My father speaks to the people of Peiping in 1945 after landing with the U.S. Army

Tungbaomen! (My fellow countrymen!)
I am Chang Jen-Chung,
War Correspondent for the China Daily News,
accredited to the Allied Forces.
I have watched the Japanese surrender in five different places –
aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, in China, in Korea, in Burma,
and last week, in the Philippines.
I have walked through the still smoldering rubble of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Japan is defeated!
And yet when I entered my beloved city,
the Japanese troops were still running everything,
calling us pigs. Yesterday,
I saw them, with my own eyes,
push a 10 year-old Chinese boy out of a moving truck onto the street.
The Mayor has asked that I not speak to you,
but, I love Peiping.
It is here that I learned to read Chinese in the basement of a pharmacy
where I worked from the age of 7;
here that my bones grew strong because a Christian missionary school
gave me sheep’s milk every day;
here that the Yu family raised my older brother from the age of 9
to become an accountant without asking for a penny in return.
Have you lost no one to the Japanese?
No husband, wife,
no mother, father,
no son or daughter,
no close friend or relative?
the Bible of the West says, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
Avenge their deaths!
Grab the rifles out of the hands of the Japanese troops
and beat them with their own weapons!
Our beloved Peiping was the capital of all China before the Japanese invaded,
and when they are gone, it will be again.
Take back our city!*

*The following day, the entire city started fighting against the Japanese and the Mayor of Peiping came to see Yeh-yeh to beg him not to speak on the radio again because the Mayor could no longer govern the city.

Han-hua Chang
3/11/07 [2nd Anniversary of Yeh-yeh’s Death]