Survey Results - Poetrysurvey

Brandywine's Survey

• Analyzing 13 responses.
• Presentation generated on February 10, 2004.

How would you rate the quality of the poetry on this web site?

1 - Excellent 85
2 - Very Good 15
3 - Good 0
4 - Fair 0
5 - Poor 0
1 - How would you rate the quality of the poetry on this web site?
ChoiceCountPercentage Answered
1 - Excellent1184.6%
2 - Very Good215.4%
3 - Good00.0%
4 - Fair00.0%
5 - Poor00.0%

How well were you able to navigate the web site?

1 - Very easily 92
2 - Easily 8
3 - Just OK 0
4 - With difficulty 0
5 - With great difficulty 0
2 - How well were you able to navigate the web site?
ChoiceCountPercentage Answered
1 - Very easily1292.3%
2 - Easily17.7%
3 - Just OK00.0%
4 - With difficulty00.0%
5 - With great difficulty00.0%

How would you rate the presentation of the poems in terms of the layout, font, graphics, etc?

1 - Excellent 38
2 - Very good 46
3 - Good 8
4 - Fair 8
5 - Poor 0
3 - How would you rate the presentation of the poems in terms of the layout, font, graphics, etc?
ChoiceCountPercentage Answered
1 - Excellent538.5%
2 - Very good646.2%
3 - Good17.7%
4 - Fair17.7%
5 - Poor00.0%

Would you like to be able to access the poems another way besides from the list on the Home Page?

Yes 33
No 67
4 - Would you like to be able to access the poems another way besides from the list on the Home Page?
ChoiceCountPercentage Answered

If you answered yes to the previous question, what alternate method of accessing the poems would you prefer? Please rate each method on a scale from 1 (Excellent method) to 5 (Poor method). - A

1 Excellent method2 Very good method3 Good method4 Fair method5 Poor method
List of Titles4.
List of first lines1.
Subject List1.
List of illustrations0.

1 Excellent method 1
2 Very good method 2
3 Good method 3
4 Fair method 4
5 Poor method 5

List of Titles
1 Excellent method 4
2 Very good method 0
3 Good method 0
4 Fair method 0
5 Poor method 0

List of first lines
1 Excellent method 1
2 Very good method 1
3 Good method 1
4 Fair method 0
5 Poor method 0

Subject List
1 Excellent method 1
2 Very good method 0
3 Good method 2
4 Fair method 0
5 Poor method 0

List of illustrations
1 Excellent method 0
2 Very good method 0
3 Good method 3
4 Fair method 0
5 Poor method 0

Q5 - If you answered yes to the previous question, what alternate method of accessing the poems would you prefer? Please rate each method on a scale from 1 (Excellent method) to 5 (Poor method). - A
Topic1 Excellent method2 Very good method3 Good method4 Fair method5 Poor method
List of Titles40000
List of first lines11100
Subject List10200
List of illustrations00300

What kind of poems would you like to see more of? Please rate each category of poems for how much you'd like to see more poems in that category. - A

Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Political poems5.
Nature poems5.
Science poems4.
Asian-American experience poems7.
Flights of imagination poems6.

Strongly Agree 0
Agree 0
No Opinion 0
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Political poems
Strongly Agree 5
Agree 3
No Opinion 2
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Nature poems
Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
No Opinion 1
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Science poems
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 3
No Opinion 3
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Asian-American experience poems
Strongly Agree 7
Agree 2
No Opinion 1
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Flights of imagination poems
Strongly Agree 6
Agree 2
No Opinion 1
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Q6 - What kind of poems would you like to see more of? Please rate each category of poems for how much you'd like to see more poems in that category. - A
TopicStrongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Political poems53200
Nature poems54100
Science poems43300
Asian-American experience poems72100
Flights of imagination poems62100

Because of problems with spam, my email account is heavily filtered by anti-spam software. Did you ever send me comments via email that I failed to respond to?

Yes 8
No 92
7 - Because of problems with spam, my email account is heavily filtered by anti-spam software. Did you ever send me comments via email that I failed to respond to?
ChoiceCountPercentage Answered

What other features would you most like to see on my web site? - A

Excellent ideaVery Good ideaGood IdeaFair IdeaPoor Idea
Guest book4.
Keyword search3.
Bulletin board where comments about t...
Suggestion box4.

Excellent idea 0
Very Good idea 0
Good Idea 0
Fair Idea 0
Poor Idea 0

Guest book
Excellent idea 4
Very Good idea 2
Good Idea 4
Fair Idea 0
Poor Idea 0

Keyword search
Excellent idea 3
Very Good idea 3
Good Idea 2
Fair Idea 1
Poor Idea 0

Bulletin board where comments about t...
Excellent idea 6
Very Good idea 4
Good Idea 1
Fair Idea 0
Poor Idea 1

Suggestion box
Excellent idea 4
Very Good idea 0
Good Idea 3
Fair Idea 2
Poor Idea 2

Q8 - What other features would you most like to see on my web site? - A
TopicExcellent ideaVery Good ideaGood IdeaFair IdeaPoor Idea
Guest book42400
Keyword search33210
Bulletin board where comments about the poetry can be posted64101
Suggestion box40322
Q.9 What needs to be improved at the web site?
• Maybe there could be more links to other people's poems.
• Hi Han-hua. This is ___. Well, one friend who went to your site on my recommendation was confused by the opening with the reading notice. I don't know why, but I'm just passing that along. Perhaps a short intro or overview of your work would be good. I do like the idea of a list of titles, because ,as you know, I have my favorites that I like to visit (even though I've already printed them out). My question is one that I have asked earlier. What does it take to get your work to a wider audience? Is there a site title that would stand out more on a search engine? By the way, why do you use a pen name and how did you choose it? I always meant to ask you that.
• It looks good as is
• I like the website very much
• The site is nice in that it's easy, but not so interesting aesthetically. But it doesn't need to be to appreciate the poetry.
• how about a link that brings you to a random poem for those who can't decide what to read? and new (non-synthesizer) music, please!
• I don't look at enough web sites to know. I would like to see you submitting more of these poems to print journals, and it's time you put a collection together and got that sent out.
• you need to take away the quote of the certificate your daughter gave you. It doesn't say much or add much, for that matter.

Sample Answering: 8 responses Q.10 What did you like best about the web site?
• the poetry, and the fact that the site itself is sufficiently transparent so as not to overshadow the poetry.
• The poetry
• I think this is a very clear site, and I like the reverse chronolgical arrangement. By the way, I couldn't open the attachment you sent. It always works better for me when you paste things in. If we lived closed I might ask you to show me how to actually USE a computer.
• the poems
• The poems are very varied and unique. I also like the visuals.
• The poems
• Your poems
• Your poems. RE ContactInfo. I'd rather see your poems in class as much as possible only because I am drowning in email.

Sample Answering: 8 responses Q.ContactInfo Name
Item Frequency Percent
(Not Answered) 7 53.8%
(Unique responses) 6 46.2%
(Total) 13 100.0%

Sample Answering: 6 responses Q.ContactInfo Name

Sample Answering: 6 responses Q.ContactInfo E-mail address
Item Frequency Percent
(Not Answered) 7 53.8%
(Unique responses) 6 46.2%
(Total) 13 100.0%

Sample Answering: 6 responses Q.ContactInfo E-mail address

Sample Answering: 6 responses