge a lot of money to go there. I --
they gave me what is called — — it is a
scholarship. I think they called, used the word
scholarship. And so I went there for free based
on my income.

Q.	All right. Now -

A.	And I am moving into a 24-foot trailer, used
trailer this weekend. That will be my new

Q.	And do you have any other means of financial
support coming to you in any way?

A.	Other than what has been discussed. 

Q.	That we have not discussed here today?

A.	No.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I think I am
pretty close to being done. I would like to
take about a ten—minute break. Let me regroup
from my notes. And I am trying to get her out
of here before five.


MR. PROW: Yes. I will probably have maybe
15 minutes or so follow-up, and then try to get
Pardon in.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: Okay	Let me step out.

VIDEO OPERATOR: 3:34. Going off the


(Brief recess.)

VIDEO OPERATOR: Stand by, please. 3:44,
we are back on the record.

Q.	I just have a couple more last-minute questions
here. I have one more affidavit that is on the
internet which is styled “Fair and Equal
Treatment by Beau and Julie Padgett” I ask you
if that is - — if you would examine that and if
that is a document that you had them sign.

A.	That I had them sign?

Q.	Yes

A.	I will verify this is a document that my
children signed.

Q.	Is that a pretty accurate and verbatim statement
of the document they did sign?

A.	Yes. It is not a scan of the actual — — it is
not the real but it is the—-I am certain it is
the same words.


Q.	And that affidavit was put on the internet?

A.	Yes. Well, it was picked up. It is a record of
the Court so it was picked up as a court record.
The margins are taken off on the left. It is
off on the right here.

        MR. WHITLEDGE: All right. I pass the