All times in seconds unless otherwise noted. Cases where Fermat wins are marked * or ** (big win). Cases where Magma wins are marked - Fermat seems to win big in the largest cases. Magma file Fermat file and time and time zbacon 8.82- bacon 88 zhypb 19.7 hypbb 9.70 * zp3n .40 zip3n .68 zp30 3.74 zip30 1.84 * zp31m .52 zip31m .260 * zp3pp 3.58 zip3pp .050 ** zpb6 26.1 zipb6 6.23 ** zpbb2n .77 zipbb2n 1.22 zpbn2 .86- zipbn2 1.83 zpbou2 22.56- zipbou2 52.4 zpcpal .55- zipcpal 1.25 zpev .52 zipev .57 zpg 7.74 zipgood 3.86 * zphern 5.90 ziphern 1.98 ** zphyp3n 171.0 ziphyp3n 43.2 ** zpk2 8.16 zipkk3 7.81 zpk4 .68 zipk4 0.10 ** zpkk3 7.11 zipkk3n 6.60 zpkkln 8.28 zipkkln 6.71 zpaln 3.31- zippaln 8.07 zpq5c 111.6 zipq5 52 ** zpq75n 1 hr 6 min zipq75n 1 hr 22 min zthload 51.13 ziptho8o 12.58 ** vacout 10 min 32 sec vac2out 4 min 28 sec ** zpq7a4 4.72 zipq7a4 4.14 zpq7 no .25- zipq7m 1.07 zpq73 2.30- zipq73 6.75 zpq81 2.10- zipq81n 6.22 zptho7 39.4 ziptho7 17.33 ** zptot .29- ziptot .54 zvac 7.50 zipvac 4.24 * zvac5 3.44 zipvac5 .840 ** zpvbno 7.51 zipvbno 4.11 * zp9load 85 min 10 sec ziptho9 18 min 20 sec ** After loading, do &(p = 2147483629); zth2load 801 min 35 sec tho2tst 37 min 27 sec ** The magma command: time b := GCD(xx,yy);