I am the son of John B. Lewis (1897 - 1958), who was the son of Charlotte and William C. Lewis (Charlotte Livingston Lewis, 1867 - 1966; William C. Lewis, 1860 - 1936). I have one (full) sibling, a brother James B. (Jim). Our mother was Mary Eberle Lewis (1909 - 1995). Our father had an earlier marriage that produced two children, John G. (Bud) Lewis (1918 - 1992) and Dorothy (Dot) Lewis Shipley (1916 - 2003). These people were born in York County, Pennsylvania, and most of them died there.
This web page is devoted to John B. Lewis's siblings and ancestors.
Most of the photos and info here were given to me by two of my cousins. First, Doris Kohler, daughter of Mary Lewis Simpson, John's youngest sibling, born in 1909, same year as our Mom. (see Fran, Will, Mar, Clar below). Second, Dorothy Landis, daughter of Frances Lewis Weir Slothower, younger sibling of John, born 1902. Thank you Doris and Dorothy.
For information on my Mom's family, the Eberles, click here.
The children in that Lewis family, which included my father John B. Lewis, who survived to adulthood are as follows:
Carrie, William, Edward, Clara, John, Frances, and Mary. Here they are in youngest to oldest order, around 1947. Here is an amazing photo of some of them when they were kids at the Jessop School in 1906. Will is second from left in the back row. Ed is just in front of him to our left. Dad (John) is fourth from right in the third row. Clara is fourth from right in the second row.
Handwritten note by Carrie Lewis Warner (1888 - 1977) to our Mom, written in the early 1960s, giving history of Carrie's (and Dad's) parents and siblings. From this letter, we can see that my dad, John B. Lewis, was the fifth child. Carrie was the first. Seven children survived to adulthood and five died as infants.
Second page of letter by Carrie Warner, concentrating on the earlier generation, William C. Lewis's parents and siblings. A photo of William's mother (my great-grandmother) Emma Jane Ford Lewis, is below. William's father was John L. Lewis (1837 - 1904). See also this listing of the earlier generations.
Aaron Livingston holds Sam Floyd, Jr. (one of his grandchildren). Aaron was my great-grandfather, Charlotte's father. See GrGrand.gif. Also see Liebenstein.jpg, which traces Aaron's parents and grandparents to the original surname Liebenstein.
Mrs. Emma Jane Ford Lewis (1836 - 1905), grandmother of John B. Lewis (our father), William's mother.
Charlotte Lewis's siblings, children of Aaron. Uncle Al, Uncle Ed, Aunt Annie, Charlotte, Aunt Ella. Charlotte seems to be wearing exactly the same outfit as in family_1947 below.
Here is another photo of the group showing more siblings, from evidently a number of years earlier. See also this clipping. Ed Livingston also lived to a ripe old age.
Dad's Mom and Dad. Charlotte seems to be around 40 or 45, so this would be around 1908. William was about seven years older.
John B. Lewis circa 1932(?), Elmer Warner (on left, Carrie's husband), Lester Brown(Clara's husband).
John B. Lewis around age 14.
John B. Lewis around age 20.
Here are three photos of John B. Lewis, Frances Lewis Weir, and some family and friends, taken around 1923-25. In the first shot, back row of adults: unknown, unknown, Dad, his first wife Ruth Honsermyer, Frances, her husband Clarence. In the second photo we see a subset of the first. In the third John G. "Bud" Lewis is just to the left of Dad.
Our Mom and Dad. John B. Lewis, Mary E. Lewis, Patty Landis (daughter of Dorothy Landis, granddaughter of Frances). 1944?
Dad, Carrie, Jim. Jim around age 3, so maybe summer 1949. Carrie was the oldest sibling. She would have been around 61. Here is a much earlier photo of Carrie, her two children Harold and Len, two unknown children, and Neda, wife of Edward Lewis (Ed and Neda had no children).
Dad with Jim and I around 1953 or 1954. I am the little one on the left.
Edward Lewis (1893 - 1981) one of Dad's two older brothers (other was Will, see below).
Clara and her children. Harry, Louise, George, Irene. Here is a later group shot. Clara was a bit older than Dad, one of his sisters (see below).
A young Frances with family. Clarence Weir, daughter Dorothy.
Jim and his two sons. My brother Jim Lewis with sons Chris and John, taken around 1982.
family_1947, Four generations, John, Charlotte, Dottie Shipley, Faye Shipley. Aug 12, 1947. back row: Bill Shipley, Dottie, Mom, our Grandmother Charlotte, Dad, John G's wife, John G. Lewis ("Bud"). Charlotte was about 81. front row: Joanne, ..., Faye Shipley. Where's Jim??? Obviously, this is four generations via Bud also. (William Shipley, 1916 - 1987.) Here is a photo from about the same time showing Mary Lewis Simpson, one of Bud's daughters, Doris Kohler, Dorothy Landis, Dot Shipley, and her daughter Faye.
A photo from some time in the 1950s showing Mary, Carrie, and Frances working on a puzzle.
Frances, Will, Mary, Clara. All siblings of John B. Lewis. Clara on her death bed according to Doris. around 1983? William was about 92 then, Clara about 88. Mary died in 2000. William died in 1987. Frances died in 2005 at age 102, the last of the group.
Thanks to Dorothy Landis, we have here a large collection of obituaries from over the years. Careful reading of each should identify who is who.
Any information or corrections: email to rlewis at fordham dot edu.
revised December 26, 2005.
On January 9, 2006 I found reference to this family on the web via the Livingston line. Here is Aaron Livingston. Following the links reveals our ancestors through many generations, with surnames such as Ebert, Diehl, Hertz, Kreisher, Esch, Rudisill, Amspacher, and Rausher.
Note added December 2007: The link above may have been changed by the rootsweb ownwer. If so, just do a web search for "Aaron Livingston" York.
since December 16, 2004
(Thanks WebCounter!)