| Caesar "meets the press". |
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Rick Lombardo
Set Design by Matthew Myhrum
Lighting by Jeremy Kumin
Produced by Brandeis Graduate Theatre Department
Spingold Theatre, Waltham, MA
November, 1999
Julius Caesar ruled in his day much like a 20th Century figure dictator behind the Iron Curtain might have, through a cult of personality as much as by any political philosophy. This production sought to accentuate that aspect of the play by placing the action in such a country. It was reminiscent of the former Yugoslavia under Tito, or Hungary, or perhaps even a larger nation.
One of the great challenges of the production was to make the weather seem to rise up and become a character in the story as the conspirators plotted their assassination.
A particular feature of the set that caught my interest was the floor tiles which were in forced perspective to make the stage seem larger when it was opened up. I gave each tile a separate downlight that could be independently controlled so that in scene transitions a quick movement of squares across the floor could help direct the eye to the shape and location of the next scene.