Your Enemies

The Main Enemies

Here are the enemies that Duke Nukem will encounter during the game:


The green suited Assault Trooper is the basic alien ground assault trooper sent by the ruthless alien leaders to serve as the first offensive wave against Earth's defences. They attack using a laser pistol, and an attack from the air by using jetpacks. When these characters are killed, they will sometimes drop pistol ammunition that you can take and use.


The red suited Assault Captains have a wrist-mounted Phase Induced Teleporter Device (PITD) capable of physically translocating its user to any destination within the device's range. Used as a tactical assault instrument, the PITD enables the Assault Captain to launch a surprise attacks against his intended human targets at will. They will also sometimes drop pistol ammunition that you can take and use. (The picture is the assault trooper but I couldn't find a picture of the assault Captain so please just pretend it is for the time being:)


The Pig Cops come from mutated Earth police forces and are positioned to suppress residual human opposition and to police the new alien power on Earth. These characters exhibit an extremely high tolerance to the presence of humans, and are filled with rage when they detect human scent. When killed, this character may drop either their shotgun or body armor.


These heavily armored riot tanks can take a lot of damage before they finally explode. And when they do, expect to find an angered Pig Cop behind a shotgun, aiming right at your face. Are only be found in the Plutionium Pak.


These new aliens are evil in every sense of the word, taking nearly twice the damage of a Pig Cop. so don't expect a single rocket to do the trick. On top of that, they move very fast, jump high, can claw you at close range, and have a nasty ability to emit shrink rays. Their main purpose is to protect their newborn alien Queen, so be very afraid when you see one. Are only found in the Plutonium Pak.


This sleek and deadly anti-gravity powered reconnaissance vehicle is operated by specially trained Pig Cops for the purpose of maintaining alien control in areas of human resistance. The attack mode of this craft is aerial strafing by side mounted laser cannons. The pilots of these craft are protected by an automatic pilot ejection mechanism that activates milliseconds before impact during a crash.


This character's abundant brain mass and specialized trifocal vision combine to make the Octabrain a formidable alien weapon against all sentient life on Earth. Their method of attack is a powerful blast of mental energy released against its prey, thus weakening and confusing its intended victim. If the victim doesn't die from the mind blast, the Octabrain's powerful razor sharp teeth are ready to finish the job.


It emerges from its egg pod with a simple nervous system and only one mission in life - to suck your brains out through your nose and leave you a lifeless heap on the floor. The Protzoid Slimer is evasive as it stretches its elastic body from ceiling to floor, and then creeps up your pant leg for the coup de gras. Get them before they get you.


Mechanized death - there is no better way to describe these airborne alien watchdogs. By the time you hear their high pitched whine as they engage their anti-grav propulsion units, it's probably too late. The Drone will swiftly collide with its target and explode with great force.


With ripper blazing, the armored Enforcer can make fast business of dispatching any remaining human opposition. Powerful hind legs enable the Enforcer to leap to many places where an unsuspecting Duke may be caught off guard... so beware. The Enforcer may drop either ripper ammo or his armored breastplate when killed.


The free-floating Assault Commander knows how to throw his weight around as he engages his anti-grav spin-deck in your face. When at greater distances, he fires a deadly rockets from his rear port which dangles below his anti-grav spin-deck. The Assault Commander may drop a supply of rockets when killed.


Same as the First Boss just smaller. You will only find him in the harder skill levels. He is also faster to kill.

The Bosses

You will encounter four different alien bosses, each determined to rip off your head and shi... well you get the idea


He is the first wave of the attack on Earth and has already succeeded in transforming the LAPD. It's got a giant Chaingun and has lots of Pipe Bombs. It's good to have a jetpack and an RPG with you when you are going against him. You can meet this guy in Episode 1 on Level 5 (The Abyss).


He is the leader of a plan to make a base on the moon where it will launch a full scale assault against Earth. It has a big set of rocket launchers on his back and is a fast runner. When your away from him he fires dual rockets so you better be good at dodging. Soon as you open the door to it's lair, it will run out and smash your face in so have a jetpack or a bottle of 'roids handy. You can find this him in Episode 2 level 9 (Overlord).


He is the leader of the entire operation to take over Earth. This big guy shoots out what the Octabrain does but shoots many at once and will also shoot out rockets. He can shoot in any direction so be careful. You can use the jetpack and jet up to the Duff Beer Blimp and shoot at it. It will explode and weapons and things will fly to the ground so you can use them to defeat the boss. You can find this guy in Episode 3 on level 9 (The Stadium).


Data on the Queen is very scetchy at the moment, but here is what I have. Apparently she is laying mass amounts of Protector Drones and she may be aquatic in nature. Perhaps you will have better luck with her than the past 15 operatives that have failed to report back. You can find her in the Plutonium Pak in Episode 4 level 10 (The Queen).

I need a picture of the Assault Captain.